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Showing posts from October 16, 2022

Difference between the lastest nvidia-docker and nvidia container runtime I originally posted a similar answer here, but hopefully this clears things up: NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin#168 (comment) The set of packages collectively referred to as nvidia-docker consists of the following components (and their dependencies from top to bottom): nvidia-docker2 nvidia-container-runtime nvidia-container-toolkit libnvidia-container Unfortunately, the documentation across the repos that host code for these projects is inconsistent and misleading at times. Some places say that nvidia-docker2 should no longer be installed for docker versions 19.03+ because it is deprecated, and you should install nvidia-container-toolkit instead. Other places say that nvidia-docker2 is required (even for docker versions 19.03+) if you plan on running Kubernetes on top of docker. While both statements are technically true, I can see why things might be a little confusing. Starting from the bottom, below...

FW: Mini lesson – expressions with sleep

  Today's mini lesson is some very useful expressions with the word 'sleep'. Did you know some of these? ·          lose sleep over (not sleep because you're worried): Don't lose sleep over your exam. I'm sure it will be fine. ·          sleep rough (sleep outside, usually because you don't have a home): There are more people sleeping rough in London these days. ·          beauty sleep (sleep that makes you beautiful): I need to go home and get my beauty sleep! ·          sleep like a log (sleep very well): She slept like a log after our long walk. ·          not sleep a wink (not sleep at all): I didn't sleep a wink because the room was so noisy. ·          sleep on something (think about something overnight): Why don't you sleep o...

OLED 4K TV as a PC Monitor | 2 Years Later
