发信人: FoxMe (FoxMe), 信区: History 标 题: 人心所向:菲奖得主Lafforgue加盟华为人工智能团队 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 24 09:36:54 2021, 美东) 看来人心在我鳖这边。这是继Cauchy Birkar加盟清华之后,今年第二个菲尔兹奖得主 倒向我鳖。 人工智能水分太大,鱼龙混杂,泥沙俱下。现在硬核来了,代数几何里的topos可能是 人工智能的未来。华为眼光极高,任正非的决心令吾辈敬仰。 顺便提一下,伽罗华群是Langland’s program的核心问题,而Langland’s program是 当今数学里最大的研究纲领,相当于解析数论的升级版。如果能下决心搞,我鳖在这个 方向应该能搞出名堂来。 https://www.ihes.fr/en/laurent-lafforgue-en/Laurent Lafforgue joins Huawei Technologies France Laurent Lafforgue, mathematician and permanent professor at IHES since 2000, is known worlwide in particular for his essential contributions to Langland ’s program in the fields of number theory and analysis, which earned him the Fields Medal in 2002. In recent years, his work on topos theory has led him to develop a collaboration with the research teams of Huawei Technologies France. Discussions between Laurent Lafforgue and Huawei researchers, which begun in 2017, first led to a two-year project, focused on topos theory...