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Showing posts from August 26, 2018

How to Find Out the Maximum RAM Capacity for Your Computer

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory that your computer uses to store data from programs that are in use. Generally, the more RAM you have installed, the more programs you can run at once. The amount you can install, however, is determined by both your hardware and your computer's operating system. You will need to check both to figure out how much RAM you can add to your computer. Quick Summary If you’re using a Mac, search for your system model on the Apple website to find out the maximum amount of RAM it can handle. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, your system can support up to 4 GB. If you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows, it can handle up to 128 GB. Did this summary help you? Part 1 Checking Your Operating System 1 Determine if Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit. The Windows operating system has a maximum amount of RAM that it will recognize. If you have more RAM installed than is allowed, the extra RAM will n...

Vagrant 单机快速模拟集群

致谢 转载自 |  作者 | Imquanquan 概述 在学生时代,如果想自学 Ansible Puppet 这种部署工具,或者说 Ceph、Kubernetes 这种分布式存储系统和容器编排工具。在实习或者工作以前可能会苦于没有实战的环境。这个时候虚拟机就因运而生了,而 Vagrant 正是快速的,便于管理的虚拟机管理工具,只要你机子资源足够,用它可以很快地模拟一个小型的集群环境。 logo 安装 在 ubuntu 下,Vagrant 的安装很简单,直接用包管理工具即可: sudo apt install virtualbox vagrant Vagranfile 跟 Docker 与 Dockerfile 一样, Vagrant 中的虚拟机创建也需要 Vagrantfile。Vagranfile 用来定义你想要起多少台虚拟机,以及它们的配置怎样。 下面是的 Vagrantfile 演示了创建四台虚拟机来模拟集群环境。这四台虚拟机分别是一台 deploy,三个 node 节点,可以用于部署 ceph 的小型集群。 Vagrant . configure ( "2" ) do | config |  config . vm . define "deploy" do | deploy |    deploy . vm . provider "virtualbox" do | v |        v . name = "deploy"        v . memory = 512        v . cpus = 1     end    deploy . vm . box = "debian/stretch64"    deploy . vm . ...