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Showing posts from September 8, 2013


[Note]:  Another version with pictures and music is available at:     ------------------------------------------------------------------ 张的主要结果是一流的,他证明了关于素数分布的一个里程碑式的定理。                 --- 美国数学年鉴审稿人,2013年5月 基本上,这个领域里没有人知道他(张益唐),而现在,仿似一夜之间,他证明了一个 数论历史上最伟大的结果。 这个领域内的世界顶级专家已经竭尽全力的使用这类方法 去解决这个大问题,而他并非一个知名专家,却在所有专家倒下的地方成功的站了起来。                                 ---  Adrew Granville 【Note】本文作者的数学修养和知识都极其有限,对于数学专业的人来说,基本上是数 学盲。因此本文只属于絮记 ---- 从一个非数学专业的业余爱好者的角度描写旁听张老 师在伯克利演讲的部分过程,并附带一些小花絮。行文中如有幼稚之处请谅解,还有期 待专业报道或评论的人士请出门左拐并客气一些,谢谢。                 ...


刚才看王菲离婚新闻,偶然读到一个女孩子留言,可惜当时光感慨了没拷贝下来,大意 是看到演艺圈随随便便就离了,很感激自己结婚快三十年的父母,多少家庭磨难都过来 了,谢谢你们亲爱的爸爸妈妈,给了我一个完整的家。 很感慨!想到自己的父母也是风风雨雨几十年,我也想说和那个女孩子一样的话。


本次争论的实质是一帮毫无社会地位,朝不保夕,吃青春饭,随时可能被layoff的码工 ,为了掩盖自己的自卑心理,上网查烂校或者烂专业的教授工资然后嘲笑教授这个行业。 你个码工,整天就写一些垃圾code, 对社会和人类进步有个三明治的贡献。被老板喝来 喝去象孙子一样,还有大把光阴耗在买买提上。这是一种何等可耻可悲的生活。萎缩成 这样了,还有脸攻击教授。 其实教授只要干得不是太差,收入都不错。我知道的教授的收入,都比网上可查到的九 个月基本工资高很多,另外还有很多福利和隐形收入。 社会对教授的尊敬也非码工可比。基本上社会上的每一个人,听到教授的名头,立马刮 目相看。这种体验,码工琐男们做梦也体会不到吧。 教授是社会的大脑,灵魂,良心,和脊梁。他们的名利双收是一个现代社会重视教育和 科技的正常体现。他们拥有美国唯一的铁饭碗是合理的。 当然,乞丐也有嘲笑皇帝的自由。我居然不淡定地发帖回应了,也是我自降身份,修养 不够的体现。这是我关于此话题的最后一贴。同学们,再见!

Betty Who - "Somebody Loves You" - Official Music Video


IT公司面试时所说的文化,其实就是白人nerd的"僞大师"文化。 IT公司,你总能看到一群人(白人居多),这些人把coding看做生命的一部分,每天把 "some really smart people did xxx" 挂在嘴边。然后写个板砖的活还自以为很了不 起没事儿就来一句"cool!"。其实干的都是没技术含量的活,也就是把人家的recipe拿 来然后最多加点自己的小trick。这些人,非常浮躁,以为自己写几行代码就可以改变 世界,然后一天憋球的喜欢给人耍宝来慰藉自己的存在感。这些人最多算个码工但是总 觉得自己是大师。真正的大师是发明recipe的人,而不是follow 或者小改recipe的人。 为什么IT公司这种干着低贱没技术含量的活,但是以为自己很了不起的人很多呢?个人 认为其实和计算机的特性有关。所有的工程类项目,只有软件开发能够独立完成并且立 即见效(编译成功,运行成功),所以这些人就可以完全活在自己的计算世界里面为所 欲为:只要敲几行代码,我就可以让计算机如何如何,发号施令,做trick,感觉就是 一个god,所以很容易让这些人产生幻想认为自己就是世界的主宰。 IT公司到处充斥的这种computer nerd(白人居多)。对于雇主来说当然是一件好事, 他们放任这群Nerd自我感觉是"大师",什么事情都不想活在虚幻的世界里为雇主卖命, 所以这种所以这种文化在IT公司里面非常受欢迎。本质上其实就看你是不是一个活在自 己世界 里的苦力。
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独立磁盘冗余数组 ( RAID , R edundant A rray of I ndependent D isks ),旧称 廉价磁盘冗余数组 ( RAID , R edundant A rray of I nexpensive D isks ),简称 硬盘阵列 。 其基本思想就是把多个相对便宜的硬盘组合起来,成为一个硬盘阵列组,使性能达到甚至超过一个价格昂贵、容量巨大的硬盘。根据选择的版本不同,RAID比单 颗硬盘有以下一个或多个方面的好处:增强数据集成度,增强容错功能,增加处理量或容量。另外,磁盘阵列对于电脑来说, 看起来就像一个单独的硬盘或逻辑存储单元。分为RAID-0,RAID-1,RAID-1E,RAID-5,RAID-6,RAID-7,RAID- 10,RAID-50,RAID-60。 简单来说,RAID把多个 硬盘 组合成为一个逻辑扇区,因此, 操作系统 只会把它当作一个硬盘。RAID常被用在 服务器 电脑上,并且常使用完全相同的硬盘作为组合。由于硬盘价格的不断下降与RAID功能更加有效地与 主板 集成,它也成为了玩家的一个选择,特别是需要大容量存储空间的工作,如:视频与音频制作。 最初的RAID分成了不同的等级,每种等级都有其理论上的优缺点,不同的等级在两个目标间取得平衡,分别是增加数据可靠性以及增加存储器(群)读写性能。这些年来,出现了对于RAID观念不同的应用。 目录 1 基本RAID分类 1.1 JBOD 1.2 RAID 0 1.3 RAID 1 1.4 RAID 2 1.5 RAID 3 1.6 RAID 4 1.7 RAID 5 1.8 RAID 6 1.9 RAID 7 1.10 RAID 10/01 1.11 RAID 50 1.12 RAID 53 1.13 RAID 60 2 应用 3 磁盘阵列比较表 3.1 磁盘阵列种类 4 磁盘阵列相关产品 5 磁盘阵列相关客户类型 6 参考数据 7 外部链接 基本RAID分类 JBOD (JBOD, Just a Bunch Of Disks)在分类上,JBOD并不是RAID的等级 Non-RAID_drive_architectures 。 由于并没...

What is a Conte Center?

Conte Centers for Basic and Translational Mental Health Research are funded by  The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) . The purpose of these Centers is to support interdisciplinary teams of researchers engaging in integrative, novel, and creative experimental approaches to address high-risk, high-impact questions that will significantly advance the state of the science in brain and behavioral research relevant to mental health. Conte Centers comprise a collaborative, cutting-edge, inter-disciplinary research program conducted at multiple levels of analysis spanning from genes to behavior to disease in humans, animals, and model systems, from infancy to adulthood as appropriate, based on a well-defined and unified scientific question (hypothesis) or problem. Areas of interest span the full range of basic neuroscience, basic behavioral science, genetics research, proof-of-concept clinical trials, as well as the translational integration of neuroscience a...


107岁的阿肯色州黑人老汉Monroe Isadore昨天在家中被警察击毙。据说起因是与亲属 争吵不愿意离开家搬到老人公寓,争吵中逃出手枪威胁亲属被她们报警,警察谈判未果 冲入其家将其击毙。107岁的老汉,还是黑人,活到这个岁数大概全美国都是寥寥无几 了,当奥巴马总统的爷爷都够了,可惜就这样死了。 联想到前段时间还发生芝加哥的黑人罪犯用枪打死半岁换尿片婴儿的事件。半岁婴儿被 歹徒打死,百岁老人被警察击毙,让人不得不问美国这个国家到底是怎么了? 美国社会乱想丛生,人民的暴戾之气也越来越盛,而一国之总统却不花心思在国计民生 ,整天忙着游说国会攻打万里之外的小国。不仅自己使出浑身解数,手下众将们也是拼 尽全力,不达目的誓不罢休。这得对该国有多恨,正义自由理念有多强才做得出啊! 看来美国这个民主自由的国家的领导,也不一定总是反映民意,维护美国广大人民的利 益,有时候是脱节的。政客们忙自己的,老百姓们也过自己的,出了事有各个城市的警 察来对付,反正大家都有枪,比火力就行了。 假如奥巴马可以连任,他会那么快就露出自己的真面目吗?大概不会,他还会”Hope and Change”。但现在诺贝尔和平奖,医改,移民改革,经济复苏,每一个光环都似乎 在褪色。“听其言,观其行”,一个真正的好总统,看来是要通过时间来考验的。 美国人民心中的奥巴马到底如何,2016年,让我们拭目以待。

Sample Thank You Letter After Interview

First, let’s talk about what not to do. If you got a letter like this would you run out and hire this person? Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs., Thank you for talking to me about the job at XYZ Company. I know I made a big impression on you and you are still overwhelmed that a person of my caliber would even seek this position. I can tell this because you have not yet called to make me a rock bottom offer that we will need to negotiate up just to reach my level of desire. Sincerely, Moss Stromboli New Executive I don’t think so. However the follow up letter after an interview can be the nail that either cinches an offer or one that seals the coffin. The one above would not seal any deal. So what should you put in a thank-you letter after a job interview? sample thank you letter after interviewFirst, send a real thank you letter. Not an email. Thank you letters are generally more effective when sent in the mail and are at the very least hand written. You can have the letter...

8 Tips for Giving Thanks After an Interview

Question I've been interviewing a lot but I'm not getting the position. Any suggestions?   - Lana W. of Cincinnati, OH Answer I know it’s hard to stay positive, but the fact that you’re landing interviews is a good sign! This means your resume and online presence are sending the right signals to recruiters and hiring managers. Now all you need to do is brush up on those interviewing skills and your follow-up approach. Preparation is key for a successful interview. Research the company’s business on their corporate website and through sites like Hoovers and Yahoo ! Finance. Set up a Google News Alert in the days leading up to the interview to stay on top of relevant industry and company news. Additionally , learn as much as you can about the company culture by talking to contacts who’ve worked at the company and by going to sites like Glassdoor and Vault. Consider all the different questions interviewers might ask and prepare responses for each. Spend time...


Post-IV Thanks Letter: Sample 1-2: Dear Dr....: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to interview for .....residency. I was very impressed with your program and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. I found the residents to be friendly and forthright in answering any and all of my questions. The informal gathering afterward was an excellent way to obtain information in a more relaxed setting and learn about the nontechnical aspects of resident life in (the city). It is obvious that you are committed to excellence and I have no doubt that you will be instrumental in improving an already outstanding program. Thanks again and hope to see you in the future. Sincerely, Name ***************************************************************** Dear Dr....: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to interview for .....residency. I was very impressed with your program and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. I found the residents to ...


Q: What is PCI? A: The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.  Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID). The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) was launched on September 7, 2006 to manage the ongoing evolution of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards with focus on improving payment account security throughout the transaction process.  The PCI DSS is administered and managed by the PCI SSC (, an independent body that was created by the major payment card brands (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB.). It is important to note, the payment brands and acquirers are responsible for enforcing compliance, not the PCI council. A copy of the PCI DSS is available her...


Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool written in Java . The project was forked from Hudson after a dispute with Oracle , which claims the right to trademark the Hudson name and has applied for such a trademark as of December 2010. [ 2 ] Jenkins provides continuous integration services for software development. It is a server-based system running in a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat . It supports SCM tools including CVS , Subversion , Git , Mercurial , Perforce , Clearcase and RTC , and can execute Apache Ant and Apache Maven based projects as well as arbitrary shell scripts and Windows batch commands. The primary developer of Jenkins is Kohsuke Kawaguchi. [ 3 ] Released under the MIT License , Jenkins is free software . [ 4 ] Builds can be started by various means, including being triggered by commit in a version control system, scheduling via a cron -like mechanism, building when other builds have completed, and by requesting a specific build ...


Webmin is a web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like systems, although recent versions can also be installed and run on Windows . [ 4 ] With it, it is possible to configure operating system internals, such as users, disk quotas, services or configuration files, as well as modify and control open source apps, such as the Apache HTTP Server , PHP or MySQL . Webmin is largely based on Perl , running as its own process and web server . It defaults to TCP port 10000 for communicating, and can be configured to use SSL if OpenSSL is installed with additional required Perl Modules. It is built around modules , which have an interface to the configuration files and the Webmin server. This makes it easy to add new functionality. Due to Webmin's modular design, it is possible for anyone who is interested to write plugins for desktop configuration. Webmin also allows for controlling many machines through a single interface, or seamless login on other webmin h...


Virtualmin is a domain hosting and website control panel, which gives the ability to create and manage many domains and is available in both open source and commercial versions. It is based on Webmin . Many web hosts often use Virtualmin as an alternative to cPanel .


Puppet is an open source configuration management tool from Puppet Labs , founded by Luke Kanies in 2005. It is written in Ruby and released as free software under the GPL until version 2.7.0 and the Apache 2.0 license after that. [ 1 ] Contents 1 Purpose 2 Puppet language 3 Platform support 4 Users 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Purpose Puppet is a tool designed to manage the configuration of Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems declaratively. The user describes system resources and their state, either using Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL ( domain-specific language ). This information is stored in files called "Puppet manifests". Puppet discovers the system information via a utility called Facter, and compiles the Puppet manifests into a system-specific catalog containing resources and resource dependency, which are applied against the target systems. Any actions taken by Puppet are then reported. Pup...


几个笑话 - 又下流又恶心

昨天有个好基友打电话给我,听声音大概是喝醉了。他居然让我晚上8点跟他QQ裸聊。 我操!我还真没想到他是这种人,又下流又恶心!这种死变态我以后再也不跟他做朋友 了,因为我等到凌晨1点他都没上线。 小时候一次学校让买学习资料,大家都是7块钱,我为了让自己能有点零用钱花一张嘴 就要了10块,结果老妈不信我(确定是亲生的),就跑去问家对面的同班同学,当时那 心里忐忑的差点就说实话了。没想到老妈一回来就说“一看上课就没听老师讲课,人家 明明是12块!”我…… 晚上睡觉害怕的时候,只要把被子两侧向里折进来,再抬脚一下把底部的被子折进来, 肩膀两处塞塞紧,顿时安全感爆棚!!。。。。。。。。。这都是单身的屌丝们干的事 ,不然直接抱住身边的人啥事都没了 记者上街采访。「鲁迅文章退出语文教材,你赞同吗?」「强烈反对!」「为什么?」 「因为他的文章非常难懂,特别是中心思想很难归纳,对学生简直是一种折磨!」「那 你为什么要反对呢,你一定是好学生吧。」「不是,我已经毕业了!」 朋友对我说:“找女友,一定不可太挑剔,不然会被剩下的!”我问:“那你的标准是 什么?”他说到:“标准不高,只要我走在路上,不管男女老少看到我们都会由衷的感 叹一句:‘这女的怎么会看上他啊!’” 一日,一哥们开车出去玩,被Police拦下。“没系安全带,罚款五十。”哥们慌了,把 Police拉到一旁说:“兄弟,中午喝了点酒忘系安全带了。” 正坐在客厅看电视,老妈在一旁吃芒果,吃完问我:“这衣服要洗吗?”我看一眼,说 :“要洗的。” 于是乎,她把手在我衣服上一擦,走了。。。 “走,去帮我搬下东西。” “去哪?” “超市,刚刚我在那里偷吃东西,不想到被他 们抓住了。不过超市老板真是个好人,他说如果下次我再去的话,一定让我吃不完兜着 走……” 一天,北极熊在街上遇见大熊猫,上去就给大熊猫一脚,说:“就看不惯你丫装酷,傻 B,还戴一墨镜。”


1、电脑坏了,跟老妈说去修电脑。 这时候老妈来了一句:“你电脑里没有什么不该看 的东西吧?” 我当时也不知道哪根筋搭错了,回了一句:“没事,不该看的都在移动 硬盘里搁着呢。” 2、儿子4岁,给他买了一本西游记连环画,3天全部讲完后,问他最想成为里面哪个人 物。。。。。。以为他想会成为孙悟空。结果被告知想当白龙马,问原因,回答说: 因为妖怪从来不抓马。回头一翻画册,果然每集唐僧被抓走后,都有空荡荡的白龙马画 在页边,安全第一呀。 3、几个学生考试当天起晚了,他们撒谎说公 车轮胎爆了所以误了考试,教授同意他们 补考,并安排在不同考场,试卷只有一道 题:“哪个轮胎爆了?” (这老师太聪明了…) 4、清明节和情人节是一样的,都是送花,送吃的。区别在于:情人节烧真钱,说一堆 鬼话给人听;清明节烧假钱,说一堆人话给鬼听。 5、周瑜对鲁肃说:“相关的人记述要 简略,像主公和刘备,叫孙刘,关羽和张 飞, 叫关张,曹操和刘备,叫曹刘。鲁肃 你和管宁简称……”鲁肃起身大吼:“你想说 什 么。” 6、大学毕业,在一家医院实习。在医师指导下做完一个小手术,心里边回味手术时的 一些注意事项,一边低头走出了手术室。这时家属围上来问情况,当时脑子不知道怎么 抽了,想起电视里的常上演的情节,于是张口就说了句“我们已经尽力了……”顿时家 属们各种哭声,然后我就被处分了。 7、看到一朋友前天晚上11点多的Q签名:"你们说你们特么还是人吗!老子愚人节生日 怎么了!你们不信就不信吧,还非跟老子说晚上一起庆祝,劳资特么订了三桌菜,一个 人看了一晚上!!" 8、一位少女在深夜黑巷遭遇歹徒打劫,惊慌之下多亏一位路过的见义勇为少年搭救, 那歹徒落慌而逃。少女正想感谢少年,却不曾想,那少年竟然从裤中掏出一个又黑又长 的物体,少女大叫一声逃走…而少年呆若木鸡,立在原地,拿着手里的iPhone10不知还 要不要报警…. 9、一天,六名男子围坐在一间屋子里,似乎在讨论着什么。一个大哥模样的人说道: “各位好汉,事到如今,我们到底要不要上梁山?同意的就举手吧。”话音刚落,就有 五个人举了手。大家不约而同地望向了唯一没有举手的那个人。面对大家灼热的目光, 梁山最终还是把手举起来了。 10、忘不了那天语文课学到宝玉摔玉那一段的时候我笑抽了头撞...

01 - Google App Engine for Python - Hello World

Google App Engine

Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App Engine ) is a platform as a service (PaaS) cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Applications are sandboxed and run across multiple servers. [ 1 ] App Engine offers automatic scaling for web applications—as the number of requests increases for an application, App Engine automatically allocates more resources for the web application to handle the additional demand. [ 2 ] Google App Engine is free up to a certain level of consumed resources. Fees are charged for additional storage, bandwidth, or instance hours required by the application. [ 3 ] It was first released as a preview version in April 2008, and came out of preview in September 2011. Contents 1 Supported features/restrictions 1.1 Runtimes and frameworks 1.2 Reliability and Support 1.3 API List 1.3.1 Trusted Tester 1.3.2 Experimental 1.3.3 Production 1.4 Bulk downloa...