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Showing posts from May 10, 2020

ideapad 330S-14IKB (81F4018AMX) - Power Delivery?

It is Gen 1, so it does not support video output. The bandwidth is just not enough. As far as I know, it would also require either DisplayPort Alt Mode or Thunderbolt 3 support for display output over Type-C. Only port replicators with, like, USB3 ports and an Ethernet port will work, but not display outputs. As already told before, it does not feature Power Delivery, so it will not receive power from the port. Not even USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 supports that, and we just have 3.2 Gen 1x1.


What is Log? The logarithm, or log, is the inverse of the mathematical operation of   exponentiation . This means that the log of a number is the number that a fixed base has to be raised to in order to yield the number. Conventionally, log implies that base 10 is being used, though the base can technically be anything. When the base is e, ln is usually written, rather than log e . log 2 , the   binary   logarithm, is another base that is typically used with logarithms. If for example: x = b y ; then y = log b x; where b is the base Each of the mentioned bases are typically used in different applications. Base 10 is commonly used in science and engineering, base e in math and physics, and base 2 in computer science. Basic Log Rules When the argument of a logarithm is the product of two numerals, the logarithm can be re-written as the addition of the logarithm of each of the numerals. log b (x × y) = log b x + log b y EX: log(1 × 10) = log(1) + log(10) = 0 + 1 = 1 When the...


近日,Facebook CEO 扎克伯格透露公司正在研究一款可用于AR眼镜的脑机接口技术,但该技术并非将AR眼镜以植入性芯片的形式进行,而是希望能开发成可量产的可穿戴技术。 类似《刀剑神域》中那般脑机接口被认为是虚拟现实的最终形态,也是最理想的形态,然而这个离我们似乎还有些遥远。 一直想要发展VR社交的Facebook,一边在规划几十年后的未来,同时也在踏踏实实地走好每一步。比如刚刚公布的Codec Avatars技术,就让VR社交中的虚拟人物表情动作达到了非常真实的状态,仿佛在虚拟世界中复刻了一个“真实”的你。 研究助理Autumn Trimble正坐在“Mugsy”里面,Mugsy正是Facebook位于匹兹堡的Facebook Reality Lab(FRL,原来Oculus 研发实验室Oculus Research),用于创建“codec avatars”的捕获设施之一。 视频画面中有一名年轻女子,她的眼睛闪烁着光芒说:“门口站着一个大块头的傻瓜。然后他说:‘你以为你是谁,莲娜·荷恩(上世纪美国超级黑人巨星)吗?’我说虽然我不是荷恩,但我就像姐姐一样了解荷恩。” 上面这段独白来自沃顿·琼斯的戏剧《1940年的广播时刻》的开场白。画面中的年轻女子继续说着这段台词,能看出来她很清楚自己在做什么。当她详细讲述门卫的声调变化时,脸上荡漾出笑容,就像在跟你讲笑话一般。她咬字准确时,嘴唇的形状会发生恰到好处的变化,声音抑扬顿挫。她的表情经过如此精细的校准,朗读台词时如此地胸有成竹,再加上黑色背景,恍然之中你会觉得自己仿佛正置身于百老汇剧院,眼前在上演的正是上世纪70年代后期的百老汇戏剧。 唯一的不足之处就是:她脖子以下的身体都消失不见了。 Yaser Sheikh伸出手停止了视频的播放。刚刚画面中的年轻女子实际上是一个看上去极其逼真的VR虚拟化身,她令人惊艳的表现背后是收集的数据在运作。Sheikh是FRL的负责人,他还拿出了另一个令人印象更加深刻的视频。在该视频中,刚刚的那个女子和一个男子都戴着VR头显。在屏幕的左侧,真实世界中的他们正戴着头显在聊天; 而与此同时,在屏幕右侧,他们的虚拟化身正在听着精彩绝伦的音乐会。他们聊天的话题却很稀松平常,聊的是热瑜伽——这样的场景是对未来生活的惊鸿一瞥。 Facebook的新黑科技: Codec Avatars 多年以来,人们在...

Distributed Applications

What’s the difference between Decentralized and Distributed ?

The terms ‘decentralized’ and ‘distributed’ are often used when talking about blockchains — and often confused, for the difference is not always obvious. Bitcoin’s blockchain protocol, for instance, is a decentralized system for exchanging digital cash — but it’s also an example of distributed ledger technology. What’s going on? Centralization and decentralization refer to levels of control . In a centralized system, control is exerted by just one entity (a person or an enterprise, for example). In a decentralized system, there is no single controlling entity. Instead, control is shared among several independent entities. Distribution refers to differences of location . In a non-distributed (or co-located) system, all the parts of the system are in the same physical location. In a distributed system, parts of the system exist in separate locations. Allow me to clarify using examples. Imagine you are writing a document using the Microsoft Word application on a PC running t...

Enable passwordless sudo for ansible

In order to fully control a remote machine we need to be able to execute command on the remote machines as user root . There are a number of ways to accomplish this. Each one with a slightly different security implication. Some of our options to execute commands as root We can log in to the remote server as user root providing password on each login. We can log in to the remote server as user root using ssh keys. We can login as an unprivileged user and then use sudo after providing the password of the user. We can login as an unprivileged user and then use sudo without providing a password. We'll try he last two now. Our inventory.cfg looks like this: [all] [all:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 We are running on our manager machine as user foo and we are accessing the remote machine as user foo . Let's check if we can use Ansible at all. $ ansible -i inventory.cfg all -m ping 192.168.56....