被collect company追债了 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 2 19:48:06 2009, 美东) As I work at collection department of a major credit card company (top 5), I dont agree above opinions. Here is a summary if you are too busy to read all this long post: 1. If already charge off, there is no big difference between paying and no paying them at all since the damage to your credit score already happened and will affect you in 7 years. If you still want pay them, you could pay much less to settle down the case by negotiating with them. Based on industry standard, you could pay 10% to 75% of your principle and completely waived all fees and interest charge.Even you pay full amount without negotiation, there is NO incremental benefit. 2. If not charge off yet, it is common to negotiate with the agency to pay less than you original owe and get the case settle. The bottom line is only pay full principle and waive all interest and penalty fee. Even you pay full amount without negotiation...