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Showing posts from January 13, 2013

Regarding the recent Java vulnerability in the news

Computer Security Team has investigated and tested the recent Java vulnerability.  At this moment, our only recommendation is to please make sure your Java installation is at the latest Update patch for your version.  At this time, we are not declaring a critical vulnerability. If you have further questions regarding this vulnerability, we recommend reading this Q/A on the issue: what-you-need-to-know-about- the-java-exploit/ (we're not advocating clicking on links in emails, please copy/paste). P.S. Java has always been a moving target - this isn't the first time it has been affected by 0-day exploits, and it certainly won't be the last.  Our recommendation of ensuring you have the latest Update for your version is a persistent and consistent one.

My Life in Finance

My Life in Finance By Eugene F. Fama Foreword I was invited by the editors to contribute a professional autobiography for the Annual Review of Financial Economics.  I focus on what I think is my best stuff.  Readers interested in the rest can download my vita from the website of the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.  I only briefly discuss ideas and their origins, to give the flavor of context and motivation.  I do not attempt to review the contributions of others, which is likely to raise feathers.  Mea culpa in advance. Finance is the most successful branch of economics in terms of theory and empirical work, the interplay between the two, and the penetration of financial research into other areas of economics and real-world applications . I have been doing research in finance almost since its start, when Markowitz (1952, 1959) and Modigliani and Miller (1958) set the field on the path to become a serious scientific discipline...


偏爱某种运动,不可能完全出于偶然,而是与他个人内在的脾气 性格 密切相关。而坚持不同的运动习惯,又会塑造出一个人不同的品格和能力。    而现代的身心研究和运动心理研究都证实:体育运动对人产生的影响,会渗透到个人的生活习惯和为人处世的态度之中,甚至还能改变一个人的命运或者人生轨 迹。而爱好不同运动项目的男人,各自的脾气性格又各有千秋。这一点不用多说,谁都知道,总是呼朋唤友一起踢足球的男人,与有空就在野外山路上一人慢跑的男 人,对待生活和爱情的方式自然大不相同。    水中绽放型   运动类型:各式游泳    男人类型    其实很少有人会不爱水,因为在我们出生之前,就生活在妈妈温柔的羊水之中。刚生下来的孩子个个都会游泳,放在水里自己就知道屏住呼吸。只是很多人都没有 机会,到了老大不小才能接触到游泳运动,把这种天性都忘记了。所以,也难怪那些自小在海边长大的孩子,身上总是透出一种灵气。    而那些把游泳作为一种运动习惯的男人,因为充分享受人类对水天生的亲切感,一般来说想不温柔也难。水有一种魔力,可以让性格暴躁的人变得心平气和。而经 常游泳的男人,多持那种简单、放松的生活态度。但是不要因此就低估他们的实力,他们的放松中常常包裹着惊人的力量。他们不是没有追求,只是在坚持自己追求 的同时,接纳任何一种结果。   用心会意型   运动类型:瑜伽、太极、气功等关注身心联结的运动    男人类型   在选择这些运动爱好之前,这些男人差不多都已经尝试过各式各样的其他运动。不管是对速度还是对力量的追求,好像都不足以满足他们的需要。因为不满足于仅是骨骼和肌肉的伸展和收缩,才会返璞归真地回到这类结合着呼吸与心境的特别运动上。   在相对静态中控制自己的动作和心态,在忍耐和坚持的过程中倾听内心的声音,直觉到真实的自我,这样的男人往往已经经历过很多事情,看得清贪婪与浮躁的无意义。于是,凡事不喜欢强求,也没有任何的 “ 必须 ” 与 “ 一定 ” 。做动作时这样,生活中更是如此 —— 行动上量力而行,内心更沉静辽阔。    团体奋力型   运动类型:足球、篮球、排球等需要团队协作的运动    男人类型    喜欢这类社交型协力运动的男人,通常从小就活泼开朗,喜欢户外运动,而且人际交往能力非常突出。对于他们来说,孤独...