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Showing posts from February 26, 2012

Data analysist的工作

发信人: zlaotu (美国老土), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: Re: 这里有没有人做过做Data analysist的工作 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar  2 09:58:46 2012, 美东) Database Analyst/Business Analyst/System Application Analyst/Reporting Engineer/Price Analyst/Work Force Analyst/Source Analyst/Market Analyst All these kind of titles meant the same thing. Database Analyst is one of the best job you should looking for. Not need a formal CS degree. Any kind of degree will be OK. Specially for a MBA, this job is perfect. Database Analyst is listed as one of the high pay job in 2012 by US News. The salary range is between $50k to $120k. There are so many Database Analyst jobs open in many USA large/small companies, like: 学校,银行,保险,通讯,运输,医院,政府,食品,法律,房地产,高科技, 等等, 决不局限在那少之又少的软件公司. 大部分 Database Analyst job 不要 SAS, 不用统计. It takes many people three to six month to pick up the skill and start looking for the job. 【 在 Paris1981 (winnie) 的大作中提到: 】 : 一般做这种position的需要多少经验才可以找到类是的工作? : 在站内联系一下。thanks.


做企业就得做广告,就得让人知道你在做什么,你企业的特色和优势。虽然目前经济不景气,很多人在个人消费方面“节衣缩食”,但是,对于企业经营相关的开支,很多时候还是当大方的得大方。也正是因为这种原因,很多人将生意的着眼点盯在企业广告开支这一块,而且还一再的取得了巨大的成功。当年的雅虎如此,后来的谷歌是,今天的Group On和Facebook(脸谱)也依然是。 Group On取得了初期的巨大成功,我自己也“成功”的在几个月之内在它那里做了三次广告。结果发现,越是成功(卖出的Deal越多),自己倒是越吃亏。在我看来,Group On广告平台,不是一个值得使用的平台,至少,是一个代价巨大,收益率比较低的平台。关于这个平台的广告效果分析,我放到今后有机会时再来进行。 在谷歌上做广告,大家都已经非常熟悉,而且,操作起来也是异常的简单明了:无非就是花钱买吆喝,让人家到你的地盘上来看看热闹。至于其后是不是会给你带来销售数量,那就看你后续的营销能力了。 在这里,如果你满足于搞“标题党”,很可能也会带来巨大的,但却是费钱不讨好的“点击率”。为了这个可恶的,让人又爱又讨厌的“点击率”,人们花了不少时间来合计,来提高点击率的使用效率,于是,就有了pay per click (CPC) 和 pay per impression (CPM) 的区别。这后者在前者的基础上进了一步:pay for the number of people who see your ad as opposed to how many click on it.两者的区别,就是到了门前没有进门(CPC)和到了门前并且还至少进门看了一眼(CPM)你写的那些玩意。 和谷歌完全开放的平台相比,脸谱拥有的优势是存在它的服务器上的那些为数大量的私人信息!于是乎,脸谱就在充分和最有效的使用这些私有信息,来为自己牟利上下功夫了。那么,对于中小企业而言,又怎么样才能够在这个平台上获得最大的广告效果呢? 下面是一位在AOL做咨询者给出的例子: Facebook is a great place to advertise online, and tapping into its social media power can yield equally impressive results. Here's...

Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans Inc., headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, is the 5th largest retail mortgage lender overall in the United States and the largest online. The company consists of the online lending site, the Rock Financial brand in southeast Michigan, One Reverse Mortgage,[1] based in San Diego, California, and Title Source, a mortgage settlement service provider. In 2010, Quicken Loans processed approximately $29 billion in residential mortgage loans. The company employs about 3,700 people and is listed as one of the Top 30 Best Places to Work in America by Fortune magazine, a notable mention it has held for several years.[2][3] Contents  [hide]     * 1 History     * 2 Corporate governance           o 2.1 Locations     * 3 Recent news     * 4 References     * 5 External links [edit] History Quicken Loans, originally Rock Financial Corp...

Project managers

Project managers are charged with taking a defined project form scope through implementation. They plan, execute, and acquire resources for a project according to set timelines and deliverables. The PM is the central hub for communication, prioritization and visibility for the project.

List of C++ template libraries

Standard Template Library Boost C++ Libraries ODB ORM and Database-Aware Container Template Library STLSoft C++ Libraries Electronic Arts Standard Template Library Adobe Source Libraries Intel Threading Building Blocks C++ Templated Image Processing Library Database Template Library Oracle Template Library Windows Template Library Armadillo C++ Library (linear algebra) Dlib C++ Library Eigen Library (linear algebra) Matrix Template Library Loki (C++) Native Template Library PoCo C++ Libraries CGAL Blitz++ IT++ Adaptive Communication Environment View Template Library STXXL : Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets STLPort SOCI - The C++ Database Access Library

找工作心得-5: Phone interview

发信人: fireworks (高尔夫MM), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: 找工作心得-5: Phone interview 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 17 20:50:35 2006) 就像我之前预告的那样,我今天要讲讲我们phone interview. 我知道电话面试对很多人 来说都是很头痛的一个问题,我在最初的时候也很烦恼。但是有一点我想先澄清一下,那 就是不要觉得电话面试只有我们外国人才头痛,其实一般的美国人也都为这个困扰着。所 以啊,我们首先要树立信心。 首先我想先说说电话面试的种类。大致来说可以把phone interview根据who conducts分 成2个大类: HR or Hiring manager. 这两类面试的内容侧重不同,我在后面再慢慢分析 。而这两类又可以细分成两类:structured or unstructured. 顾名思义,structured phone interview 就是HR or Hiring manager 事先准备好了很多的问题, 给你电话面试 的时候就会照着手里纸上的问题一个一个问下来。而unstructured的常常就是想到那里问 那里。这两种类型都有它的难度,每个人的偏好也不一样,我个人比较喜欢unstructured ,觉得比较容易获得主动权,交流的感觉比较多。当然了,如果想要master the phone interview, 我们要学会熟练的应付无论哪一种类型的面试。 通常来说 HR会多问很多behavioral的问题,就算问到technique的问题,也会比较浅显。 有很多理工科的人会觉得HR 都不懂技术上的东西,如何才能跟她/他证明自己的实力,通 过screen是一个很大的难关。 我这里要说说一个我自己总结的对策。记得我反复在以前 的文章里强调对job description 的keyword analysis,这个对phone interview也有着 相当重要的作用。 想想看,HR他/她不懂那些技术上的东西,对她/他来说screen唯一的 信息依据和武器就是hiring manager给出的job description. 所以如果你对其中的 keywords理解得很透彻,在交谈中也反复提到,那么...

quantitative analyst

A quantitative analyst is a person who works in finance using numerical or quantitative techniques. Similar work is done in most other modern industries, but the work is not always called quantitative analysis. In the investment industry, people who perform quantitative analysis are frequently called quants. See List of quantitative analysts. Although the original quantitative analysts were concerned with investment management, risk management and derivatives pricing, the meaning of the term has expanded over time to include those individuals involved in almost any application of mathematics in finance. Examples include statistical arbitrage, algorithmic trading, and electronic market making. Contents  [hide]     1 History     2 Education     3 Types of quantitative analyst         3.1 Front office quantitative analyst         3.2 Quantitative investment mana...


勞工證 若要通過就業獲得移民簽證(“綠卡”),在大多數情況下第一步是從勞工部( DOL )申請勞工證。例外情況是基于就業的第一优先移民簽證 EB-1 (杰出人才,杰出教授 / 研究員,跨國公司經理 / 高級管理人員)和就業為基礎的第二优先 EB-2 (藝術,科學或商業特殊能力者),這兩類成功獲得國家利益豁免者﹐所有其他類別的都需要申請勞工證。 勞工證 ( 申請表格 (ETA 9089) 由勞工部就業和培訓局( ETA )認證。勞工部認證在該就業領域的某位置沒有合格的美國員工適合並愿意接受現行工資。 新勞工證處理過程叫做 PERM ﹐在勞工部網上申請。在提交 ETA9089 之前,僱主必須按照勞工部指定下有一個六十天的對外招聘期,包括至少兩次在當地星期日版報紙上做招聘廣告,以及在州人力資源机构和本工作單位的网站上做 30 天招募廣告。對于專業技術職務,有額外的步驟。在招聘期間過後如果依然沒有合格的美國工人愿意并能夠做此工作,可以提交勞工證申請。 資格標准 1 )雇主必須雇用該外國人為全職雇員﹔ 2 )必須有一個真正的職位空缺﹔ 3 )職位要求必須堅持和招聘美國員工時一樣﹐不可以為了適合外國僱員而修改。此外,用人單位還要有記錄沒有過于苛刻的招工要求,除非業務需要產生的要求﹔ 4 )用人單位必須支付至少該就業領域的現行工資。 移民簽證申請( I-140 表) 勞工證批准后,雇主必須向美國公民及移民服務局(簡稱“移民局”)遞交 I-140 表。 I-140 申請由雇主代表外國工人填寫,必須包括經批准的勞工證和其他指定的文件,包括雇主有支付能力給外籍勞工現行的工資證明。對于不需要勞工證的僱員,填寫 I-140 是第一步。必須提交足夠量的證据證明僱員簽證類別資格要求。證據要求各不相同,取決于簽證類別。在移民局服務中心提交 I-140 申請。移民局目前需要約 6 個月審批時間。 移民身份調整 / 領事處理事宜 申請綠卡過程的最后一個步驟是將外國公民的身份調整到為永久居民的 I-485 表格 - 注冊永久居留申請,如果在美國直接遞交 I-485 ,如果是在國外﹐則遞交到美國駐當地領事館。 如果還有簽證(類別 EB1-5 ), I-485 和 I-140 可以同時申請﹐不必等待 I-140 批准。當遞交 I-485 後﹐也可以申請...

What are vectors and lists in C++

Vectors are a kind of sequence container. As such, their elements are ordered following a strict linear sequence. Vector containers are implemented as dynamic arrays; Just as regular arrays, vector containers have their elements stored in contiguous storage locations, which means that their elements can be accessed not only using iterators but also using offsets on regular pointers to elements. But unlike regular arrays, storage in vectors is handled automatically, allowing it to be expanded and contracted as needed. Vectors are good at:     Accessing individual elements by their position index (constant time).     Iterating over the elements in any order (linear time).     Add and remove elements from its end (constant amortized time). Compared to arrays, they provide almost the same performance for these tasks, plus they have the ability to be easily resized. Although, they usually consume more memory than arrays when their cap...