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Showing posts from January 12, 2014

Benefits of multiple partitions

Benefits of multiple partitions Logical partitions require extended partitions. In Windows, extended partitions can be used to create many logical partitions. Creating more than one partition has the following advantages: Separation of the operating system (OS) and program files from user files. This allows image backups (or clones ) to be made of only the operating system and installed software. Having a separate area for operating system virtual memory swapping/paging . Keeping frequently used programs and data near each other. Having cache and log files separate from other files. These can change size dynamically and rapidly, potentially making a file system full. Use of multi-boot setups, which allow users to have more than one operating system on a single computer. For example, one could install Linux , BSD , Mac OS X , Microsoft Windows or other operating systems on different partitions of the same HDD and have a choice of booting into any compatible o...

分享: 从SAS 到 Python 与 R

发信人: StatsGuy (StatsGuy), 信区: Statistics 标  题: 分享: 从SAS 到 Python 与 R 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 11 15:08:56 2014, 美东) 最近看到不少帖子,讨论到学习Python 与 R 的需求。 我想在这里分享一下自己的经历。希望对大家有帮助 :-) 我以前在传统行业做统计和SAS programming. 过着平稳的技术生活,在平常工作中不 断提高SAS水平,也曾去SAS Conference 做过 presentation. 也算是老板手下的SAS技 术骨干吧 (心里也挺踏实:-)。可是我N年前一个偶然的机会来到湾区,从此开始了"二 次创业"的奋斗史 (教训啊 来湾区的决定要慎重:-) 落脚未稳,首先就发现SAS在湾区不是主流技术(银行,药厂除外),大部分主流科技公 司对SAS可以说是有点排斥的 (越新的公司越如此)。也情有可缘,这里的公司更cost effective, 即使买得起统计软件,也不愿在技术工具上受制于人。我曾有一次向老板 大力推荐SAS,要求公司买SAS licenses,他们也照做了,现在想起来可能人家多花 了几万块买SAS licenses也有点不太情愿吧。(唉,自己当时太年轻了 :-) 改变不了世界就改变自己吧:-) 于是我就想办法逐渐换自己的skill set。这个转化过程需要点时间,我也得到了一些 帮助。R 相对容易一些,因为多年前在学校里学的S-plus还记得(R 和 S-plus 在用户 界面上 有相似, 尽管后台是很不一样)。我在学习Python 过程中发现其实和SAS有些 相似。比如SAS data step 其实是implicit loop through records, 而Python 实际上 是explicit loop. 而且大量的string and number functions都近似。Python有很好用 的data structures. 还有发现Python 做reporting 也非常强大,堪比PROC SUMMARY 之类的SAS PROCEDURES。另外,Python与R搭配来处理text mining也堪称绝配。 我先是在...