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Showing posts from February 28, 2010

copy root files from SAM to a local directory

copy the following file and name it $ vi import os, sys, time ############################################################################ # project_definition = "singletop_recovery_p20mu_201002271038" sam_station        = os.environ['SAM_STATION'] snapshot_version   = 'new' appname            = 'generic' version            = "1" group              = "dzero" max_file_amt       = 1000 ##verbosity          = "--verbose" verbosity           = "" # Give up on all exceptions give_up            = 1 def file_ready(filename):     now = time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()) )     print("<%s> MY PROJECT: working on a file named >%s<" % (now,filename))     # Modify the destination below to copy the files somewhere     os.system('cp %s /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/TriggerStudy/MU/SAM_WW_copy' % filename)     return run