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Showing posts from April 10, 2022


 发信人: ucbee (), 信区: Military 标  题: 如果真的演变成核大战,五大国的表现估计是这样 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 16 11:04:02 2022, 美东) 1,俄罗斯: 虽说6000枚核弹,但其中大约2100枚是战术小核弹,由于贪腐严重,保养妥善能用的超 远程洲际载具最多能承担300个弹头,另外核潜艇300个弹头。     当,俄罗斯扛不住绝望时,估计会学1970年的老毛,往美国英国日本的发达城市群 扔战略核弹,而小型战术核弹扔到乌克兰;然后,欧洲部分1.3亿人加上白俄罗斯0.1亿 ,合计1.4亿人持轻重武器,在被第一波核报复的前后,估计能活下来至少1亿人,全部 冲入西欧。    至于自己俄罗斯内乌拉尔山脉西边的欧洲部分地区,就让美国核弹炸成核污染的无 人区,不要了。欧盟当前不到4.5亿人,除开瑞典挪威芬兰爱尔兰的人口,在欧洲大陆 上的也就只有4.2亿,如果1.4亿人冲进来,即使只有1亿人能活着冲到西欧,也还真不 好对付。    俄罗斯远东地区到硅谷和纽约并不远,核导弹飞行距离分别是不到5000公里和不到 6500公里,从发射到爆炸不用超过30或40分钟。其中,硅谷更近!不用半个小时5000公 里就能到硅谷。    拦截能力较差,拦截率也就10%-20%。 2,美国: 同样大约6000枚核弹,贪腐也比较严重,保养妥善率也就那样,真正能用的洲际载具 估计能承载600个弹头,另外核潜艇300个弹头。    在发现俄罗斯核攻击后,即刻对俄罗斯和欧洲和中国的主要城市,实施核报复打击。    拦截能力较强,但也不能高估,拦截率大约是50%。 3,中国大陆:    保密,但据说一共1000枚左右,洲际载具估计能承载200-300个弹头,另外核潜艇80 -100个弹头。    侦测到俄罗斯发射核弹后,也会对美国、日本、印度、中国台湾省,发射不同射程 的导弹核弹。    拦截能力较强,拦截率大约是50%。 4,英国:     1...


What is an Origin Server?

  The purpose of an origin server is to process and respond to incoming internet requests from internet clients. The concept of an origin server is typically used in conjunction with the concept of an edge server or caching server. At its core, an origin server is a computer running one or more programs that are designed to listen for and process incoming internet requests. An origin server can take on all the responsibility of serving up the content for an internet property such as a website, provided that the traffic does not extend beyond what the server is capable of processing and latency is not a primary concern. The physical distance between an origin server and a client making a request adds latency to the connection, increasing the time it takes for an internet resource such as a webpage to be loaded. The additional round-trip time (RTT) between client and origin server required for a secure internet connection using SSL/TLS also add additional latency to...

Types of SSL certificates | SSL certificate types explained

  What does an SSL certificate do? An SSL certificate (more accurately called a TLS certificate), is necessary for a website to have HTTPS encryption. An SSL certificate contains the website's public key , the domain name it's issued for, the issuing certificate authority's digital signature, and other important information. It's used for authenticating an origin server's identity, which helps prevent on-path attacks , domain spoofing, and other methods attackers use to impersonate a website and trick users. HTTPS creates an encrypted connection between a user's browser and the web server they are communicating with, protecting the communications from being intercepted. SSL certificates are necessary for establishing this encrypted connection (see What is an SSL certificate? to learn more). What are the different types of SSL certificates? Single Domain SSL Certificates A single-domain SSL certificate applies to one domain and one domain only. I...

How does SSL work? | SSL certificates and TLS

  SSL, also known as TLS, uses encryption to keep user data secure, authenticate the identity of websites, and stop attackers from tampering with Internet communications. What is SSL? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, and it refers to a protocol for encrypting and securing communications that take place on the Internet. Although SSL was replaced by an updated protocol called TLS (Transport Layer Security) some time ago, "SSL" is still a commonly used term for this technology. The main use case for SSL/TLS is securing communications between a client and a server, but it can also secure email, VoIP, and other communications over unsecured networks. How does SSL/TLS work? These are the essential principles to grasp for understanding how SSL/TLS works: Secure communication begins with a TLS handshake , in which the two communicating parties open a secure connection and exchange the public key During the TLS handshake, the two parties generate session keys, and ...

What is a TLS handshake?

In a TLS/SSL handshake, clients and servers exchange SSL certificates, cipher suite requirements, and randomly generated data for creating session keys.   What is a TLS handshake? TLS is an encryption protocol designed to secure Internet communications. A TLS handshake is the process that kicks off a communication session that uses TLS encryption. During a TLS handshake, the two communicating sides exchange messages to acknowledge each other, verify each other, establish the encryption algorithms they will use, and agree on session keys. TLS handshakes are a foundational part of how HTTPS works . TLS vs. SSL handshakes SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer , was the original encryption protocol developed for HTTP . SSL was replaced by TLS, or Transport Layer Security, some time ago. SSL handshakes are now called TLS handshakes, although the "SSL" name is still in wide use. When does a TLS handshake occur? A TLS handshake takes place whenever a user navigates to a ...


 发信人: xiaxie7 (民科), 信区: Military 标  题: Re: 乌克兰抗俄战争的最悲观预测 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 16 21:06:46 2022, 美东) 我预测的北约及其盟友先后介入俄乌战争的顺序。 1)芬兰加入北约,随即向俄国发起收复卡累利阿地峡战役并取得胜利,俄国丧失苏联 曾经拥有的第16个加盟共和国卡累利阿-芬兰(现在是俄罗斯联邦的卡累利阿自治共和 国)。 2)波兰和立陶宛联合出兵攻占现在属于俄罗斯联邦的加里宁格勒州并瓜分之。 3)罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦完成最终统一,出兵打败现在摩尔多瓦境内俄罗斯族割据的“ 左岸共和国”,大罗马尼亚恢复昔日95%的领土(古代罗马尼亚领土尚有5%在今天乌克 兰境内,考虑到乌克兰一直是苏联和俄罗斯侵略的受害者,大罗马尼亚不再要求收复这 5%)。 4)俄联邦境内车臣共和国再次独立,并且连带周围的印古什和北奥赛梯等地,组成北 高加索联邦。 5)日本发起收复北方四岛战役并取得胜利,随后继续扩大战果,占领现在属于俄罗斯 联邦的萨哈林岛。中国对日本提出强烈抗议,因为该岛原先是中国的库页岛,但中日还 是决定暂时搁置争议。 6)在普京和他死后继承人梅德韦杰夫不断横征暴敛下,俄联邦远东地区人民宣布独立 ,成立远东共和国。中国随即出兵占领该地,黑龙江以北地区并入黑龙江省,乌苏里江 以东地区并入吉林省,并在两省成立一系列俄罗斯族自治州和自治县,给当地俄罗斯族 居民两个选择,要么回到俄联邦欧洲或西西伯利亚部分,要么加入中国国籍。 7)由于全球变暖造成气候急剧变化,蒙古国遭受千年一遇的寒冬,大部分牲畜冻死, 蒙古国大呼拉尔宣布加入中国,俄国干涉军被中蒙联军打败。 8)临近蒙古国的俄联邦图瓦共和国也学习蒙古国宣布以唐努乌梁海的旧名称加入中国。 【 在 xiaxie7 (民科) 的大作中提到: 】 : 我们都知道,乌克兰抗俄战争进入最艰苦阶段,相当于中国抗日战争1941-1942年。 : 乌军稍有不慎,就可能重复中国国军1944年“豫湘桂大溃退”,损失从哈尔科夫一直到 : 敖德萨一线的全部国土。 : 2014年俄军占领乌克兰克里米亚并在当地成立傀儡政权,相当于1931年日军占领中国东 : 北并成立伪满洲国。 : ...

What is mutual TLS (mTLS)?

Mutual TLS (mTLS) is a type of authentication in which the two parties in a connection authenticate each other using the TLS protocol. What is mutual TLS (mTLS)? Mutual TLS, or mTLS for short, is a method for mutual authentication . mTLS ensures that the parties at each end of a network connection are who they claim to be by verifying that they both have the correct private key . The information within their respective TLS certificates provides additional verification. mTLS is often used in a Zero Trust security framework* to verify users, devices, and servers within an organization. It can also help keep APIs secure. * Zero Trust means that no user, device, or network traffic is trusted by default, an approach that helps eliminate many security vulnerabilities. What is TLS? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an encryption protocol in wide use on the Internet. TLS, which was formerly called SSL , authenticates the server in a client-server connection and encrypts commun...

Wow! US Treasury Bonds Rate Set To 9.62% (I Bonds)

  Update 4/12/22: New rate has been set for 9.62%. Wow! Buy in $10,000 before the end of April to lock in the current rate of 7.12% and then get the 9.62% beginning in 6 months. See this follow-up post to learn more: U.S. Treasury I Bonds FAQ (When To Buy $10,000 I Bonds? 9.62%? And More…) Original Post 10/13/21: Multiple people have been asking us to write about buying US Treasury Series I Savings Bonds, known as I Bonds. The rate adjusts on these bonds every six months. The current rate for May – October 2021 is 3.54% APY. The rate is set to change in November to 7.12% APY ( source ). You are limited to buying $10,000 per calendar year per SSN. The rate locks for 6 months from your purchase date and then updates to the new rate for the following 6 months, etc, etc. You have to lock the money in for a year; after that you can pull the funds out with a 3-month penalty. If you leave the money in for 5 years there is no penalty. We’ve had the I Bonds rate on our Best High-...

Understanding TUN TAP Interfaces As I mentioned in the previous article Understanding Bridges , Linux and most other operating systems have the ability to create virtual interfaces which are usually called TUN/TAP devices. This article will discuss those devices with particular focus on how they are used in OpenStack . Typically a network device in a system, for example eth0, has a physical device associated with it which is used to put packets on the wire. In contrast a TUN or a TAP device is entirely virtual and managed by the kernel. User space applications can interact with TUN and TAP devices as if they were real and behind the scenes the operating system will push or inject the packets into the regular networking stack as required making everything appear as if a real device is being used. You might wonder why there are two options, surely a network device is a network device and that’s the end of the...

Hal fixing a light bulb (from Malcolm in the Middle S03E06 - Health Scare)


  今 天看到这张截图。 移民是个很专业的领域,我对新加坡的情况完全不了解,纯粹就移民这个话题,简单聊一下想法。 一个观察,最近一段时间很多人心中曾经按捺下的那个想要移民到其他国家的念头又在开始悄悄地浮动。 至少在我呆的不少微信群这几天都看到不少人在谈这个话题。还有好几个朋友私下里问我,到底要不要开始把移民这件事考虑起来。 碰到这种朋友,我总是会先吓唬他们一下,和他们讲讲移民以后会面对些什么。 但凡有要不要移民这种苦恼的都是中产阶级。富豪肯定不会有这样的烦恼。你要是马云赵薇这样级别的大佬,澳洲买几个酒庄,纽约买一套从客厅里可以俯视中央公园的空中豪宅,拿个小国护照,到处飞来飞去,全世界都有资产配置,去哪里都照样过上等人的生活。 社会底层也不会有这样的烦恼。早年偷渡美国欧洲的福建人温州人,更早的年间偷渡去的那些广东人香港人,从无到有楞是在一个个陌生的国家打造出一个个唐人街,他们可以不拿身份不办信用卡,一辈子住在中国城,永远也不需要和当地的主流社会打交道,不需要生活质量也不需要社会认同。在餐馆打黑工一个月赚4000美元可以省下3800美元寄回国内给妻儿养家,这是一道不需要犹豫就能算出答案的简单算术题。 所以移民这件事,对富豪大佬来说没有什么会失去,对底层来说没有什么可以失去。独独对中产来说,需要失去太多的东西,才能换回另外一些东西,这个交换太惨烈了,我太清楚这个过程是多么痛苦煎熬了。 首先你差不多需要放弃你过去所有的人生经历职业成就一切从头再来。你在国内是资深记者拿过中国好新闻奖又怎么样,照样竞争不过那些刚毕业但是会说母语的小孩,你那点从业经验只有唐人街的中文报纸看得上,开的薪水还不如在餐厅洗碗端盘子的非法移民拿得多。我有次在纽约叫了唐人街的电召车(也就是出租车),司机说他在国内是药剂师但是在美国不好找工作,这样的例子太多了。 工作只是一个方面,很多别的事情都是这样。你漂洋过海带过去的所有历史都无法接入一个全新的系统,只能像旧照片一样压在箱底,只能在夜深人静的时候偶尔翻出来自我咀嚼。 我刚到美国的时候去买洗衣液,到了超市才意识到我根本不知道洗衣液这个单词怎么说,在货架前迷茫了很久最后买了一桶柔顺剂回家。我自认英文还是很不错的,英语专业毕业,在国内时的工作每天需要用英语写文章,但这些生活中用的物品名称你没有接触过就是不知道怎么说。即使知道了洗衣液叫detergent...


  种族灭绝(genocide),由古希腊文“人种、民族或部落”(genos)和拉丁文“屠杀、消灭”(caedere)组成,1944年该词由波兰籍犹太法律学者拉斐尔·莱姆金在其出版的《轴心国占领欧洲后的统治》一书中提出,最初指“一个国家或一个民族的毁灭”。 1946年联合国大会第96号决议确认了灭绝种族罪是国际法规定的一项罪行,认为“种族灭绝是对整个人类群体---生存权利的否定,正如杀人是对个人生存权利的否定一样;这种剥夺生存权的行为震惊了人类的良知,……并且违背了道德法则以及联合国的精神和目标”。 1948年12月9日,联合国大会通过第260A号决议《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,并于1951年1月12日生效。该决议认为“有史以来,灭绝种族行为殃祸人类至为惨烈”。公约第二条明确定义,灭绝种族系指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体,犯有下列行为之一者:(1)杀害该团体的成员;(2)致使该团体的成员在身体上或精神上遭受严重伤害;(3)故意使该团体处于某种生活状况下,以毁灭其全部或部分的生命;(4)强制施行企图阻止该团体内部生育的措施;(5)强迫转移该团体的儿童至另一团体。美国于1988年批准该公约。 美国国内法对种族灭绝也有明确规定。《美国法典》第18卷1091条对种族灭绝的定义与《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》相近,认为种族灭绝罪是以完全或部分摧毁一个民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体为特定意图采取的暴力攻击行为。 根据历史记录和媒体报道,美国自建国以来,通过屠杀、驱赶、强制同化等手段,系统性剥夺印第安人的生存权和基本政治、经济、文化权利,试图从肉体和文化上消灭这一群体。时至今日印第安人仍面临严重的生存危机。 对照国际法和美国国内法,美国对印第安人的所作所为涵盖了定义种族灭绝罪的所有行为,是无可争辩的种族灭绝。美国《外交政策》杂志评论指出,针对美国原住民的罪行完全符合现行国际法对于种族灭绝罪的定义。 种族灭绝的深重罪孽是美国永远无法洗白的历史污点,印第安人的沉痛悲剧是人类永远不应忘却的历史教训。 一、美国政府对印第安人实施种族灭绝的罪证 1.政府主导实施 1776年7月4日,美国发布《独立宣言》,美利坚合众国成立。《独立宣言》明文记载:“他(指英国国王)在我们中间煽动内乱,并且竭力挑唆那...