1. Ripping CDs and DVDs to media files. Amazing how many libraries have free rentals.... 2. Watching movies and listening to music from #1 that still do not exist online, streaming, etc. Watching extras not available Watching the above in the original format, not compressed like cd to mp3s, or double compressed like raw film to dvd to streaming compression. E.g. American soldier, exit from rooftop during ending sandstorm battle, check out the shadows in the sand. Bluray already struggles to render this difficult scene well - barely enough bits. Dvd, streaming - both even worse and blocky. Can't even see clearly. 3. Accessing data files for work and from archive that's only on disc. 4. Burning files for backup and offline transfer. Cloud goes down - Amazon went down last week. And IF they go down, where's your files? Gone! Offline backup in a bank vault is safer than the cloud. 5. No home internet. No interest in paying for...