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Showing posts from August 4, 2013


西人也清楚这点, 有次时代周刊上说中国人 hopelessly inward looking 我查了下字典,inward looking 的意思是 interested only in one's self; not interested in others 可能是中国太大了, 几千年来没有接触过外面的世界。 对于华人来说, 中国即世界, 世界即中国。 没有族裔这个概念。


这关键是中国的传统和风气问题,而且已经形成了一个恶性循环;而我们老中们再不意 识到这个问题,我们只能形成更加恶劣的宿命,从而慢慢被排挤出主流圈,成为永远的 技术工,永远无法升迁的loser。 首先第一点:我们老中总是觉得google, MS很牛,自己好不容易进去了; 生怕招一个不好用的同胞影响自己的后路和发展。但事实是那种公司的工作,80%-90 %中国重点大学,考GRE的过来的F1学生都能做。面试不好很多是因为语言问题引起的 紧张或者准备不够充分。只要经过合适的培训,本身很多对语言要求不是非常高的位置 (consulting除外),我想这边的中国学生没几个干不了的。想想能来通过GRE拿到奖 学金的中国学生,有几个不是中国名牌大学里面的好学生,换句话说,就是中国的精英 分子。 第二,由于第一点的原因的存在,导致能进这些大公司的全是中国学生中精英中的精英 ,虽然实际上是普通的中国精英,80-90的F1学生就能胜任的。那么首先面试之后,拒 掉同胞的老中会觉得很理所当然,因为觉得能进这种牛公司的老中必须是精英中的精英 ;就像感觉良好,毕业于常青藤或者top20甚至top10的自己一样;而被拒的老中也觉得 水平不够,同时也对面试自己的同胞心生嫌隙。这种心态的形成就必然造成老中之间互 相的不信任,互相之间的嫌隙。 可这种逻辑产生的结果是如何呢?是不是真的那些只招精英中的精英的同胞的老中们就 得偿所愿,因为自己对同胞的严格标准而在自己的发展道路上一帆风顺了呢? 实际的结果是:第一,在任何公司或者政府机构里,我们必须明白一点,你是否能够升 迁很多时候决不是取决你干得多牛,水平多高;这些只是非常非常基础的东西,甚至很 不重要的因素。实际上是取决你人际关系有多好,有多少人在关键时候帮你说话,在你 出问题的时候帮你分担或者逃避责任,在你做出成果出来的时候帮你拼命吹嘘。换句话 说,就像民主制度下,能够给你vote的人有多少。为什么人家老印明白,我觉得这可能 与老印的国家本身是一个民主社会,(虽然很多问题)人家知道在这种游戏规则下,怎 么样才能够让自己混得好的最基本的原理--不管你是月入200K的精英还是送外卖的老 墨,你都有选举中的一票。不管你干得多好,最后能否升迁,都取决于有愿意帮你吹嘘 ,提拔你的上级,有能够在底下拼命给...

What is DNS?

DNS stands for (Domain Name Servers) - They tell the domain what server to go to to look for the customers account and pull of the files for their site. Example: Domain: DNS: DNS: ns1 and ns2 point to an IP that goes to google's server and go into the area that holds the HTML files you see when you load in your browser.

Types of Employment Allowed During an OPT STEM extension

Types of Employment Allowed During an OPT STEM extension A student authorized for a 17-month extension must work at least 20 hours per week for an E-Verify employer in a position directly related to his or her DHS-approved STEM CIP. For students who are on a STEM extension, this employment may include: Work for one or more employer. Students may work for more than one employer, but all employment must be related to each individual student's degree program and all employers must be enrolled in E-Verify. Multiple employers. Students may work for more than one employer, but all employment must be related to each individual student's degree program and all employers must be enrolled in E-Verify. Work for hire. This is also commonly referred to as 1099 employment where an individual performs a service based on a contractual relationship rather than an employment relationship. The company for whom the student is providing services must be registered with E...

clustered index

With a clustered index the rows are stored physically on the disk in the same order as the index. There can therefore be only one clustered index. With a non clustered index there is a second list that has pointers to the physical rows. You can have many non clustered indexes, although each new index will increase the time it takes to write new records. It is generally faster to read from a clustered index if you want to get back all the columns. You do not have to go first to the index and then to the table. Writing to a table with a clustered index can be slower, if there is a need to rearrange the data.


死锁 ( 英语 : Deadlock ),又译为死锁,计算机科学名词。当两个以上的运算单元,双方都在等待对方停止运行,以取得系统资源,但是没有一方提前退出时,这种状况,就称为死锁。在多任务操作系统中,操作系统为了协调不同进程,能否取得系统资源时,为了让系统运作,就必须要解决这个问题。 这里指的是 进程 死锁,是个计算机技术名词。它是 操作系统 或软件运行的一种状态:在多任务系统下,当一个或多个进程等待系统资源,而资源又被进程本身或其它进程占用时,就形成了死锁。有个变种叫 活锁 。 目录 1 简介 2 死锁的预防 3 死锁的避免 4 死锁的消除 5 参见 6 外部链接 简介 例如,一个 进程 p1占用了显示器,同时又必须使用打印机,而打印机被进程p2占用,p2又必须使用显示器,这样就形成了死锁。 死锁的预防 如果系统中只有一个进程,当然不会产生死锁。如果每个进程仅需求一种系统资源,也不会产生死锁。不过这只是理想状态,在现实中是可遇不可求的。 禁止抢占 :no preemption 持有和等待 :hold and wait 互斥 :mutual exclusion 循环等待 :bounded waiting 死锁的避免 我们也可以尝试回避死锁。因为在理论上,死锁总是可能产生的,所以操作系统尝试监视所有进程,使其没有死锁。 死锁的消除 最简单的消除死锁的办法是重启系统。更好的办法是终止一个进程的运行。 同样也可以把一个或多个进程回滚到先前的某个状态。如果一个进程被多次回滚,迟迟不能占用必需的系统资源,可能会导致 进程饥饿 。


In software engineering , a spinlock is a lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while repeatedly checking if the lock is available. Since the thread remains active but is not performing a useful task, the use of such a lock is a kind of busy waiting . Once acquired, spinlocks will usually be held until they are explicitly released, although in some implementations they may be automatically released if the thread being waited on (that which holds the lock) blocks, or "goes to sleep". Because they avoid overhead from operating system process re-scheduling or context switching , spinlocks are efficient if threads are only likely to be blocked for a short period. For this reason, spinlocks are often used inside operating system kernels . However, spinlocks become wasteful if held for longer durations, as they may prevent other threads from running and require re-scheduling. The longer a lock is held by a thr...


印度人崛起的世纪(一):硅谷已成印度谷 要是说本世纪不是中国崛起而是印度崛起,全中国人民都笑了。是的,印度在过去的三 十年里,一直苦苦追赶着中国,差距却是越来越大,始终看不到希望。印度人“孟买赶 超香港”,“忘记上海”等豪言壮语早已成为世人的笑柄。看来,印度作为一个国家, 能够在本世纪末使GDP排在中国美国之后做世界老三,已经是它崛起的最大奢望了。 但是本文所讨论的是印度人的崛起,这和印度崛起的概念是不同的。 这一篇讲印度人已经成为矽谷的主导力量。 硅谷的高科技公司被印度人垄断 先从下边这张照片说起。猜猜看,这是在印度的班加罗尔还是新德里?是在美国吗?那 么是在美国的印度公司聚会还是印度同乡会? 都不是。正确答案是,硅谷某高科技公司员工正在公园举行年度聚会。 硅谷是全球高科技的中心,几十年来一直引领世界科技潮流,可以说是科技创新的源头 。数得上的高科技公司一半都在硅谷。这里除了大学和研究机构,聚集了各种人才之外 ,风险投资特别发达,是硅谷吸引创业创新的主要动力。这一点是不论中国的中关村还 是印度的班加罗尔,恐怕永远也赶不上硅谷的最重要的原因。因为全世界搞高科技风投 的投资人都揣着钱跑到硅谷来了。(硅谷的风险投资占全美风险投资总额的三分之一。 )没有钱你就搞不了高科技。(李开复的梦工厂就想搞这个。) 硅谷最初是以IC产业为基础(Integrated Circuit)。你知道IC还代表Indian- Chinese吗?意思是说,从事IC产业的工程师主要是印度人和中国人。不过这已经是老 黄历了。如今硅谷的公司种类早已不再局限于IC产业,而且印度工程师的人数早已把其 他族裔远远甩在了后面。一份研究报告表明在硅谷的三分之一工程师是印度裔,硅谷高 科技公司里的百分之七的CEO是印度人。印度人创建的工程和科技公司比英国人,中国 人(包括台湾人),以及日本人所创建的总和还多。 不过,这只是一份八年前的报告。 我十八年前刚来硅谷的时候,大公司里总的还是白人占多数,即使是研发部门,也还是 有还多白人。当时公司里的印度人就已经比华人多了,不过比重没有那么大,大概是六 比四吧。(那时候李彦宏也在硅谷奋斗)。不过随着时间的推移,印度人流进硅谷的速 度越来越快。正如前面的那张照片看到的那样,在硅谷的高科技公...

Interview Questions - North America

A successful interview requires solid preparation. Your answers should be clear, concise and show your genuine interest in the Firm. Interview questions are not always difficult; in fact, some can be quite simple. Below are some examples of General Interview Questions , as well as specific questions for Investment Banking , Financial Control Group, Private Wealth Management, Sales and Trading , and Technology. You should also be prepared to answer specific queries about your background, your qualifications, previous internships or positions you've held, your school experiences and the accomplishments included on your resume. You should come with questions for us as well! The interview is an opportunity for you to ask about your role and responsibilities, the strategy of a specific group or Morgan Stanley in general. Your school's career services office, library or resource center can help you find other sources and questions as you prepare for interviews. ...

5.Tell about your work environment?

5.Tell about your work environment? I worked on ASE 12.5.3 on Solaris 8 version. Altogether we have 4 ASE servers on 4 different Solaris boxes Out of them 2 or productions boxes ,1 is UAT and 1 is Dev servers On production boxes we have 2 cpus on each box, on UAT we have 2 cpus and on Dev server 4 cpus. Total we have 180 databases, 60@ prod and 60 @ dev. Biggest database size is 30GB No of users 5000 in production. We are handling the tickets received through emails (any production issues).

Page size trade-off

Page size is usually determined by processor architecture. Traditionally, pages in a system had uniform size, for example 4096 bytes . However, processor designs often allow two or more, sometimes simultaneous, page sizes due to the benefits and penalties. There are several points that can factor into choosing the best page size. Page size versus page table size A system with a smaller page size uses more pages, requiring a page table that occupies more space. For example, if a 2 32 virtual address space is mapped to 4KB (2 12 bytes) pages, the number of virtual pages is 2 20 =( 2 32 / 2 12 ). However, if the page size is increased to 32KB (2 15 bytes), only 2 17 pages are required. A multi-level paging algorithm can decrease the memory cost of allocating a large page table for each process by further dividing the page table up into smaller tables, effectively paging the page table. Page size versus TLB usage Since every access to memory must be mapped from virtu...