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Showing posts from April 9, 2023

How do I enter a backdoor Roth IRA conversion?     A backdoor Roth IRA allows you to get around income limits by converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA. Contributing directly to a Roth IRA is restricted if your income is beyond certain limits, but there are no income limits for conversions. You’ll receive a Form 1099-R with code 2 in box 7 (or code 7 if your age is over 59 ½) in the year you make your Roth conversion. You should report your conversion for the year you receive this 1099-R: If you received this form in 2022, complete both steps below to report it on your 2022 taxes If you'll receive this form in 2023, wait to report it on your 2023 taxes. In this case, only complete Step 1 below for your 2022 taxes. You’ll complete both steps next year when filing your taxes for 2023 Doing a backdoor Roth conversion is a two-step process. TurboTax Online ...

[职场感言] 分享被裁的信号之如何预警自己是否被裁(欢迎补充) |只看干货

  经济不景气当下,如何通过观察周围的蛛丝马迹判断被裁: .-- managerial的岗位 1. 不断被要求hand off一些人事信息给同事 2. 人事会议中发言被略过或者没被邀请 . Χ 3. 已知要裁员的情况下,老板没有问自己要组员的performance名单 4. 组里的工作优先级被降,突然边缘化 . 1point3acres 5. 组里进来一个类似的manager,并且自己的组员被调过去 . Waral dи, 6. 被要求确认提交最近的PTO的request . IC的岗位 1. 个人的工作量被缩减或者长期不排新活 2. 被经理提过一些工作上的建议,且是一些无事实根据的建议或者吹毛求疵的建议 3. 自己的大组被一锅端的情况下,会发现manager开始更新Linkedin或者开始三天两头PTO(其实是去准备面试) . 1point3acres 4. 被无故问及关于是否去旅游,是否打算搬家等近期打算的事情 5. 被无故要求knowledge transfer一些工作或者要求提交近期project的white paper. 6. 周围的senior同事都在换组或者找工作 7. 被要求确认提交最近的PTO的request     都manager多少年了,你肯定给IC写过performance report和promotion doc吧。请问你难道一次都没有被自己的上司要求在某个时间紧的deadline前上报performance report过吗?你当manager很多年,肯定是知道performance report是用来干什么的吧?不然HR和VP都是看谁的名字好听看谁名字好记来决定裁谁的吗?     我的skip在裁员前一个月就开始不准大家travel,不管多重要的理由或是会议,都不准。 . Χ . 然后开始跟我老板说某个重要的案子现在大家都不准碰,理由是他要跟cross functions厘清一些问题跟界线画分,如果我们私底下不听话,依旧尝试去get involved into the project ,就会收到咆哮信。 另外裁员前三个月,我老板叫我们做了很多次job scope的描绘,我们至少写了3-4次自己在做什么的叙述给我老板,之后我老板不知道拿...