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Showing posts from January 5, 2020

Understanding PXE technology

Andrew & Evelyn Yang on The View (Full Interview)

Interpreting the output of lspci

On Linux, the   lspci   command lists all PCI devices connected to a host (a computer). Modern computers and PCI devices communicate with each other via   PCI Express   buses instead of the older   Conventional PCI   and   PCI-X   buses since the former buses offer many advantages such as higher throughput rates, smaller physical footprint and native   hot plugging   functionality. The high performance of the PCI Express bus has also led it to take over the role of other buses such as   AGP ; it is also expected that   SATA   buses too   will be replaced   by PCI Express buses in the future as   solid-state drives   become faster and therefore demand higher throughputs from the bus they are attached to (see   this article   for more on this topic). As a first step, open a terminal and run   lspci   without any flags (note:   lspci   may show more information if executed...

标 题: Re: 94086新th还是95050sfh

发信人: qsy602 (潜水员), 信区: SanFrancisco 标  题: Re: 94086新th还是95050sfh 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 28 14:16:17 2017, 美东) 个人认为还是 95050 SFH 好些 1、湾区是地值钱,现在地越来越少了,所以房子越盖越高。如果买了房收到county的 地税估价报告你会发现,房子只占总价的20%左右,土地占了80%。虽然TH也有地,但是 因为有HOA, 你没法自行决定加盖或改建,你的地等于多了一道管家婆。 2、TH 有HOA, 这个是终身的。HOA有几个问题需要特别注意,一个是HOA的金额会随着 房子年龄增长而增长。二是HOA在计算income tax不能抵扣应纳税所得额。三是HOA对房 屋出租等会有限制条款。 TH过个10年左右,需要大修时,有些HOA钱不够了,会向owner一次性过收取大额的 special assessments来维修。如果是维修屋顶 墙体或水管,有时一次性收个几万刀的 都有。这个业主是赖不掉的,要是没钱,HOA可以帮你找贷款,让你每月还款。目前湾 区很多老TH condo有这些问题,如果有大额的special assessments, 目前的HOA 余额 不足的话,很大银行是不放贷的。 如果买TH有用于将来出租的打算或投资的话,得仔细看看HOA 的条款,看看有没有rent restriction和其他的限制。 3、95050和94086离得近,具体要看你买哪里的房子。交通那个上,如果去MV,肯定 94086方便些。95050比94086片东一些去MV和SJ的硬件公司也方便,在中间。 4、94086 很多房子在superfund上。现在一房难求,而且抢房的年轻人和新Agent很多 ,大多对superfund 不以为然。其实这个土地污染还是要注意,买房时尽量避开为好。 硅谷得名来自于硅,早年的工厂对废弃垃圾没有做环保处理,填埋形成了现在的 superfund。这个导致湾区原来畸形儿出生比例远高于美国其他地区。现在房子抢疯了 ,没人在乎这个了,还有就是大家都是新人,很多人都不知道这个危害。 其实老的SFH选址是有原因的,大部分的都选在了合适的地区,一般不会选在有问题的 土地上。人口越...

Labor certification

Labor certification (not to be confused with the Labor Condition Application - LCA) is a United States of America immigration process step. Its stated goal is to " protect U.S. workers and the U.S. labor market by ensuring that foreign workers seeking immigrant visa classifications are not displacing equally qualified U.S. workers". [1] There are several options available to US employers who wish to hire foreign, non-immigrant workers on a temporary but long-term basis: H-1B visas , L-1 visas , TN status and other options. These temporary options are often sufficient to meet the needs of employer and employee. When a US employer wishes to hire the services of the foreign worker on a permanent basis, however, a complex sponsorship process for the green card begins, a process that can take years. [2] Generally (although not always) the first step in that process is labor certification. Labor certification is a process of proving that there are no quali...

LC vs LCA – what is the difference?

Employers often commonly confuse the LCA (Labor Condition Application) with the LC (PERM Labor Certification). So, what is the difference between an LCA and a LC? →  The Labor Certification (or LC) is a process related to an application for permanent residency (aka a “green card”).  This is a lengthy, complex process in which an employer must follow a process to prove to the Department of Labor (DOL) that there are no available willing and qualified U.S. workers for the given job.  This process can take up to six months to prepare and up to two years to be adjudicated by DOL. → The Labor Condition Application (or LCA), on the other hand, is a form related to an H-1B petition filed by an employer in order to hire a professional worker.  The form is the vehicle by which an employer attests that it will protect wages by paying the H-1B employee a stated amount, protect working conditions, by not making the H-1B worker under condit...