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Showing posts from October 9, 2011


以下是温莎结的打法图解(系法1),我们将在这文章中假设您是惯用右手的。下面的图片全是 镜像 ,意思就是如果您站在镜子前打领带,您将看到下列的影像。 1. 开始时领带的大领应该放在您的右边,而小领则应该放在您的左边。 2. 把大领跨在小领之上,形成三个区域(左、右、中)。 3. 把大领翻到小领之下,到达中区域。 4. 把大领翻出至右区域。 5. 把大领从小领之下由右翻到左。 6. 把大领翻上到中区域。 7. 把大领从领带结之下由中翻到右。 8. 把大领翻到前面至左区域。 9. 把大领翻到小领之下,由左至中。 10. 把大领穿过前面的圈,并束紧领带结。 11. 一只手轻拉着小领前端,另一只手把领带结移至衣领的中心。

How to tie a tie

Fwd: [CSSAMSU] Understanding ???unmarked police cars???

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jerry McAllister < > Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:08 PM Subject: Re: [CSSAMSU] Understanding ???unmarked police cars??? To: On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:04:37AM -0400, Shuang Zhou wrote: Hi Shuang, > Thanks for the info.  Share something from the internet.  It could be > wrong, but if an unmarked car is trying to stop you and you are not > sure if it is a real police car, keep driving slowing, but do not > stop amd call 911  to confirm if there is any police officer patroling > in that areaa. This info could be wrong, please use caution. Many personal safety experts recommend doing this, but I do not think there is any police official policy that accepts this action.  If there is, then it is fairly new. As for unmarked cars, there are various ways to be unmarked.  Some just do not have the obvious lights on top.  Others do not have the lights or any marking...


Fwd: [CSSAMSU] Understanding “unmarked police cars”

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Calvin Sun < > Date: 2011/10/13 Subject: [CSSAMSU] Understanding "unmarked police cars" To: 大家好, This note discusses the practice, by police departments in the United States, of using "unmarked cars." I am sorry, but I cannot find a translation for this phrase. I tried some terms of my own, but my friends laughed when they read it, so I think these terms are wrong lol: "隐秘警车 " and "秘密的警车." In any event, an unmarked police car looks like any other car, for example one that you or I would drive. That is, such a car, even though driven by a police officer, will not have any special exterior light fixtures, colors or markings. In particular, it will not have the word "police" written on the car. This practice is important to you in two respects. First, of course, you should be careful at all times when driving, because the "ordinary" ...

Requirements for Ph.D. in Physics

To receive the Ph.D. in Physics a student must: 1. Pass the Qualifying Examination (see Sec. V) on undergraduate Physics at the Ph.D. level (grade of A) before the end of the student's first semester of the second year. A maximum of three tries is allowed on this exam. Alternatively, a student may qualify for the Ph.D. program by taking a sequence of undergraduate courses approved by the graduate advisory committee, and by achieving at least a 3.5 average on these courses, with no course grade below 3.0. 2. Complete a program of basic coursework. Graduate students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in their coursework and satisfy the other Graduate school requirements concerning grades. The following courses must be completed for the Ph.D. in physics, provided they have not been completed at another accredited graduate school. Methods of Theoretical Physics, PHY 810 (Fall) Classical Mechanics, PHY 820 (Fall) Statistical Mechanics, PHY 831 (Fall) Quantum Mechanics I, PHY...

How do I share a link to a file in my Dropbox folder?

How do I share a link to a file in my Dropbox folder? Currently, you can create a link to any file in your Public folder by copying its public link from the Dropbox website or by right-clicking (Windows/Linux) or Control-clicking (Mac OS X) on the file using the desktop application. However, we're pleased to announce a new way to share your files. Now any file or folder in your Dropbox folder can be shared! All you have to do is enable your account by clicking this link. With the new sharing model, you'll be able to create a shareable link from the Dropbox website. Once you create a shareable link, send it to anyone with a web browser or via sites like Twitter or Facebook. Each shareable link is secure! When you create a shareable link, Dropbox creates a unique token used only in that link. It is almost impossible to guess the token, but even if someone was able to, they'd have to know the name of the folder and files ...


American Beauty

香港三级片 - 晚娘 - 钟丽缇


每个星期都有一天晚上,一群首席执行长要在曼哈顿的一个精神科专家的办公室里碰头,参加一种古老的仪式。表面上,这是一个互助性质的小组。但是,讨论到最后总会发展成争夺主导权的“战斗”。 拜拉姆·卡拉苏(T. Byram Karasu)说:“阿尔法男性只要聚在一起,最好胜的那个总要在气势上压倒其他人。”卡拉苏是一个资深精神科专家,举办这个活动已经有23年。虽然这些人之间的争斗措辞微妙,但却相当激烈。“即使是给对方提建议也是存心打击对方的自尊。受欺负的成员离开时会对自己的健康和能力满腹狐疑,睾丸激素因此大幅下降。他们告诉我,他们会在之后的三四天里都无法正常进行性生活。” 阿尔法男性的日子并不轻松。一路奋斗到高峰并保住这个地位是要在身体上付出代价的。 最新的证据来自对肯尼亚安博塞利(Amboseli)盆地的野生狒狒的研究。美国普林斯顿和杜克大学的研究人员在过去的9年多时间里,对5组总共125只雄性狒狒进行了研究。结果发现,阿尔法雄性狒狒虽然得到了最好的食物、最多的异性,但承受的压力要远远高于皮质醇水平仅低于他们一级的贝塔雄性狒狒。皮质醇是一种应激激素,研究人员根据粪便样本来检测和确定它的含量。 贝塔雄性狒狒占有异性的数量和从其他狒狒那里获得毛发梳理“服务”的次数几乎和阿尔法雄性狒狒不相上下,但是他们没有花那么多时间去与同性争斗或是跟在雌性狒狒的身边驱赶其他雄性狒狒。 调查报告的第一作者劳伦斯·格斯奎尔(Laurence Gesquiere)说:“具有阿尔法个性的人活得很累。我宁愿自己是贝塔个性。”。该报告发表在7月份的《科学》(Science)杂志上。 在智慧的重要性胜过蛮力的人类“大草原”上,阿尔法个体运营企业、聚敛财富、主导他们参加的所有会议。他们雄心勃勃、言语果断、自信满满、争强好胜。“用不了30秒,你就能嗅出他们身上的这种味道来,”纽约蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心(Montefiore Medical Center)的首席精神科专家卡拉苏博士说。 虽然有时候也表现得冷静而平和,但是很多阿尔法个体肾上腺素分泌旺盛。肾上腺素是一种荷尔蒙,当人们身处险境,这种荷尔蒙会让人们的身体做好奋起战斗或快速逃开的准备。身体力量的迅速爆发曾帮助我们的祖先甩掉食肉动物。但是,如果某种可觉察的威胁一直存在,这种长期的紧张状态也会导致皮质醇增加,最终削弱人体的免...

Maintaining status/enrollment

Role and Responsibility of the International Students Students must be aware of and comply fully with the following: * You must maintain a valid passport at all times. * You must maintain a valid, unexpired I-20 or DS-2019 Form at all times. This includes a 1-20 or DS-2019 Form with the correct level and major, current funding and correct personal information. * You must enroll in and attend classes. If you plan on taking a semester off other than summer, you must obtain prior approval from an OISS advisor. * You must attend the college/university listed on your I-20 or DS-2019. Prior approval from an OISS advisor is needed if you plan to take classes at another school (example: Lansing Community College). If you dual enroll, you must take the majority of your credits per semester at MSU. * You must complete a full course of study during normal enrollment periods (fall & spring semesters). * Full time is defined as 12 credits per semester for undergraduates, 9 credits per ...

[中国风] 周杰伦五首连播

Fwd: 一百零四首老歌(回味大學時期的暢銷西洋流行金曲

      親愛的朋友: 現今轉寄給你的『一百零四首老歌』我覺得特別有價值。這個標題對你可能不太有吸引力, 其實一開始對我也不太有吸引力,我也是擺放了好多天才胡亂點選數首聽聽的, 原本不抱太大期待,沒想到這真是太豐富的寶庫。 如你所知,我們年輕時接觸這些經典老歌都是透過黑膠唱片,許多曲子都已經聽得熟到會哼唱了, 但從無機會看到原作者或原唱者演唱該曲之畫面,現今拜網路科技之賜,以及有心人之整理, 許多原唱之錄影畫面一一呈現,如 Patti Page 唱 ” Changing Partners ”、Blue diamonds唱 ” Oh carol ”、 Tony Orlando & Dawn 唱” Knock Three Times”、 The Brothers Four 唱 ” Five Hundred Miles ”、 Simon & Garfunkel 唱” Sound Of Silence”、 Andy Williams 唱 ” Moon River ”、 John Lennon 唱 ” Imagine ”、 又如 Paul Anka 唱” Diana”等。 更棒的是每個 YouTube Clip 旁還有主唱者或相關主題的許多 YouTube Clips , 例如 ” Imagine ” YouTube 旁也有柯林頓總統與八十個孩童 (四十個以色列兒童與四十個阿拉伯孩童)合唱此曲的錄影,非常珍貴。 樂於與你分享,祝平安健康 真正的好康的代誌報恁摘! 只要點了那首英文歌,MV就出現. 從前我們真不敢想,有如此方便 的一百零四首老歌掀起塵緣往事 ! 願老歌伴暖您一個冷冽的季節感謝思維的分享! Popular Old songs.... Whether to awaken you young frivolous time delightful recollection? ...