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Showing posts from March 5, 2023


  Facebook 母公司 Meta Platforms Inc. META -1.20% 下降,标志着红色的向下三角形,计划在接下来的几个月内宣布多轮额外裁员,总规模与去年削减员工人数约13%的规模相当。消息人士称,预计第一波裁员将于下周公布,非工程职位将受到重创,公司还有望在这些裁员的同时关闭一些项目和团队。 去年,Meta削减了大约11,000个工作岗位,约占其员工总数的13%。消息人士称,今年的裁员比例预计将达到剩余员工总数的相同比例,尽管第二季度预期的累计裁员数量尚不清楚。 消息人士称,将裁员的项目中包括 Meta 的硬件和元宇宙部门 Reality Labs 所进行的一些可穿戴设备项目,这表明 Meta 即使在进行长期研究工作的同时,也在近期从努力推广虚拟和增强现实产品中撤退。 Meta股价在盘后交易中上涨了超过2%,此前《华尔街日报》报道了计划中的裁员。 “我们正在审视公司的各个领域,包括应用和现实实验室,以及评估我们是否将资源投向最高杠杆机会,”Meta首席财务官Susan Li在周四的摩根士丹利2023年技术、媒体和电信会议上表示。“这将导致我们在某些地方停止项目,将资源从某些团队转移。” Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格此前曾表示,2023年将是Meta的“效率年”,公司可能会关闭一些项目。 鉴于扎克伯格在去年10月的预测,即公司在2023年结束时员工人数将与当时相当,这一系列持续的裁员值得注意。该公司于随后的一个月裁员了13%的员工,然后通过绩效评估流程寻求进一步的人员流失。 像亚马逊公司、微软公司等科技公司在过去一年中裁员数以千计,因为疫情引发的高峰期利润下滑。根据Layoffs.fyi网站追踪的数据,自2022年以来,裁员总数已经达到近30万人。总体而言,根据联邦数据,在7月至1月期间,信息产业的就业人数基本没有变化。总体就业人数在这段时间内有所增加。 去年的裁员是Meta历史上的第一次广泛重组,当时公司面临数字广告销售下滑和股价暴跌的困境。裁员是继几乎翻倍扩大公司员工人数的大规模招聘后进行的。 上个月,该公司报告了基础业务的改善情况,并表示将回购额外400亿美元的股票,有助于恢复投资者的情绪。 Meta的股价已经大幅反弹,从去年11月的低点翻了一倍以上,尽管仍远低于去年9月超过384美元的历史高点。 周四,该公司在内部宣布将关闭...

Meta Plans New Layoffs That Could Match Last Year’s in Scope

 Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. META -1.20% decrease; red down pointing triangle is planning additional layoffs to be announced in multiple rounds over the coming months that in total would be roughly the same magnitude as the 13% cut to its workforce last year , according to people familiar with the matter. The new cuts, the first wave of which is expected to be announced next week, are likely to hit non-engineering roles especially hard, the people said. The company is also expected to shut down some projects and teams in conjunction with these cuts.  Meta cut roughly 11,000 jobs, or about 13% of its employees, last year. The reductions this year are expected to reach the same proportion of those who remain, the people said, though the final count of the cumulative cuts expected over the second quarter isn’t yet clear. Among projects that will be cut are some wearable devices that were in the works at Reality Labs, Meta’s hardware and metaverse division, t...

Are 401k’s FDIC insured?

  The short answer is no, 401ks are not FDIC insured (Fear not, there is a long answer so keep reading). FDIC insurance against banks and financial institutions that fail, not investments that fail. FDIC insurance applies to checking accounts, savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs). Investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc are not covered under FDIC insurance. One exception to that is if your money is sitting in money market deposit accounts.  But once your money is moved into funds or stocks, the FDIC coverage no longer applies. So for example, if you have $50,000 in your 401k and $25,000 of it is invested in mutual funds but the other half is in a money market  deposit account, that means you have FDIC coverage for the $25,000 that is in the money market accounts if the company folds. However, before you start worrying that your retirement savings isn’t safe, you should know that most U.S. brokerage firms ...

Two Steps From Hell - Flight of the Silverbird Extended