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Showing posts from May 19, 2019

house chink

Rounding values in Prometheus alerts annotations

If you’re a Prometheus experienced user you already know you can pipe GO default templating functions in  ANNOTATIONS . We’re used to write human readable alerting messages as annotations, that frequently contain the current  $value  of the monitored metric. Today I started rounding  $value  using  printf  to avoid displaying floating point numbers with a long tail of decimals. For example, the expression  $value | printf "%.2f"  will round it to two decimals. Feel free to adjust it with any number of desired decimals (ie.  "%.1f"  for a single decimal). The following alert configuration snippet shows a nearly real use case. ALERT WORKER_AUDIO_ENCODING_TIME_AVG_PERC IF a_metric_to_alert_on > 12345 LABELS { severity="error", team="frontend" } ANNOTATIONS { firing = 'The current value of metric is {{ $value | printf "%.2f" }}.' }


前言 最近 Google 谷歌中止与华为业务往来的事情引起了轩然大波。 开源社法律咨询委员会成员,OIN 专利联盟亚太许可总监黄鸿文先生指出主要的冲击是 Google 不对华为 GMS(Google Mobile Services)认证,与 安卓开源项目 Android Open Soure Project (AOSP)无关。欧盟禁止 Google 服务捆绑,但是 GMS 下的服务可以使用者自己安装。一旦没有 GMS 认证,连安装都有困难。 InfoQ:谷歌中止与华为业务往来,华为自研手机 OS 也要一夜“转正”? InfoQ 发表了 一篇文章 引起了广泛讨论,其中关于 Apache 软件基金会项目也会遭到限制出口的论点我们认为有误,在此抛砖引玉提出我们认为正确的观点。 文中指出: 据路透社的最新报道, 谷歌已经暂停与华为的业务 。 知情人士表示: “ 这意味着华为只能使用安卓的公开版本,无法访问来自谷歌的专有应用程序和服务 ”,包括但不限于 Play Store 、 Gmail 和 YouTube 。 ... 赵钰莹,公众号:InfoQ 谷歌中止与华为业务往来,华为自研手机OS也要一夜“转正”? 而在该文结束语里提到了: 一纸禁令虽无法阻止华为继续使用开源安卓技术,但还是为国产手机操作系统的研发敲响了警钟。 目前,国内具备完全自主研发能力的厂商十分有限,无论是硬件层面还是软件层面,大部分都是基于开源代码进行改进,但要知道即便是最为广泛使用的 Apache 协议依旧在其官网明确表态: 赵钰莹,公众号:InfoQ 谷歌中止与华为业务往来,华为自研手机OS也要一夜“转正”? " U.S. export laws and regulations apply to our distributions and remain in force as products and technology are re-exported to different parties and places around the world. 美国的出口法律和法规适用于我们( Apache )的发行版,并且随着产品和技术再出口到不同的地方依旧保持有效。 " 赵钰莹,公众号:InfoQ 谷歌中止与华为业务往来,华为自研手机OS也要...

《鳳凰全球連線》不作惡谷歌偏作惡 遇封鎖華為謀突圍 20190520

We Went Inside The Chinese Telecom Giant That Trump Just Banned (HBO)


发信人: guofeng (中国风), 信区: Military 标  题: CNBC: 谷歌对华为终止部分服务 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 19 15:24:51 2019, 美东) Alphabet’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware and software products except those covered by open source licenses, a source close to the matter told Reuters on Sunday, in a blow to the Chinese technology company that the U.S. government has sought to blacklist around the world. Huawei Technologies will immediately lose access to updates to the Android operating system, and the next version of its smartphones outside of China will also lose access to popular applications and services including the Google Play Store and Gmail app. Details of the specific services were still being discussed internally at Google, according to the source. Huawei attorneys are also studying the impact of the U.S. Commerce Department’s actions, a Huawei spokesman said on Friday. Huawei was not immediately reachable for further comment. Re...