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Showing posts from January 7, 2018

California DMV to Offer REAL ID Driver Licenses and ID Cards in 2018

Federal Enforcement Begins October 1, 2020 Sacramento – The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will begin offering the option to apply for a federal compliant REAL ID driver license or identification (ID) card beginning January 22, 2018 at DMV offices statewide. Californians may choose either a REAL ID or a federal non-compliant card. The federal REAL ID Act of 2005 was passed by Congress in response to the events of 9/11. Under the REAL ID Act, all states must meet requirements set by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for its driver licenses and identification cards to be accepted for federal purposes, such as boarding a domestic flight or visiting a military base or certain federal facilities, by October 1, 2020.   The federal compliant REAL ID driver license or ID card is optional. A valid US Passport or US Passport Card, military ID, or other federally approved identification can be used to board a domestic flight or enter certain federal ...

舌尖上的San Jose | 收好这份硅谷人民呼声最高的觅食指南!

“舌尖上的湾区”系列,写了很多城市 但一直没有写我们最熟悉、却也陌生的San Jose…… 熟悉,是因为这里是硅谷腹地, 很多人在这里生活、工作、读书 陌生,因为说起这附近有什么吃的, 一时间总想不起来 而且中餐也略少, 不像南湾其他几个城市那么扎堆 思前想后,决定还是动笔写起来吧! 可能不是那么全,大家想到了再补充 San Jose Downtown 这里有SJSU、剧院、会展中心、博物馆 有全年不停的的演出、展览, 冬季热闹的Christmas in the Park 既有Adobe、Zoom、四大的写字楼 又有充满历史沧桑感的日本城 虽然停车是个问题,治安也有点堪忧 但不妨碍我们来觅食、喝酒, 在湾区大农村找到点城里人的感觉 Taurinus Brazilian Steak House 巴西烤肉自助,非常给力,提供 Rodizio style 的烤肉,是巴西烤肉中最受欢迎的品种。服务周到贴心,地理位置好,食物广受好评。气氛适合节庆约会。爱吃肉而且非常饿的朋友们首选这家~ (图片来自 Yelp ) 167  San Fernando St, San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 294-0110 Scott’s Seafood 价位较高的 海鲜+牛排馆 ,环境好服务佳,有看得到风景的天台。菜品是很标准的美式大菜,有点overpriced,但不失为正式宴请和约会的选择。 (图片来自 Yelp ) 185 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95113‘ (408) 971-1700 Firehouse No.1 Gastropub 进城了怎么能不喝酒!这家 酒吧+餐厅周四到周六都营业至半夜两点 ,纳帕的红酒、加州的精酿啤酒、各种现调鸡尾酒,还有招牌烤骨髓、鸡翅薯条等主菜和小食,绝对是深夜出来嗨皮或者借酒浇愁的好地方~ (图片来自 Yelp ) 69 N San Pedro St, San Jose, CA 95110 (408) 287-6969 B2 Coffee 位于San Pedro Square Market里的 咖啡馆 ,非常工业风...

2018年购物指南!Trader Joe's评选出最受欢迎的13种商品!

Trader Joe's编制了一份最受欢迎的商品名单,以庆祝其在商业上的第50年。Trader Joe's在全美范围内进行调查,将顾客和员工最喜欢的商品制作汇总成清单。如果你还在苦恼该买些什么,相信这13种商品绝对是你购物的首选! 1.最受欢迎冷冻食物 Mandarin Orange Chicken: $4.99 2.最受欢迎咖啡 Organic French Roast Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate: $9.99 3.最受欢迎奶酪 Unexpected Cheddar: $3.99 4.最受欢迎糖果 Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: $4.29 5.roses: $5.99 6.Facial Cleansing Oil: $6.99 7.TJ's Highland Single Malt Scotch: $16.99 8.Cold Pressed Matcha Green Tea Lemonade: $3.99 9.Hold the Cone!: $2.99 10.Organic Sriracha & Roasted Garlic BBQ Sauce: $2.99 11.Organic Broccoli Slaw: $1.69 12.Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches: $4.49 13.Plumcots: $2.79