Description Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) systems are server platforms with more than one system bus. These platforms can utilize multiple processors on a single motherboard, and all processors can access all the memory on the board. When a processor accesses memory that does not lie within its own node (remote memory), data must be transferred over the NUMA connection at a rate that is slower than it would be when accessing local memory. Thus, memory access times are not uniform and depend on the location (proximity) of the memory and the node from which it is accessed. References Configuration Mapping between PCI, device driver, port and NUMA 1. How do I map between a PCI, device, port and NUMA? 2. How do I map a port and to a CPU (numa_node)? 3. How do I map the PCI (root and function) to a numa_node? 4. How do I map the CPU Cores to the NUMA node? Invoking Application on specific NUMA node 1. How do I run applications on ...