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Showing posts from December 13, 2015

What happens when a stock is taken off the market? How do you claim a loss? VOIP Inc?

What happens when a stock is taken off the market? How do you claim a loss? VOIP Inc? A few years ago, I had some money invested in VOIP Inc (initially traded as VOII , then VOIC ) . It was about $500 initial investment, and became worth $0.01 and I have been holding on to it for a few years to save as a loss for tax purposes when I need it. This year I had some sales with a 50% gain so I figured I would sell the shares this year to cut back on the taxes I'll have to pay for those profits.  However, when I tried to sell the stocks at, it says this "A security with the symbol VOIC is not recognized as a valid listed security. Use the Find Symbol option if you need help finding the symbol."  It still shows up in my portfolio as an open position, as VOIC . How am I going to be able to claim a loss if my broker is still calling it an "Open" position? It isn't a realized loss until the position is closed.  It looks like the SEC revoke...

标 题: 面对人工智能的威胁

这几天美国人工智能学术界和工业界正在联署一份公开信,呼吁大家开发人工智能的时 候谨慎行事,以造福人类、保护人类利益为先,加大相关伦理法律哲学等方面问题研究 的力度,及早为必将到来的技术奇点做准备。已签名的有不少这个领域里的顶级专家, 包括谷歌、微软、Facebook等广泛应用人工智能的公司的相关负责人,包括美国人工智 能行业学会组织的领袖,包括最经典的一些人工智能教科书的作者。 公开信所附一篇关于人工智能研究优先级的论文很有意思,引用了90多种论文专著,概 述人工智能在伦理法律各方面的风险、对人类社会可能的威胁,总结出应该加强哪些方 面的研究来尽量确保人工智能对我们有益。在我看来其中有些含糊的研究目标,不见得 能赶上现实中人工智能发展的速度。 其中一个有趣的研究方向:人工智能的崛起将导致越来越多的人无工可作,但另一方面 人工智能又能加速财富的创造,应怎样设计财富分配方式来保证大部分人口的生活质量 ?有些研究表明在很多文化里,失业会导致生活满意度低下。但中东一些产油国的大部 分人口都不需要工作,也能过上富足满意的生活,是一种借鉴。我觉得吧,也许最终会 归结到以前马克思的设想,生活物资极大丰富的情况下,大家各尽所能,各取所需好了 。也许一部分人口从此终日吃喝玩乐无所事事,只要对社会没有妨害,就养着他们好了 。总会有另一部分人口会想干些事业,会想开拓创新,会想做一些真正有意义的事,文 明的发展要靠他们了。就算地球上的环境、能源、饥荒、病痛什么什么的问题全都解决 了,我们还要迈向太空,还要探索宇宙,总有无数的事情可以做。 另外,人工智能将给一些传统道德难题带来新的更棘手的变化。比如你开车的时候,突 然刹车失灵,打方向盘的话你自己就会连车带人掉河里淹死,不打方向盘的话就会冲进 人群把许多人撞死,这一瞬间你不管做的是什么决定,你最终都会为自己的决定负责。 如果自己淹死了,你为保护无辜的人群作出了牺牲,会有很多人悼念你;如果把很多人 撞死了,那么会被起诉,也许要坐牢,总是要付出代价。但如果你坐的是自动驾驶汽车 ,那一瞬间由人工智能替你做的决定,那么到头来是谁负责呢?如果你自己淹死了,那 你的亲属无疑会起诉制造那个人工智能的公司。如果把其他人撞死了,那死者的亲属无 疑也会起诉那个公司。有这样的法律风险在,还有谁敢真正...
Amazon has Philips Sonicare HX6211/04 2 Series Plaque Control Rechargeable Toothbrush for $29.95 when you 'clip' the $10 Off Coupon. Shipping is free with Prime or if you spend $35 or more. Thanks bkjanik Note, You must be logged into your account. Coupons are typically one use per account.  Deal Editor's Notes & Price Research: If you don't have Prime, there's free 30-day trial with free 2-day shipping, video streaming & more available.
Kmart [Store Locator] has 8GB Motorola Moto E LTE Sprint Pre-Paid Smartphone + $49.99 SYWR Points on sale for $49.99. Select free store pickup where available. Thanks JulesJam & igorjrr [discuss] Note. active Shop Your Way membership required to receive points bonus (free to join) Specs: 4.5" 960x540 resolution qHD TFT display 1.2 GHz Quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor 1GB RAM 8GB Internal Memory MicroSD card slot (up to 32GB) 5MP rear + 0.3MP front facing cameras 4G LTE/WiFi/Bluetooth 2390mAh battery Android 5.0 (Lollipop) Deal Editor's Notes & Price Research: Note, bonus Shop Your Way Rewards points added within one day of purchase. Points expire 1/30/16 Please refer to forum thread for additional deal ideas & discussion ~RevOne