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Showing posts from January 18, 2009

How to get Fermilab dorm from Chicago Airport by Limousine

Call the Limousine: 1-800-942-LIMO, from any public telephone at the airport. It's free. After connected, press 3 directly to the Pickup department. Then give your last name. He will give you a plate number (usually ends with LY). It will usually be Gate 5E in 12 min. The fare is $44 for one person. If two people both go to Fermilab, the 2nd one only $7. If you arrive 8am-3:45pm Mon-Fri, pick up your keys at the Housing Office at Aspen East. Otherwise, at the Communication Center on the ground floor of Wilson Hall. The Pad is Dorm 1.


TString name_ttEThad = "ttEThad_" + str_ieta + "_" + str_iphi; TString name_ttETtot = "ttETtot_" + str_ieta + "_" + str_iphi; _ttETem[ieta][iphi] = new TH1F(name_ttETem, name_ttETem, 48, -2, 10); _ttEThad[ieta][iphi] = new TH1F(name_ttEThad, name_ttEThad, 48, -2, 10); _ttETtot[ieta][iphi] = new TH1F(name_ttETtot, name_ttETtot, 48, -2, 10); } } TTDir2->cd(".."); TDirectory *TTDir3 = new TDirectory("TTDir3", "Energy deposited in each of 1280 Trigger Towers"); TTDir3->cd(); for(int i = 0; i { char buffer[33]; sprintf(buffer,"%d", i); TString str = buffer; TString name_totTTet = "totTTet_" + str; _totTTet[i] = new TH1F(name_totTTet, name_totTTet, 48, -2, 10); } TTDir3->cd(".."); hist_L1JetLead_TTlead = new TH2F("hist_L1JetLead_TTl...