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Showing posts from December 13, 2020

PyPI Service Degradati

Incident Report for Python Infrastructure Subscribe to Updates Update The XMLRPC Search endpoint is still disabled due to ongoing request volume. As of this update, there has been no reduction in inbound traffic to the endpoint from abusive IPs and we are unable to re-enable the endpoint, as it would immediately cause PyPI service to degrade again. We are working with the abuse contact at the owner of the IPs and trying to make contact with the maintainers of whatever tool is flooding us via other channels. Posted 3 days ago. Dec 15 , 2020 - 20:59 UTC Monitoring With the temporary disabling of XMLRPC we are hoping that the mass consumer that is causing us trouble wi...


 北美华人的最应该感恩的3个人: 1. Dr. Martin Luther King jr.,没有他的民权运动, 今天的美国华人只能在唐人街 居住,子女只能在唐人街上学,哪里还敢梦想美国华人今天的繁荣景象。我们中国人应 该感谢黑人用命拼来的平权运动成果AA,没有 M.L.K, 今天你们的子女的工作 前途就 是中国餐馆,就是密西西比的摘棉花工作。 2. Barack Obama,  Obama给了我们中国人10年签证, 任期里面还是作了惊天动地的事情 ,今天的美国华人,得益于obama, 美国华人的社会和经济地位都大提高,更多的华人 从政,做律师,医生,教授。美国大学里,也随处可见大陆来的小留学生, 这种情况 ,在8年前都不敢想像。Obama那时候, 新移民还有廉租房, 医疗保险, 最低生活保障。 Trump 要把旅美签证的有效期缩短到一个月。 3. Kamala Harris, 华人尤其是应该感谢Harris 的 S.386法案。美国每年发放给职业 技术移民的绿卡数是14万份。为公平起见,每个国家移民的配额,不能超过总移民配额 的7% 。换言之,每个国家每年可以分到约9800张 绿卡配额。这个数字,对于印度和中国这种绿卡申请大户来说,明显是不够用的。那每 年多出来的申请者怎么办呢?那就排队,积压到下一年处理。有了这个法案, 北美就会 有更多的华人移民.

The Virus: What Went Wrong? (full film) | FRONTLINE

For What It’s Worth

  While FWIW isn’t the most popular piece of slang on the internet, it routinely finds its way into Twitter posts, message boards, and chat rooms. But what does FWIW mean, where’d it come from, and how do you use it? For What It’s Worth FWIW means “for what it’s worth.” It’s an idiom that rarely carries any literal meaning, and it’s used to politely express that someone should consider an opinion, idea, or fact (usually because their opinion is flawed). If it helps, imagine that FWIW means, “You can ignore what I’m going to say, but I think you should hear it anyway.” The phrase doesn’t really change the overall meaning of your sentence, it just adds a polite tone to what you’re saying. So instead of telling a friend, “You have no idea what you’re talking about, 4K TVs have four times the pixel resolution of HD TVs,” you could just say, “FWIW, 4K TVs have four times the pixel resolution of HD TVs.” Interestingly, FWIW can also be used to inject a snarky, empathet...