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Showing posts from November 24, 2019

Cloning Windows 10 to an SSD drive

So you bought an SSD drive, and now you want to move your Windows 10 operating system plus all the data to the new drive. While Windows 10 doesn’t make this easy for you, there are ways you can clone and swap the OS install to an SSD. The best part about this process is once it’s done, it’ll make your system faster. Here’s a guide that shows you how to clone the entire Windows OS with all files and settings intact over to the SSD drive. Note : before moving your OS to the SSD drive, make sure you back up your data. This protects you in case something goes wrong, as the data is needed for the entire process. Preliminary steps Now that you’ve backed up your drive, here are a few other steps to take just before performing the cloning (migration) of Windows 10 to the SSD drive. Shrink your disk contents to get rid of additional space, as SSD drives usually have less space compared to regular HDDs. This ensures your system partition fits on the new drive. Delete any ...

Fix arrow keys that display A B C D on remote shell

I wonder how many of you are annoyed with the arrow key behavior during insert mode in Vim. Leave all the key mappings default, do not change your TERM environment. Here's a simple tip, :set term=cons25 It was tested with Vim 5.8 and 6.1 editions on; FreeBSD 4.X-STABLE; xterm(-color),VT100 remote terminals; (t)csh shells. Note that :set term=cons25 causes printing of garbage characters when the session is local. Vi 7.4, Debian Jessie.

How to change the filter on the Winix 5300 air purifier