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Showing posts from July 28, 2019

标 题: Re: youtube的手机app里广告比网页版多

发信人: weiqu (微趣), 信区: Military 标  题: Re: youtube的手机app里广告比网页版多 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug  2 16:23:49 2019, 美东) 这还不是咱对付疯了的YouTube的广告的办法. 你不能背着电视出门, 有时还是要手机 上看YouTube. 你需要“黑过的” YouTube app, YouTube vanced! 网页的YouTube视频, 用浏览器看, 即使你的浏览器自带add block, YouTube 不理 , 照发广告!常常看完广告, 就停在那里, 据说是狡猾的Google马工的恶作剧! 咱就copy paste 到YouTube vanced, 这叫惹不起, 咱还躲不过! Google在作死!咱 现在很少上YouTube了! :( 【 在 swjtuer(码农的小船说翻就翻) 的大作中提到: 】 <br>: 属实,一个广告没有 <br>: [在  weiqu (微趣) 的大作中提到:] <br>: :是的,  <br>: :用chromecast, 没有广告!别告诉其他人! <br>

Why is 'ls' suddenly wrapping items with spaces in single quotes?

I just noticed that on one of my machines (running Debian Sid) whenever I type  ls  any file name with spaces has single quotes surrounding it. I immediately checked my aliases, only to find them intact. wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls 'test 1.txt' test1.txt wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ alias alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias wget='wget --content-disposition' wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ (picture) Another test, with files containing single quotes in their names (also answering a request by jimmij): wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls 'test 1.txt' test1.txt 'thishasasinglequotehere'\''.txt' wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ touch "'test 1.txt'" wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls ''\''test 1.txt'\''' test1.txt 'test 1.txt' 'thishasasinglequotehere'\''.txt' (picture) update with new coreutils-8.26 output (which is admittedly much less confusing, but still irri...

Engineer shows how to convert a van in 7 days and a $1000 budget