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Showing posts from January 28, 2018

Lenovo 720s 14" Laptop: i7-8550U, 8GB RAM, 256GB PCIe SSD, MX150, 1080p, Win 10

Lenovo has Lenovo 720s 14" Laptop (81BD001QUS) for $849.99 - $42.50 w/ coupon code  SURPRISE5 = $807.49 . Shipping is free . Thanks Suryasis Specs Intel Core i7-8550U CPU 14" 1920x1080 IPS Anti-Glare Display 8GB DDR4 Memory 256GB PCIe Solid State Drive NVIDIA GeForce GT MX150 2GB Graphics Inputs 2x USB 3.0 1x USB 3.1 Type-C Thunderbolt 1x HDMI Backlit Keyboard 802.11ac WiFi + Bluetooth 4.1 4-Cell Battery Windows 10 Home

The Linux Process Scheduler

The scheduler is the component of the kernel that selects which process to run next. The scheduler (or process scheduler, as it is sometimes called) can be viewed as the code that divides the finite resource of processor time between the runnable processes on a system. The scheduler is the basis of a multitasking operating system such as Linux. By deciding what process can run, the scheduler is responsible for best utilizing the system and giving the impression that multiple processes are simultaneously executing. The idea behind the scheduler is simple. To best utilize processor time, assuming there are runnable processes, a process should always be running. If there are more processes than processors in a system, some processes will not always be running. These processes are waiting to run. Deciding what process runs next, given a set of runnable processes, is a fundamental decision the scheduler must make. Multitasking operating systems come in...

Market 2018-02-02 and ER Analysis of FB, GOOG, AMZN & AAPL

It is a bloody Friday. The economy added 200,000 jobs in January as the unemployment rate stayed at 4.1 percent. Treasury yields jump again, 10-yr note @ 2.84% . The high interest fear causes the panic sell in market today. As I said last weekend, market was facing selling pressure this week. For the week, Nasdaq -3.9%, S&P 500 -3.5%, Dow Jones -4.2%. Crude -1.09% to $65.08. Gold -1.09% to $1,333.20. Dollar recovers ( UUP +0.6% ). Another focus this week is the earnings from Big Four: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google 1. Cloud Service Amazon is known as online retailer. However, the majority operating income ( 60% ) comes from its AWS (Amazon Web Service Cloud), which presents 10% revenue in 2017. AWS is growing at 45% YoY, which is much slower than Microsoft ( 98% ) and Google (claimed to be the fastest). Therefore, Microsoft and Google are eroding the market share from Amazon. Behind this three are IBM and Oracle. IBM cloud is growing at 24% rate. 2. Adve...

2018年报税新变化 这几件事一定要注意

一丶谁需要报税 美国公民,美国永久居民和居民外国人,通过在美实际居住的测试,需要向美国国税局(IRS)申报相关收入和海外金融资产情况。如在2017年1月1日-2017年12月31日之间登陆美国,获得绿卡,需要就登陆后到年底的收入和海外金融资产情况在2018年度报税截止日前申报披露。非居住外国人如果有美国来源产生的收入,也需要就美国境内收入向国税局申报。 二丶如何报税 (1) 登陆国税局网站www.irs.gov下载免费表格做纸质申报 (2) 登陆国税局网站www.irs.gov进免费申报(freefile)链接,这个一般是调整后收入(Adjusted Gross Income)小于规定的额度可以免费电子申报。 (3) 使用商业收费报税软件,如TurboTax, H&R Block等。 (4) 找会计师或报税员代理报税 三丶开始时间1月29日 国税局将于1月29日开始接受纳税申报,预计2018年将提交近1.55亿份个人纳税申报表。许多报税软件或税务专家可能在29号之前就开始接受纳税申报表,然后在IRS系统开放时提交报税表。国税局于1月29日开始接受电子和纸质的报税表,但随著系统更新的继续,纸质申报退款将在2月中旬之后开始处理。国税局鼓励大家以电子方式报税,以更快获得退款。 四丶截止日期4月17日 跟据联邦法律规定,报税截止日期如果赶上节假日或周末可以顺延,今年的报税截止日期是4月17日(星期二),纳税人在4月15日之后还有两天的时间申报。与去年相比,今年的报税季要短一些,大家安排好报税时间。 五丶延迟退税 国税局提醒纳税人,根据法律,国税局在2月中旬之前不能向纳税人发放所得税抵免(EITC)和额外儿童税收抵免(ACTC)退税。虽然IRS会在收到申请时处理这些退款,但在2月中旬之前无法发放。如果没有与其他纳税申报有关的问题,IRS预计EITC和ACTC最早的相关退款将会从2月27日开始。美国国税局推迟退税时间的理由是有更多的时间来检测虚假申报, 以免现金落入盗贼手中。 如不能于4月17日前申报,须在此日前递交延期申报4868表,延期至2018年10月15日。非美国税务居民或一直居住在海外的美国税务居民可自动延期至2018年6月15日申报。 请注意,财政部的海外金融资产信息披露表(FinCEN Form 114)需要在2018年4月17日前在财...


人们对红曲米的兴趣越来越浓,因为据称它有降低胆固醇的功效。由于药物控制胆固醇水平存在危及健康的副作用,很多人开始寻找天然方式作为替代疗法。那么红曲米真的有效吗? 历史记载表明,中国人早在公元400年前就开始把红曲米用于食用和医疗用途。它经常作为食品防腐剂,着色剂和调味品使用。例如,给北京烤鸭着色等。红曲米是用煮熟的大米添加红酵母发酵制作而成。中医用它促进血液循环,缓解消化不良和减轻腹泻症状。 除此之外,很多人可能还不知道这种米还有降低胆固醇的作用。这是因为在发酵过程中,红曲米会自然产生一种叫做洛弗斯塔特因(品牌名称是洛伐他汀,用于降低血液中胆固醇)的物质。这种物质可以在很多处方药中发现。尽管红曲米中的洛弗斯塔特因比一般药物含量少很多,但它仍然可以作为一种降低胆固醇的有效偏方使用。 但不幸的是,这种米在欧美国家使用也存在一些问题。首先,默克公司拥有洛伐他汀品牌专利使用权,因此生产和分销洛弗斯塔特因产品(Mevacor)是默克公司的业务。因此,含洛弗斯塔特因的红曲米在美国市场很难买到。并且很多能够买到的红曲米形式使用的是不同发酵方式,因此不会产生洛弗斯塔特因,这些米也因此没有降低胆固醇的功效。 其次,和他汀类药物控制胆固醇会导致副作用一样,红曲米也会产生一些类似药物的负面影响,如肌肉和关节疼痛,肝脏发炎,抑制身体重要酶 CoQ10发挥作用等。 因此,红曲米确实有降低胆固醇的可能,但并非是完美的解决方案。从安全角度看,药物治疗是更好的选择,因为可以在医生监控下使用。

标 题: Re: 国内医疗费太贵了,去医院取根鱼刺花了45元

发信人: RobotII (萝卜头), 信区: Military 标  题: Re: 国内医疗费太贵了,去医院取根鱼刺花了45元 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 31 16:31:44 2018, 美东) 真实病例:鱼刺扎喉咙,打电话给ENT医生,立刻去诊所,医生立刻见,在诊所呆了15 分钟,现金$60. 当然,这是白天,非急诊。 Urgent Care一般要比ER便宜多了。平时就要找好价格公道的 Urgent Care Clinic。免 得急切乱投医。象骨折,鱼刺,擦伤 这些常见的外伤,Urgent Care 比ER处理得快还 好。如果是正常工作日,那就直接找家庭医生。 --

Preparing for Phone Screen

Preparing for Phone Screen: ~1 hr phone call with a Lyft engineer Based on computer science fundamentals (supplemental reading found here ) You will use Coderpad You can also expect some questions that will help us figure out if we're a good match for each other from a communications standpoint Browse our blog post written by Lyft Engineer Anthony Velazquez, specifically about interviewing at Lyft Attend our interview training session; ask your recruiter when the next event will be held Technical Tips : Interview style is highly technical and focused on coding You may be asked about specifics of your past projects, implementations and how you arrived at your conclusions. Think about ways to improve the solution you'll present. Ask clarifying questions and think about ways to refine your answer Other Tips: Be sure to have at least one Lyft ride experience under your belt before you come in to meet with us, you’ll probably be asked abou...

Additional Technical Prep Material

Some Example of CS fundamental topics that may be included: Concurrency Caching Hashing Cloud Computing Layering Heaps Binary trees Linked lists Depth-first search Recursion Here are some links to some helpful texts: Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job by John Mongan and Noah Suojanen Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest/Stein: Introduction to Algorithms (the CLR textbook) For more information on Algorithms you can visit: