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Showing posts from December 14, 2014

旧金山游之暴走篇发信人: chuchairen (Chuchairen), 信区: Travel 标  题: 旧金山游之暴走篇 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug  3 23:43:31 2010, 美东) 说暴走,其实是坐车/走路相结合。第二天的活动都是在旧金山市区内,而不菲的市区 停车费,方便的公交系统和体验Cable Car的打算使弃驾择行成为自然而然的事情。 前一天晚上住的是位于旧金山国际机场南面若1英里的假日快捷酒店(Holiday Inn Express SAN FRANCISCO-AIRPORT SOUTH),去Bart轻轨Millbrae站非常方便。Bart是 San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District的缩写,简称湾区快速交通,是旧 金山湾区的快速交通系统。具体车费详情和时间表请参考其官网(。 1. Bart轻轨Millbrae站 坐Bart轻轨进旧金山,在Powell站下,一出轻轨站就马上可以看到市政府办的旧金山旅 游咨询中心(San Francisco's Visitor Information Center:。里面拿地图和咨询都是免费,我的经验是它的公车地图是最有用的。 2. Powell站出口一抬头满眼里是带有欧陆风情的建筑 3. 到了旧金山Cable Car是一定要坐的,一来几个重要的景点如渔人码头,九曲花街等 可以直接坐到,二来也是体验旧金山整个城市沿山而建,沉伏起落的特色的最佳途径。 4. Cable Car单程是五美元(一年多前的价格),若当天要坐至少两次,那买公交日票 Muni 1-day Passport (09年五月的价格是$11)合算。原因是不开车的话你肯定还要 坐一般的公车到其它如金门桥南端,Alamo Square和艺术宫(Palace of Fine Arts) 等景点,而一张普通的车票是两美元。 5. Cable Car的起点就在Westfield San Francisco Cen...

罗辑思维 2013:第57期 中国为什么有前途 Online Thinking Course

Real-time bidding (RTB

http://gengwg.blo Real-time bidding ( RTB ) refers to the means by which ad inventory is bought and sold on a per-impression basis, via programmatic instantaneous auction, similar to financial markets. [ 1 ] With real-time bidding, advertising buyers bid on an impression and, if the bid is won, the buyer’s ad is instantly displayed on the publisher’s site. [ 2 ] Real-time bidding lets advertisers manage and optimize ads from multiple ad-networks by granting the user access to a multitude of different networks, allowing them to create and launch advertising campaigns, prioritize networks and allocate percentages of unsold inventory, known as backfill. [ 3 ] Kevin Reynolds [ who? ] distinguishes real-time bidding as a dynamic bidding process where each impression is bid for in (near) real time, against a static auction where the impressions are typically bundled in groups of 1,000. [ 4 ] Contents 1 How it works 1.1 Demand side platforms 1.2 Supply side...

Online advertising, Online advertising , also called online marketing or Internet advertising , is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising . Like other advertising media, online advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the publisher's content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies who help generate and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser. Online advertising is a large business and is growing rapidly. In 2011, Internet adv...

Zuora Day Keynote: The Death of ERP

罗辑思维 2013:第52期 谁杀死了罗马 Online Thinking Course

virtual IP address A virtual IP address ( VIP or VIPA ) is an IP address assigned to multiple applications residing on a single server, multiple domain names, or multiple servers, rather than being assigned to a specific single server or network interface card (NIC). Incoming data packets are sent to the VIP address which are routed to actual network interfaces. A server IP address depends on the MAC address of the attached NIC. However, VIP addressing enables hosting for several different applications and virtual appliances on a server with only one logical IP address. VIPs have several variations and implementation scenarios, including Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) and Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (Proxy ARP). Usage VIPs are mostly used to consolidate resources through the allocation of one network interface per hosted application. It is also used for connection redundancy by providing alternative fail-over options on one machine; a...

实时传输协议 实时传输协议 ( Real-time Transport Protocol 或简写 RTP )是一个 网络传输协议 ,它是由IETF的多媒体传输工作小组1996年在 RFC 1889 中公布的。 国际电信联盟 ITU-T也发布了自己的RTP文档,作为H.225.0,但是后来当IETF发布了关于它的稳定的标准RFC后就被取消了。它作为 因特网 标准在 RFC 3550 (该文档的旧版本是 RFC 1889 )有详细说明。 RFC 3551 (STD 65,旧版本是 RFC 1890 )详细描述了使用最小控制的音频和视频会议。 RTP协议详细说明了在 互联网 上传递音频和视频的标准数据包格式。它一开始被设计为一个 多播 协议,但后来被用在很多 单播 应用中。RTP协议常用于 流媒体 系统(配合RTSP协议),视频会议和 一键通 ( Push to Talk )系统(配合H.323或SIP),使它成为 IP电话 产业的技术基础。RTP协议和RTP控制协议 RTCP 一起使用,而且它是建立在 UDP协议 上的。 封包結構 + 位元 0-1 2 3 4-7 8 9-15 16-31 0 Ver. P X CC M PT 序號 32 Timestamp 64 SSRC identifier 96 ... CSRC identifiers ... 96+(CC×32) Additional header (optional), indicates length "AHL" 96+(CC×32) + (X×(AHL+16)) Data   Ver .(2 bits)是目前協定的版本號碼,目前版號是 2。 P (1 bit)是用於RTP 封包(packet)結束點的預留空間,視封包是否需要多餘的填塞空間。 X (1 bit)是否在使用延伸空間於封包之中。. CC (4 bits)包含了 CSRC 數目用於修正標頭(fixed header). M (1 bit) 是用於應用等級以及其原型(profile)的定義。如果不為零表示目前的資料有特別的程式解譯。 PT (...