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Showing posts from December 12, 2021


"USB C" is not a protocol. USB-C is a port format.

  "USB C" is not a protocol. USB-C is a port format. All Thunderbolt 3 and 4 ports use the USB-C format, but not all USB-C ports are Thunderbolt. Some USB-C ports are USB 2.0. Most are USB 3.0 or better. The majority are USB 3.1 rev 2, which supports 10Mbps. SOME support alt-mode across the port, which allows you to output from that port to video, but some don't. There are few USB-C ports that support 2x technology, which brings the speed to 20 Gbps across that port. But these are unusual in laptops. Mostly, you'll see this in desktop configurations, provided by an add-on card for a motherboard that doesn't support Thunderbolt. Bottom line: If you have Thunderbolt (3 or 4) you're pretty much set, but you need to buy Thunderbolt (3 or 4) hubs to take full advantage. if you have a USB-C port (not Thunderbolt), then you're a straggler, and in that case, you can buy the cheap hubs, but you won't' get nearly the feature set for the hub...


Westlife's First Chinese Song 平凡之路


 发信人: yindaoimba (隐刀), 信区: Stock 标  题: 明年湾区的房价是不是要跌了 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 16 16:55:38 2021, 美东) 个人觉得几点原因 1)利率涨,贷款额度降,购买力降低 2)科技股开始横盘或调整,大厂马公首付不再那么充裕,至少不会抢房时拿钱不当钱 那么疯狂了 3)科幻网红IPO崩盘,大量上市一夜暴富的现象消失,那种拿all cash砸offer的应该 也会减少 很多人现在抢房的逻辑就是fomo,怕房价永远往上走再也没法上车。一旦有几个房子成 交价往下走的情况,可能会改变这些人的想法

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

  A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS. Taxpayer Identification Numbers Social Security number " SSN " Employer Identification Number " EIN " Individual Taxpayer Identification Number " ITIN " Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions " ATIN " Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number " PTIN "

US Treasury Series I Savings Bonds

Yes, you might have to pay taxes on any interest or gains for any bond or security. This is no different. BUT -- these I bonds are better since they are not subject to State and Local tax! No. I-bonds are not marketable securities and can only purchase/redeem at   This is technically different from T-bill. For starters, t-bill is short term and has fixed rate no variable rate. 7.12% is due to the inflation rate. The CPI-U increased by 3.56% between end of 3/2021 and end of 9/2021. Double it, you get 7.12% APR.  "The annual interest rate for EE bonds issued from November 2021 through April 2022 is 0.10%. Regardless of the rate, at 20 years the bond will be worth twice what you pay for it. If you keep the bond that long, we will make a one-time adjustment then to fulfill this guarantee."     Don't let "bond" in I-bond fool you. It is nothing like a traditional bond with fixed principal amt, fixed maturity date, fixed coupon rate. Instead, you d...

Buy I Bonds in Your Kid’s Name: You Can, But Should You?

  Kids Can Invest Too First of all, we’re talking about kids under 18 here. Adult children are adults. They can buy I Bonds in the same way as any other adult. If your adult children don’t have spare cash you can give them money and they can use the money to buy I Bonds (or anything else). If you’d like to buy I Bonds and then give the bonds to them as a gift, that’s buying as a gift. We’ll cover buying I Bonds as a gift in a different post. Kids can invest too, not only in I Bonds but also in other investments such as mutual funds, ETFs, etc. Because kids can’t legally agree to terms and conditions when they’re a minor, an adult has to open an account for them and act as a custodian. These accounts are typically called UTMA accounts, which are named after the law that governs custodial accounts: Uniform Transfer to Minors Act . If you already have UTMA accounts for your kids and you’re just diversifying part of their investments into I Bonds, you can skip some of th...

How to Buy I Bonds (Series I Savings Bonds): Soup to Nuts

  What Are I Bonds? I Bonds are short for Series I Savings Bonds . They are bonds issued by the U.S. government directly to retail investors. Currently, I Bonds carry favorable interest rates over other CDs and bonds. This makes I Bonds the best bonds you can buy at the moment. How I Bonds Work Think of I Bonds as flexible-term variable-rate CDs. You’re required to hold them for at least one year. After that, you can cash out at any time you’d like, or you can choose to hold them for up to 30 years from the original time of purchase. If you cash out within five years, you forfeit interest earned in the previous three months, whereas the early withdrawal penalty on a typical commercial CD is often six months or 12 months of interest. The flexibility to cash out after one year with a low early withdrawal penalty or to hang on for as long as 30 years makes I Bonds good for both short-term and long-term investing. Similar to a CD, the value of I Bonds never goes down. ...

3 Tips For Buying US Saving Bonds & Earning Extra Interest

  Tip 1: Buy At The End Of The Month, Cash-In At The Beginning Of The Month You will earn an extra month of interest! Both I and EE saving bonds are issued the first of the month in which they are purchased. In you purchase them on the last business day of the month, you will receive interest as if you bought them the first day of the month. However, interest is always paid the first day of the month. If you cash-in your bonds two weeks into the month, you will not receive any further interest payments and will miss re-investing the money for those two weeks. Bottom line, if you buy a savings bond the last business day of the month and cash it in the first business day of the month, you will be getting an addition month of interest for free. Tip 2: Check To See If Interest Rates on the 10 Year US Treasury Have Moved, If You Are Thinking About Buying In April or October. Interest rates for the EE savings bond and the fixed rate component of the I bond are set on Ma...

Comparing Series EE and Series I Savings Bonds

  Treasury currently offers two series of savings bonds:  EE and I. You can buy  EE bonds and I bonds in electronic format in TreasuryDirect .  You can buy paper I bonds with your IRS tax refund.   EE bonds I bonds Purchase price for paper bonds Paper EE bonds are no longer available   Paper I bonds can be purchased with your IRS tax refund at face value (a $50 bond costs $50) Purchase price for electronic bonds Electronic EE and I bonds are sold at face value. Denominations available electronically Any amount of $25 or more to the penny. For example, you could buy an EE or an I bond for $50.23. Interest earnings (electronic and paper are the same...


 标  题: 美帝分裂成几个国家才会稳定? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 13 21:24:11 2021, 美东) 叔觉得美帝不久以后有可能进入内战和分裂,当然不是我一个人想法,Ray Dalio也有 类似说法。帝国最后都会分裂,中国就是合久必分,罗马帝国也分裂了。 美帝现在的意识形态和种族构成,至少需要下面几个独立国家: 1。美利坚洪波共和国,主要人口组成是白人右派,地区是中部州,大概占现在领土的 一半。阿拉斯加也可能在里面 2。美利坚左派共和国,主要人口组成是白左,但是黑人和其他少数族裔包括亚裔也可 能占non-trivial的minority。地点是东西海岸州的一部分。 3。劳模共和国,主要人口组成是劳模,地点是加州大部分,可能还有Arizona,New Mexico,Texas等靠近宗主国墨西哥的地方。 4。黑人共和国,主要人口组成是黑人,地点是东南几个州。这个国家有可能跟左派共 和国合并,但是取决于白左内部对吸纳黑人的愿意程度和其他族裔的态度,比如亚裔。 三哥,穆斯林,小黄人很不幸无法凑足足够人口建立一个独立国家,除非有逆天的领袖 人物领导各自族裔杀出一条血路,在合适时间地点建国。就算这样,这些族裔也只能建 立一个地盘不大的国家,很可能在沿海州。


  2001年末有两件事情震撼了世界。 第一件事是,世界正专注于9/11事件的直接后果。但整整三个月后,12月11日,世界贸 易组织(WTO)成了第二个事件的中心。这个事件给21世纪投下了同样强烈的阴影,比 911对美国的攻击更改变了世界各地人们的生活和生计。 然而,很少有人知道它甚至发生过,更不用说知道它的日期。中国加入世界贸易组织改 变了美国、欧洲和亚洲大部分地区的游戏规则,实际上也改变了拥有石油和金属等有工 业价值资源的任何国家的游戏规则。 这是一个基本上没有人注意到的具有史诗般的地缘政治和经济重要性的事件。它是全球 金融危机背后的根本原因。当时反对将制造业工作外包给中国的政治斗争在西方七国集 团国家中引起了反响。 美国前总统克林顿等人提出的承诺是,"引进民主最珍视的价值之一的经济自由",将使 这个世界上人口最多的国家也能走上政治自由的道路。 他说:“当一个人不仅有能力实现他的梦想,而且众人有能力实现他们的梦想时,他们 会要求更大的政治发言权。” 但是这一战略失败了。中国现在已经上升到目前世界第二大经济体的地位--并且正走在 成为世界最大经济体的道路上,这似乎是不可避免的。 事实上,负责谈判中国WTO协议的美国贸易代表夏琳-巴舍夫斯基在华盛顿国际贸易协会 的一个小组上说,中国的经济模式,在一定程度上反驳了这种西方的观点,即 "你不可 能有一个创新的社会,和同时有一个政治控制的社会” "这并不是说中国的创新能力因其经济模式而增强,"她补充说。"但这是说,西方认为 的不相容的系统,未必是不相容的系统。" 直到2000年,中国的全球经济角色主要是作为世界上最大的塑料制品和廉价物品制造商 之一。是的,很重要,但既不影响世界,也不改变世界。 中国进入世界贸易的最高舞台,预示着一个巨大的全球转型。中国自愿的劳动力、超级 高科技的工厂,以及中国政府和西方跨国公司之间的特殊关系的强大组合,改变了地球 的面貌。 一支廉价的中国劳动力大军开始生产支撑西方生活水平的商品,因为中国顺利地插入了 世界最大公司的供应链。经济学家称其为 "供应冲击",其影响当然是令人震惊的。它 的影响仍在世界范围内回荡。 中国在融入世...