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Showing posts from July 25, 2021


  A男,38,年新$150K+,未婚,一个人住一个很大的single house,今年初买入另一个大的house,两个房子距离20mile左右,空在那里,周末过去打理草坪。。。。 比较狠的事迹是,房子成交之后,特意take 了一周的假期,开车尾随房子周围的6家 邻居,每天早出晚归,回来对偶同事说,基本上摸清楚了邻居们都是在哪里工作,开什么车子,孩子在哪里daycare等等情况,说很放心,这些人都还算正经人家。 后来又传来一个更狠的事迹,新家没有用waste management,该男每次将垃圾放在车上,途经路上一间餐馆的露天垃圾箱扔进去,这样过了2个月,被该餐馆老板发觉,告上当地法庭,被判罚款16000刀。 后来同事又传言说该男在过去10年里从来没买过卫生纸,基本上从学校厕所拿,上班后从公司拿。。。而且拿的很有技巧,用半卷去换新的一卷,用了一半之后再带回去换新的。。。所以没人发觉。。。。 -----------------------华丽丽的分割线--------------------------- 某男B60年出生,出国时与原配离婚,小孩随母亲在国内农村。出国时办了个假身份证 , 把出生年改成64年,开始上网,托朋友到处找mm,果然在另一州找到一大龄女破 是到C,急不可耐过去上床,回来叹气说,唉好像生过孩子,然后就对C不冷不 热,C追问之下,B想出一个巨狠的理由将C据掉,说几周前走路上被邻居的狗咬到鸡鸡,结果阳痿并失去生育能力。。。云云。。。C听此bullshit,恶 心而退。 此同时从国内搭上一年轻mm,比自己小15岁。于是再次委托国内牛人,办另一假身份证把生年改成67年。回国相亲,对方父母觉得 太老,解释说出生农村,从小干体力 活,但是自强不息,最后拿到10万美金奖学金出国。。。。带给未来岳父的礼物是几十支1毛钱一只的口服液,在 costco买的,说中国买不到,一定要喝啊。。。 这些都不是最狠的,最狠的是,07年初联系到国内某高校任教,7月份开始正式回国工 作。从一月份开始,此男开始频繁参加教会活动,受洗做见证,经常流泪说自己有罪,是神改变了自己,平时还经常去帮忙搬家什么的,周围认识的人都说一向ws 的B怎么变了一个人。6月份向教会的20多个家庭分别借了1万到5万刀美金(理由是妹妹得绝症要换肾。。。),7月份突然回国,从此再无踪影。到此时大...

The Train


 发信人: YourDad (YourDad), 信区: History 标  题: 美帝的制度性腐败和不平等 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 28 22:22:07 2021, 美东) 这是最近爆出来的一个税法漏洞: million-or-more-has-tripled-congress-says Roth IRA里最多的有50亿资产,是硅谷大佬Peter Thiel的。 川大总统也是一个代表,好多年一分钱税都不交。 美帝富人可以想到各种办法发现和利用法律漏洞,然后从中得利,然后政府拿他们毫无 办法。想堵住漏洞?首先得先过富人收买的政客关,就算好不容易堵住了,富人钱也赚 到了,还可以继续发现别的漏洞。屁民在这个系统下永远处于下风,因为没钱雇用好的 律师和政客来利用法律漏洞。所以美帝这里贫富差距越来越大。 这也是美帝这样资本主义社会的一个致命问题,就是资本的力量太大,资本的力量可以 转移到政治圈,让富人在政治上处于一个完全跟屁民不在一个层次的社会。 --

In Harm's Way

The Mechanic

Breakheart Pass

Backdoor Roth IRA (How to Fill Out IRS Form 8606) - A Deep Dive by The W...

How To Install a *NEW* USB wall Outlet Easy

PRO RATA RULE for Backdoor Roth IRA - Explained

The Pro-Rata Rule and Backdoor Roth Conversions

 For tax purposes, the IRS considers all your (seemingly separate) IRAs as one big account. The pro-rata rule boils down to the percentage of your total combined IRA balances that has yet to be taxed. Whatever that percentage is determines the percentage of your backdoor Roth IRA conversion that will be taxed. For example, let’s say you have $94,000 in existing traditional IRAs that were funded with pre-tax dollars. And now you contribute $6,000 to a new traditional IRA with after-tax dollars, then immediately convert that $6,000 to a Roth via the backdoor Roth IRA strategy. As far as the IRS is concerned, you now have $100,000 in traditional IRAs, and the $6,000 you are contributing with after-tax dollars represents 6% of your total. That means only $360 of your $6,000 backdoor conversion is tax-free (6% of $6,000). You owe income tax on the other $5,640 you backdoored.

How Roth IRA Contributions Are Taxed

Contributions to a traditional IRA are made with pre-tax dollars and may be tax-deductible, depending on your income and if you or your spouse are covered by a retirement plan at work . If you are eligible to deduct your traditional IRA contributions, it will lower the amount of your gross income that’s subject to taxes. And that effectively lowers the amount of tax you owe for that year. When you start withdrawing from these accounts after your retirement, however, you’ll pay taxes on those funds at your ordinary income tax rate . That's why the traditional IRA is called a "tax-deferred" account. 10% The percentage of taxpayers in the United States that have a Roth IRA, according to the Tax Policy Center. 9   Roth IRAs do not benefit from the same upfront tax break that traditional IRAs receive. The contributions are made with after-tax dollars. So, a Roth IRA will not reduce your tax bill for the year that you make contributions. Inst...

Police Story: Lockdown