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Showing posts from February 1, 2009

Connecting to FNAL machine under windows.

Here's how to connect under Ubuntu Linux. A patched version of PuTTY which supports Kerberos/gssapi authentication can be found at Download the zip file to your desktop and unzip it. You will also need to download and install MIT Kerberos for Windows. The Kerberos for Windows installer can be found at The MIT Kerberos download page. To get your Kerberos ticket : Select Start ->All Programs->Kerberos for Windows->Network Identity Manager Enter your Kerberos principal, password and FNAL.GOV for the realm and click Login. Launch putty and click on the Auth configuration category. * Make sure that the Attempt Kerberos 5 GSSAPI/SSPI auth (SSH2) checkbox is checked. * Make sure that the Allow Kerberos 5 ticket forwarding in GSSAPI/SSPI checkbox is checked. To connect to the FNA...


########################################### # # Single top e+jets signal selection, data # ########################################### cafe.Include: top_cafe/configs/singletop/ejets_p21/SingleTopEJets_Base_p21_recaf.config cafe.Input: /rooms/roadhouse3/top_write/aguiloe/vjets_recaffed_skim/test_em/p17/vjets-recaffed-ejets-fall2008_CAF-CSGv1-CSskim-EMinclusive-20060315-085934-2192417_p17.09.03_143348_p18.13.00.root cafe.Progress: 5000 VJets.SampleName: p17_CC_QCD_Test cafe.Output: %{VJets.SampleName}_Topo.root VJets.RecoVer: p17 VJets.DataSet: EMinclusive_Moriond2009 VJets.Triggers: EM_MegaOR VJets.EMInput_Branch: EMscone ########################################### QCDElectronHook.Run: Group(QCDElectron) qcd_electron.Quality: Loose qcd_electron.Version: 12 VJets.VetoEM_Quality: %{qcd_electron.Quality} VJets.VetoEM_Version: %{qcd_electron.Version} VJets.VetoEM_Nmax: 1 VJets.LooseEM_Qua...