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Showing posts from January 24, 2016

《魅力纪录》 20120626 伟大的卫国战争Ⅰ(5) 激战库尔斯克

Make a Donation

SFBay OpenStack Advanced Meetup: OpenStack Security - 21Jan16

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Obama interviews Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma

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20150516 百战经典 二战全纪录·末路东京

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标  题: Tech今年要layoff 33万人

Make a Donation 发信人: elmo2008 (aaa), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: Tech今年要layoff 33万人 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 24 00:17:43 2016, 美东) 有人预测了, 对号入座吧     EMC: Total Employees: 70,000: Between 15% to 20% layoffs = between 10, 000 and 14,000     VMWare: Total Employees:17,000: Between 10% and 15% layoffs = between 1, 700 and 2,500     HP Enterprise (HPE): Total Employees 240,000: about 30% layoffs = about 72,000     HP Inc (HPQ): Total Employees 287,000: about 30% layoffs = about 86,000     IBM (IBM): Total Employees 379,000: about 25% layoffs = about 95,000     Cisco (CSCO): Total Employees 72,000: about 20% layoffs = about 14,000     Juniper (JNPR): Total Employees 8,800: about 15% layoffs = about 1,300     Oracle (ORCL): Total Employees 132,000: about 20% layoffs = about 26,000     Microsoft (MSFT): Total Employees 118,000: about 15% layoffs = about 18, 000 (Microsoft is letting go...

AWS Resources

AWS Resources (They are highly recommended to view before taking the AWS quiz) Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) AWS Compliance Shared Responsibility Model Introduction to Amazon VPC Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Introduction to Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR)