简要介绍下情况:独生女儿,父母均已退休,在家基本无工作,有零星投资,有房产两 套,家中有外公需要照顾。女儿来美四年多,先F2后F1,期间回国一次。 主要担心是父母的条件不够,因此打算在信里做一些强调,即父母一直想来,但由于国 内事务脱不开身,所以四年来都未成行。包括:退休后时不时有朋友叫去帮忙(实际上 是前几年偶尔有,但目前其实比较少,而且这一点ms没法提供证据);投资股票基金开 淘宝店(实际上也是以前有,现在空仓,淘宝交易量极少);需要照顾外公(这个是实 际存在,并且是不会长居美国的主因)。 看了之前的一些文章,比较认同smallfox的看法,因此在写信的时候希望透露出“不是 一定要来美国”的味道,包括提到“担心来美国会水土不服”等。但这么写的同时自己 担心会控制不好一个度,让人误认为没有强烈的来美国的愿望,怕因此被拒。另外有一 点不确定的是,用什么理由来美国,是“探亲顺便旅游”,还是“旅游顺便探亲”,实 际情况是前者。 邀请信草稿见下: Dear Sir or Madam, Thanks for your time reading my letter, regarding the visa application of my parents, Mr. XX and Mrs. YY, to pay a short visit to me and travel around the states. My name is XY, a MS student in the Dept of S, UU University. I have been in the US for years, and until now I was only able to make one trip back to China, spending less than one month with my parents during the June of 2010. As their only child, my parents and I have been missing each other very much, and I tried to invite them to visit me several ...