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Showing posts from November 27, 2016

标  题: 招聘:HOUSTON新的生物实验室招技术员

发信人: nurse11 (龙猫), 信区: Biology 标  题: 招聘:HOUSTON新的生物实验室招技术员 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec  1 23:19:13 2016, 美东) The duty for this position is as below: Ordering laboratory supplies and equipment Maintaining mouse colonies Genotyping Assisting PI and postdocs in patch-clamp electrophysiological recordings, performing basic immunostaining on brain slices. The starting salary is $30,000. --

SFBay Openstack Meetup - Feb 18 2016

Sadayuki Furuhashi - Logging for Production Systems in the Container Era