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Showing posts from June 10, 2012

Install Chinese Input Method

1. install language packs 2. add input method in ibus



卡尔·海因里希·马克思 ( 德语 : Karl Heinrich Marx ,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),早期在中国被译为 麦喀士 , 马克思主义 创始人。 犹太 裔 德国 人, 政治学家 、 哲学家 、 经济学家 、 社会学家 、 革命理论家 、 记者 、 历史学者 、 革命社会主义者 。他的观点在社会科学和社会政治运动的发展中扮演的重要的角色。他一生著述颇丰,主要著作有《 共产党宣言 》(1848年)、《 资本论 》(1867年–1894年)等;他的一些著作是与其朋友,同为德国革命社会主义者 弗雷德里希·恩格斯 共同完成。 马克思是近代 共产主义 运动、 无产阶级 的精神领袖。支持他理论的人被视为 马克思主义者 。在马克思的哲学理论中,他对人类历史进程中阶级斗争的分析最为著名。他认为几千年来, 人类 发展史上最大矛盾与问题就在于不同阶级的利益掠夺与斗争。依据 历史唯物论 ,马克思认为, 资本主义 终将被 共产主义 取代。 一般认为马克思的哲学在他所处的时代没有绝对的影响力。但就在他过世几年后的 19世纪 末,马克思哲学迅速传遍各地。向社会主义过度一时间成为欧洲先进国家政经改革的趋势。之后,马克思主义逐渐派分为非革命派( Evolutionary Marxism )与革命派( Revolutionary Marxism )。非革命派学说,又称 修正主义 派,以 爱德华·伯恩施坦 为中心,主张渐进式的社会主义发展,视马克思主义为一种 道德标准 。而革命派则以 列宁 最为著名,他强调了激进强制革命的重要性。革命派视马克思主义为一种历史科学理论,认为这种理论是绝对正确的预言。双方皆认为己方学说为马克思主义的正统。 20世纪 初到20世纪中叶,凭借 列宁 及其他革命者的提倡以及 苏联 的建立,马克思主义以及社会主义运动达到了巅峰。期间,马克思主义在当代的解释似乎受到许多学者的质疑并产生争议。随着 苏联 的式微与解体,马克思主义在政治上的影响力也逐渐衰退。而马克思主义作为近代最著名也是影响最深远的哲学理论之一,其学说仍然在学术界的各领域活跃,其精神在各政府的施政中也不时得以运用。而在 21世纪 的今天,世界上仍有许多国家自称马克思主义为其国家或政党的基本主义与基本方针,如 中国 、 越南 、 老挝 、 朝鲜 、 古巴 、 尼泊尔 等。 ...

Free Kindle Books

If Google Trends are anything to go by, a fair number of you were fortunate enough to unwrap a Kindle 3 this Christmas (currently, “free kindle books” is trending at number 9). As such, we thought we’d alert you to some of the following resources for getting free Kindle books on your new device (as well as your smartphone and desktop ). For all but the Kindle Store , you’ll need to transfer the books manually using a computer and USB cable. Project Gutenberg : 33,000 free e-books, including all of the classics, available in Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. Google E-Bookstore : The free section is filled with thousands of free, scanned copies of books, available in Kindle-friendly PDF formats. Internet Archive : Millions of primarily rare, out-of-print works in multiple languages and formats (including Kindle), especially useful for academic work. Open Library : 20 million user-contributed items in multiple editions and formats (including Kindle). : ...


string::size_type It might be logical to expect that size returns an int, or, thinking back to the note on page 38, an unsigned. Instead, the size operation returns a value of type string::size_type. This type requires a bit of explanation. The string classand many other library typesdefines several companion types. These companion types make it possible to use the library types in a machine-independent manner. The type size_type is one of these companion types. It is defined as a synonym for an unsigned typeeither unsigned int or unsigned longthat is guaranteed to be big enough to hold the size of any string. To use the size_type defined by string, we use the scope operator to say that the name size_type is defined in the string class. Any variable used to store the result from the string size operation ought to be of type string::size_type. It is particularly important not to assign the return from size to an int. Although we don't know the precise type of string::size_type, wed...


发信人: lvhemi (驴和咪), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: 5个不成功的onsite经历 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 12 12:53:09 2012, 美东) 找工作已经差不多两个月了,虽然面试很多,但还没有拿到offer。这个版给自己帮助 很大,谢谢自己面试的经历,希望能对其他版友有所帮助。也攒攒人品,希望在后面的 面试中自己能表现得更好,早日敲定offer。 ======================================================================= 面试分别是IBM research, LinkedIn, Google Research, Intel Research和Netflix 前四家在四月中、下旬面的,后一家上周面的;其中三家悲剧,两家被做了备胎 悲剧的原因主要是自己没准备好:(1)job talk做得很烂(2)coding一点都没准备, 直接被鄙视 1. IBM 面试非常恐怖,连续两天全天,第一天9点开始,晚上6点结束,然后晚宴到10点。第二 天早上8点开始到下午5点半。每个面试45,午饭时间也在面试(被安排参加内部seminar )。感觉就是不停地跟不同的人见面(每天13-14个),不停地瞎聊。面到最后舌头都是木 的。 感觉IBM鱼龙混杂,有几个人非常牛,ACM fellow级别的老头子,但大多数人水平一般 但是非常自大,牛逼哄哄。 只被面了一个coding:在BST上插入一个节点,勉强过关 2. Intel research 面完IBM第二天直接面的Intel Research。没有面coding,见了7、8个人,随便聊了聊 research。有其中几个是在Portland电话聊的。几乎大多数人聊得都比较开心,直到最 后戏剧性的一幕:hiring manager问我如果要写一个research proposal该写啥,我说 了一些自己的idea,她好像不置可否,感觉不是她期望的回答。最后也就不了了之。 3. LinkedIN 一个认识的人(老印,仅仅认识)去LinkedIn做director,急需招人,也非常喜欢我的 background。可惜与HR的协调出了点问题,因为我onsit...

Software Test Engineer

Software Test Engineer Loves Park IL Job reference: NAM00496 Danfoss, a global market leader in HVAC/R, Water and Motion Controls has an excellent opportunity for an experienced Engineer – Software Test to join the Danfoss Power Electronics Division Product Development Team located inLoves Park,IL As a member of cross-functional project teams, the Engineer – Software Test is responsible for creating test plans, test strategies, design and development of automated product software verification tests.  Additional responsibilities include researching and recommending new test processes, strategies, technology, and tools planned for testing of future products. Critical Tasks/Responsibilities Prepare designs, specifications, analysis and recommendations for development of new products. Maintain records pertinent to each project in the form of time, project key point statements, project and work tracking reports, design journals, sketches, drawings, etc ...

Job Search Guide - Become a Master Negotiator

Imagine you have just received a job offer that you are very interested in accepting, the benefits are better than expected, the commute is ideal, but the salary is a sheer disappointment. How can you take this job offer from good to great? We can help you by providing ways in which to effectively negotiate an acceptable salary with employers. Consider the following tips:     Create a Strategy – Set guidelines for yourself on what you deem acceptable. Don’t forget, it is important not to look at salary alone. You should factor in and rate other important attributes such as commute time, career advancement, etc. Have your limits in mind and know what you want, what you expect, and what you will settle for.     Do your Homework - The key to a successful salary negotiation is preparation. Research your market worth to determine what a person with your skills, education and qualifications is earning in your area.     Convince the Interviewer That...


发信人: catmiao (连轴转找工作&写文章), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: Re: Fresh Physics Ph.D求MS,GOOGLE,AMAZON,LINKEDIN,以及其他 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 11 17:43:23 2012, 美东) 自己顶下,另附些信息,大家帮忙看看我应该如何找面试。国内本科Top2物理,现在 Top 20+学校理论物理PH.D可惜学校是典型文科学校,理工方面的校友很少。 本人careercup150过了一遍,Leetcode搞了一小部分,data structure/algorithm 基 本的STL里面包含的那些都比较熟。能白板写code。 面过Eze Castle,onsite 面了5个人加考试1,当时觉得面的不错可能有offer,但可能 直接面的是mid-level,最后惨烈的挂了。 Bloomberg:上周5面的,感觉被走了个过场,就面了一轮onsite,没见到manager,挂了。 简历每天自己平均投2-3份。现在总共有4个电话面试包括上面两个公司和一个小hedge fund(没搞到onsite),另外还有一个当地公司,下周onsite,但钱不多。 这种情形师兄师姐看看怎么办,面试实在太少了。求帮忙。 【 在 catmiao (连轴转找工作&写文章) 的大作中提到: 】 : RT求各大软件公司SDE,Data Scientist等能接受Physics Ph.D的职位,谢谢版上各位大 : 哥大姐帮忙。

sudo apt-get install build-essential

A few of the procedures I have will need to "make" drivers and such.  When you make a package sometimes it will invoke Ubuntu's built in C-compiler gcc.  To compile C/C++ programs using gcc you must have the build-essential package installed.  The build-essential package contains all the headers that C/C++ need like or .  To install build-essential type the following in a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential After build-essential is installed you will then be able to compile C/C++ programs.  This package should also be installed by default in Ubuntu IMO.  As far as C/C++ programming skills and syntax there are numerous texts and online sources out there that can help you.

“Problem with MergeList” error when trying to install new package

E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.    These terminal commands should solve the problem: First remove the Merge List by running this command sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf Then generate a new one by running a simple update sudo apt-get update  


在表面上:除了说对不起,还是对不起,不停的说,采取礼物攻势,要发扬你作为中国人的那种坚韧的优良传统,她不原谅你死不罢休,――死缠! 从根本上:要保证以后不能发生类似的事情,喝酒是避免不了的,但是要千万不能喝的烂醉如泥! 要努力向她解释,让她明白你的好心和苦心。 如果她现在实在是太生气的话,那不妨先冷静一下,等她稍微平静之后,你再去和她解释,多说几次“我爱你”,说一些她爱听的话,再说一些笑话给她听,慢慢就会好的,因为她也明白,一份爱来之不易,她也会珍惜的,可能你的隐瞒真的是让她伤心了。她也要自己想想,再加上你的道歉和真诚,我想她会原谅你的。 总结:1,承认错误 2,听凭处置 3,骂不还口 4,打不还手 5,适当时机跟她说个玩笑

DFA history of economics

Innovations in financial markets research over the last fifty years are the keystone of a belief system that guides Dimensional's approach to investing. Today, the investment industry takes for granted the calculation of rates of return and the availability of comparative universes for professionally managed funds. But before the mid 1960s, there was neither a generally accepted way to calculate a total return nor a way to compare the returns of different funds. This all changed with the advent of computers and the collection of data for mutual funds as well as for individual stocks and bonds. Rigorous testing by financial economists of that seminal era led to the development of asset pricing models to evaluate the risk/return characteristics of securities and portfolios, and also led to a theory of market efficiency that suggested excess returns were only achievable by taking on above-market risk. Studies documenting the failure of active managers to outperform marke...