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Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Dashan Live - Beijingers Can't Speak Cantonese


Long list of free Kindle books for kids of all ages

So this isn't as pretty as it would have been if my PC hadn't croaked. It's not any kind of organized, either. I went looking for something for the little kids & found all kinds of things to share with the class. Lots of these are in a series or collection which may also be specially priced. Many have marked down audiobooks as well. But I just wasn't up to sorting all that on my phone. Let y'all go crazy instead. ") The numbers above the web addresses are the ASIN. If the mobile webpage doesn't work anyone who's interested can find the books searching Amazon that way. B07FRBJXV3 Isaac ben Levi and 1 more Happy Engines Back at Work (Li'l Great Railroad Series Book 1) B07NVQV73Z Renee M. Langstaff The Heart of A Bear: Bear Gets His Heart Checked B07NDKXNPN G Guar...

Vundle Quick Start

Introduction: Installation requires Git and triggers git clone for each configured repository to ~/.vim/bundle/ by default. Curl is required for search. If you are using Windows, go directly to Windows setup . If you run into any issues, please consult the FAQ . See Tips for some advanced configurations. Using non-POSIX shells, such as the popular Fish shell, requires additional setup. Please check the FAQ . Set up Vundle : git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim Configure Plugins: Put this at the top of your .vimrc to use Vundle. Remove plugins you don't need, they are for illustration purposes. set nocompatible " be iMproved, required filetype off " required " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize set rtp += ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin () " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins " call vu...

How to use NERD Commenter for vim — how to use key

Your keyboard is the problem On many non-English keyboards, the backslash \ is only accessible through an AltGr key combination. This makes the default setting of the character rather impractical for these non-English keyboard users. Moreover, key combinations are subject to a default 1000ms time-out. This can be observed by the disappearance of the key at the right edge of the command line. So, non-English keyboard users need to be real quick typists for \ c c to work. Failure to do so, results in an undesired cc line change. Here is an example of a German keyboard layout with the backslash-bearing key on the top row, third from right: Solution Non-English keyboard users are advised to change the key from the \ character to the more accessible , key. Vim beginners should also consider a slightly longer 1500ms time-out. Here is what needs to be added to ~/.vimrc let mapleader="," set timeout timeoutlen=1500 One final caveat; these changes only ...

20140308 百战经典 百年硝烟话航母——马里亚纳海战

深度解密 HTTP 通信细节

在上一篇《 “三次握手,四次挥手”你真的懂吗? 》中,我们学会了用wireshark和tcpdump来分析TCP的“三次握手,四次挥手”,非常好用。这哥俩就是传说中的 锤子 ,拿着 锤子 ,看什么都像 钉子 !在这篇文章中,我对准了 HTTP 这颗钉子砸下去,咳咳。 为了对网络数据包的“流转”有更加深刻的理解,我在docker(远程)上部署一个服务,支持http方式调用。从客户端(本地)用http方式请求其中的一个接口,并得到响应数据。同时本地通过wireshark抓包,远程用tcpdump抓包,然后分析过程中的所有通信细节。悲剧是把美好的东西撕碎给人看,而我则是把复杂的东西撕碎了给人看。 文章稍长,请在看本文时保持耐心。我先通过工具获取HTTP通信的数据包,再来抽丝剥茧,深入二进制的天地里,解密HTTP所有的通信细节。分析过程中,由点到面,将相关知识串接起来。保证全篇读完之后,你对HTTP的理解会上升一个台阶! 为了更好的阅读体验,我手动贴上本文的目录: HTTP报文截获 背景介绍 我手头现在有一个地理几何相关的服务,它提供一组接口对外使用。其中有一个接口是 Fence2Area . 使用方传入一个围栏(由点的列表组成,点由<经度,纬度>表示)、点的坐标系类型(谷歌地图用的是wgs84, 国内腾讯、高德用的是soso, 而百度用的是另一套自己的坐标系),接口输出的则是围栏的面积。 我请求服务的“Fence2Area”接口,输入围栏(fence)顶点(lng, lat)坐标、坐标系类型(coordtype),输出的则是多边形的面积(area). 一次正常的请求示例url, 这个大家都不陌生(我用docker_ip代替真实的ip): http://docker_ip: 7080 /data?cmd= Fence2Area &meta={ "caller" : "test" , "TraceId" : "test" }&request={ "fence" :[{ "lng" : 10.2 , "lat" : 10.2 }, { "lng...