发信人: qlxzfy (钱哥), 信区: Bay_Area_Hikers 标 题: 【推荐】湾区附近看红叶的地方 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 28 01:41:28 2010, 美东) San Jose The AIDS Memorial Grove near the Children's Discovery Museum offers an array of red, orange and yellow Chinese pistaches. Naglee Park, just off San Fernando Street near San Jose State University, has a raywood ash, a tree distinctive for its purple-red colors. The neighborhood surrounding Monroe and Hedding streets turns leafy gold. There is a golden canopy of fruitless mulberry trees over the sidewalks on San Jose State's quad. On San Fernando Street near Fourth Street, look for the prehistoric ginkgo tree. On the edge of St. James Park, there is a magnificent zelkova tree. Its leaves will turn rusty-red and yellow. Near Second Street, this park offers rust-colored sycamores. Near the intersection of North First and St. John streets are two bur oaks, bearing the biggest...