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Showing posts from October 13, 2013


俺当年的决心就很大,和PHD的老板彻底掰了,连奖学金都搞没了,后来半工半读拿下 CS的master。当时先交了两个学期的学费,生活费要靠打工来挣,后来有了半奖,不用 打工了,学习的劲头更足。 现在回头看,和老板闹翻有点伤人品,经济层面损失很大,虽然当时奖学金也没多少, 但对穷学生而言,就是唯一的收入,但转CS的决定还是明智,当年不吃苦,现在可能更 苦。 现如今国人有钱了,读自费不会像当年那么费劲,让烂专业的PHD见鬼去吧,读了没出 路,除了浪费时间,没有任何意义。 ---------- 不是说贱。  中国人就是爱敢潮流。  现在CS hot了, 中国人就一大批的进来。  以 前, 好像什么international business也红过。。。 根本就没想过, 自己喜欢做什 么。。。 我觉得我和很多猥琐男一样, 对CS谈不上喜欢不喜欢。。。 这几年, 做多 了, 就有点厌了。  所以, 换行业,别看着这板上的这些报offer的, 然后想, 我 要转CS。。 CS是hot, 但也不是那么容易, 工资也不是那么的高。 要天天盯着电脑 吗code, 还是要谨慎

How to disable KDE Wallet?

KDE Wallet is a core part of KDE, it's in the package kdebase-runtime . To disable it run kcmshell4 kwalletconfig and continue at step 3 or start from the beginning: Start System setings Open Account Details Go to the "KDE Wallet" tab Uncheck Enable the KDE Wallet system Press OK to apply the changes and close the settings window. To get a list of the programs that depends on the kdebase-runtime package, run: apt-cache --no-enhances --no-suggests --no-recommends --installed rdepends kdebase-runtime On Ubuntu, the output shows just "kdebase-runtime [newline] Reverse Depends:". On Kubuntu, a whole list follows.

婚姻绿卡面经 (F2A)

12/3/2012 USCIS收到I-130申请 7/25/2013 I-130批准 8/2/2013  交I-485,I-765,I-131申请,以及lg给我的财政担保和体检证明 8/6/2013  USCIS收到I-485等上述材料 8/14/2013 收到打指纹预约信 8/29/2013 打指纹(没有提前walk in) 9/16/2013 收到面试预约信 10/15/2013 收到EAD卡(上面印着回美证) 10/16/2013 USCIS 面试 绿卡配偶8月2日递申请 10月16日下午面试 我和老公认识2年,结婚一年,住在一起1年半左右。没有小孩。 面试官是一位越南大叔,很和蔼的接待了我们,面试很快总共15分钟,算是水过。 我和lg是一起面试的。大叔的办公室有个小摄像机似的东西。大叔首先要我和老公站起 来举右手发誓所说的都是事实。然后他开始提问 他先是要我拿出ID,护照,同时还要lg出示绿卡。他重点 1.查我护照上的签证页,估计是要证明我合法进入美国。 2.他查我在美国期间是否一直保持合法身份,比如他问我现在在做什麽,我告诉他我还 在上学,他还问了我学校名字和专业。然后他和我要了I-20复印件(其实我已经交啦)。 3.他问了我485上一些回答NO的问题,问我是否是共产党blah blah。 4.他还问我lg是否还在XX公司上班,估计是想check老公能否support我。 然后他看似很轻松的还问我还有什麽要交的材料。我当时灵光一现就想起来网上的面经 ,这问题是在暗示我给他看证明婚姻的其他材料。所以我给他银行联合账户还有大约20 张照片。他挺有兴趣看了一部分照片,我和老公还给他大概解释了一下照片的时间,背 景是啥。然后趁着我找ID复印件的功夫大叔问我老公是怎么认识我的,什么时候认识我 的。问我和老公前是否结过婚,我们是否有孩子。 然后,他就很和蔼的告诉我们绿卡会给我,2周后寄到。晚上回家后发现USCIS status 状态变成card production了。 总是我算是很幸运的,没有被刁难。虽然面试前多等了40分钟,但是面试过程比较轻松 ,问题也都很简单,没有超过网上面经范围。非常感谢网站上以前的资料(包括huaren ,google面经)和大家的经验。我准备I-485,I-...


因为美国劳动者的综合素质很高,富有创新精神,可以通过设计制造高利润的优质产品 在全世界赚得钵满盆肥,比如苹果系列产品。 去年我教的一个美国高中生,非常英俊。我心里想,外表好的人一般没有太大生存压力 ,所以也没有太大的进取心。我错了,他的数学和物理虽然远远不如我,但远远超过美 国同龄人,AP考试全是5分。我心里想,学习好会考试的人一般动手能力和课外活动不 够。我又错了,他用学校技术教育课的CNC机床做的各种小器械非常精美,连他做的小 弹子锁都能用钥匙开启自如,他在学校医学解剖课上对小猪和人尸体得心应手,他还是 学校多个球队和社团的主力。我心里想,这么高素质的学生一定能够如愿进入名校的医 学预科班。我还是错了,他被所有一流名校拒掉,又被我们州最好的UVA, William& Mary,和Virginia Tech拒掉,只被我们州二流学校JMU,VCU,和GMU录取。这是因为在 美国比他更强的学生太多了! 每当想起美国学生极高的综合素质,我就有一种紧迫感。

iBUS des not start automatically

PROBLEM: IBus doesn't start automatically when I restart my computer Here is how I solved the problem: Go to the menu: Settings >> Session and Startup Click the button: Add Name: IBus daemon Command: /usr/bin/ibus-daemon -d Comment: start IBus daemon when Gnome starts

certificate verify failed

certificate verify failed err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:// SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed The server certificate that puppet has and the one that the puppetmaster is using differ. On a pure puppet node one simple way is just to remove the current SSL information and start again: find /var/lib/puppet -type f -print0 |xargs -0r rm Also ensure tha...

extract .rar files under ubuntu system

when you try to extract .rar files under ubuntu system its will NOT extract ..! how to extract any .RAR files easy and quick ? you just need to install small package called " unrar "  Step 1 : goto your Terminal  then type sudo apt-get install unrar and press ENTER . It will ask you for password, type your user password and press ENTER . Step 2 : There is no step 2 , you can now extract your .RAR file by "right-click" then chose " extract here "

debian kde install chinese input method

The manual way The KDE 4 integration/support is already very well in Debian. Just follow the steps below: Select the IME (Input Method Engine) you want to use (a package search for »ibus-« shows you all available IMEs). This example will use ibus-table-array30 , just replace it everywhere with the IME you selected. Run (as root) # aptitude install ibus-table-array30 ibus-qt4 ibus-gtk Run (as a user) $ ibus-setup and configure ibus according to your wishes (don't forget to select at least one IME in the second tab). Add export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus to your $HOME/.xsessionrc . This is a diversion from what ibus-setup tells you, but needed to make it work for all applications inside a KDE session. Now you need a way to auto-start the ibus daemon on every login. KDE4 provides the Autostart folder for such occasions: $ echo "ibus-daemon -d -x -r -n kde" > $HOME/.kde/Autostart/ibus-daemon-autostart.s...

First Day On The Job: 9 Ways To Make A Great Impression

It's your first day, and you're so thrilled to have finally landed a position that you're ready to let your hair down and relax as you start. Not so fast! In many organizations, the first few months on the job are actually officially a probationary period, so it's your job to impress from Day One in order to launch yourself on the right track in your new organization. How can you be sure to make a good impression from the very first day? Plan what you are going to wear. Perhaps, in the excitement of getting a job, you haven't thought much about what to wear to the office each day. Make sure you find out the expected attire. While many workplaces are "business casual," if your job is "suit and tie," you don't want to be worrying about going shopping on your way home from your first day because you don't have the right clothing. Plan everything in advance, as you would for an interview, so you will be comfortable and suitab...

Get on the Same Page

You've made it! Now make the right first impression on your first day. Michael Hitoshi/ Getty Images As of June 2010, there were 14.6 million unemployed adults in America, representing some 9.5 percent of the work force [source: BLS ]. In this ultra-tight employment market, you're darn lucky to get your resume read, let alone land a job. But if by some miracle you get your foot in the door, try not to immediately put it in your mouth. The first day at a new job is critical for making the right impression. After all, no office needs another toxic co-worker: the know-it-all, the gossip hound, the death breath guy and the "hey, look at my underwear" lady. Instead, you want to ooze dependability, preparedness, politeness, good grooming and above all, normality. Here are our top 10 tips for a successful first day on a new job, starting with something you should try to do away from your desk: sleep. Your mom...

If You Don't Know, Ask

There's no such thing as a dumb question. All right, that's a lie, but the dumbest thing you can do on your first day is to screw up an assignment because you didn't fully understand the directions [source: Sahadi ]. If your boss puts you on a task, try to get all of the details straight during that first meeting. You won't look stupid -- just attentive and thorough. If you're in the middle of the assignment and something still doesn't make sense, pop your head in the office and clear it up. Again, you look sincere, not slow. If you pop your head in every five minutes, though, you'll get annoying. Get it down as quickly as possible. Here's a question that's music to a manager's ears: "Can I help you with anything?" If you suddenly find yourself without work on that first day, don't start updating your Facebook page. Actively seek out something helpful to do, either for your boss or your co-workers. You might even g...

Restart X

The easiest way to restart X-windows is to simultaneously press ctrl - alt - backspace . Note : this will instantly kill X-windows and any programs running within it, like your window manager and probably everything else. There will be no confirmation. Note: Since Ubuntu 10.04 the keystroke "ctrl" + "alt" + "backspace" has been disabled. The default shortcut is now "alt"+"print screen"+"k" (More info is here at restart X server. ) Alternatively, from the command-line, type "sudo pkill X". Alternatively, from the command-line, type "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" (or "/etc/init.d/xdm restart" or "/etc/init.d/kdm restart").