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Showing posts from March 9, 2014

Top 10 Bruce Lee Moments

jackie chan top 10 stunts


There are several ways to use milk jugs as planters. One of the best is to hang them like Anja here shows us. The white 'pots' look nice with pretty flowers, don't they?

How to Make an Upcycled Milk Jug Container


从吉隆坡飞北京的马航MH370航班已经失踪四天。多国海搜毫无踪迹,马来方面信息混 乱。它到底去了哪儿? 下面我们基于这几天的搜救行动分析一下: 第一,客机在泰国湾越南马来之间水域突然空中解体的可能性很小。否则海面会有广泛 分布的残骸,不会至今找不到。 第二,客机若被劫持,飞往未知地区的可能性很小。第一这种情况下机组无人能按下紧 急报警装置的几率很小,第二很难想象劫持者会驾驶客机一头栽入水中,不提出任何条 件也不制造任何轰动撞击新闻,只是为了留下一个悬疑。第三以东南亚的人口密度,如 果被劫飞机撞山,很难想象四天无人发现。 第三,客机遭遇超自然现象,凭空消失。即便存在超自然现象,这么大规模的超自然现 象没有留下任何电磁暴痕迹的可能性太小了。 第四,客机严重故障,导致驾驶员昏厥,大量掉高度,然后无控不知飞到什么水域坠毁 了。如果出这种事,如果飞机掉的高度不够多,则不会在雷达中消失。如果大量掉高度 ,而驾驶员昏厥,则飞机自行恢复正常在低空改平的几率太小。即便改平,飞机自动系 统发不出报警信号的可能性很小。而且飞机燃油足以支持飞机直飞抵达任一方向的陆地 ,将导致撞山。但是没有飞机撞山迹象。如果飞机未能在低空改平,则会在失联点附近 大角度入水。这样必然导致机体破裂,在失联海域产生大量残骸。这个没有。 第五,客机空中失火烧毁。首先那么大东西能否在7分钟内烧完?如果烧不完,则海面 会存留大量残骸。其次即便烧完,那么大火焰为什么美国卫星没有观测到? 第六,客机电子系统全面失灵,机组决定低飞返航目视抵近陆地迫降。结果未能坚持到 近海即告坠毁,小角度整体入水沉没。这样的话飞机应沉没在泰国湾靠马来半岛一侧海 域,那里海水深度只有几十米,而且很难想象最后关头机组和乘客会不打开舱门释放充 气滑梯等等,造成海面可观测残骸。 第七,客机导航系统严重故障,误导机组飞向错误方向。直至燃油耗尽。这种情况很难 想象机组会不发出求救信号。如果通讯系统同时故障,则回到六的选项。 第八,综合马来军方曾在马六甲海峡上空发现可疑信号,说明客机可能在有控状态低飞 飞越马来半岛。这个不像没有多年驾龄的老驾驶员做得出来的。那么为什么驾驶员会做 这种事呢?如果被胁迫,那么除非紧急劫机报警装置和无线电信标事先遭到破坏,几乎 没有可能会不发出飞机被劫...




淘宝号称去年有万亿的流水 (还是更多? 我不太关注。) 昨天和老家的外甥打电话, 他说他现在在做一个淘宝生意, 本金要3万多, 一个月能 赚4,5千。 做得不错。 我对淘宝好感大增。帮助老家农村人促进就业, 大功一件啊。 然而细问之下, 让我目瞪口呆。 原来他是帮助淘宝商户刷信用的。 这个已经是一个 产业链了。 有人做了一个信用平台。 商户上去登记, 出钱买信用。 各种钓丝也去登记, 承接任 务。 用自己的银行卡网上下单。商户快递出货 (盒子是真的, 里面没东西。)钓丝 收货, 快递显示客户已满意收货, 交易完成。 商户王信用平台上钓丝的户头内退款, 加上买信用的钱。 我外甥说每个月要下20-30万的单。 每一步都是真实操作。 于是就这样不停下单, 退钱, 下单。 我不禁想, 这万亿流水里面, 有多少是刷信用的呢?不会有一半都是刷信用的吧。 天朝人民太牛逼了。 不过淘宝对这个事是睁一只眼,闭一只眼, 因为这个过程淘宝也 赚钱。 淘宝应该很容易发现一个职业刷信用的人的淘宝账号行为模式。

Haircut coupon for sale, ask for $3

Hi, folks, I have two haircut coupons for sale. Ask $3 for each. You only need to pay $6.99 for a haircut in Great Clips. Great Clips barbershop have several great locations on Grand river Av., and one of them is opposite to MSU union. The expiration date of these coupons is 09/13/2013. FYI, the regular haircut price vary start from $13 based on my knowledge. Email me back if you are interested.

Setup a webcam security system with Ubuntu Linux and Motion

So, now that I’m in Morgantown – my home is too small to comfortably work on side gigs and personal projects – especially now that my family is getting bigger with the baby!  I’ve been using the office space I leased out more and more.  While exploring video conferencing with Matt last week, I had the thought “wouldn’t it be cool to have a security camera in the office?”.  So I did just that, and it’s actually quite easy for Ubuntu linux users. What you need: Ubuntu Linux ( I was using 8.04.1 at the time of installation ) one or more USB web cameras What you can do: Motion detection – record video/and or frames if there is motion. Snapshot intervals – take time interval snapshots regardless of motion detection. Live video IP stream in mjpeg format. Specify recorded video to be saved in your choice mpeg, avi, flv, swf format. When motion exists, have frames and videos draw a box around the specific motion for more obvious recognition of subtle moveme...


「一些關懷的小動作,有時比完成一個大任務效果更佳。」 兩性關係與職場地位,正不斷變化。多些『體貼』、留點『面子』,就能相處得更好: ★ 主動幫小忙,讓她感覺自己並不孤單。 ★ 當她抱怨時,不要打斷,再用正面口吻複述她的話。 ★ 除非他主動要求幫忙,否則別替他擔憂。 ★ 對他的指正或建議,盡量私下進行。

These Three Questions Tell You If Your Relationship Is Likely to Last

Tons of things can clue you in to whether someone else is your perfect match. How does he or she feel about kids? Gay marriage? Which way the toilet paper should roll ? According to data from OKCupid, there are three questions in particular that could suggest you and your partner really will get along for the long haul. Barking Up the Wrong Tree cites research from OKCupid's four Harvard-trained mathematicians who conducted surveys on the dating site's singles: Three questions tested above all others in determining if you and someone else have long-term potential are: "Do you like horror movies?" "Have you ever traveled around another country alone?" and "Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat?" If you find someone that answers all three the same way you do, the two of you might just belong together. On one hand, the questions seem absurd because they don't deal with major life matters. On the o...

Raspberry Pi with two webcams

Provided they are plugged directly into the Raspberry Pi 's two USB ports directly, I've been able to connect it to two web-cameras at once, and stream the pictures using the open source Motion software (which also records images for any movement). Watching a double webcam feed from Safari on my iPad, while controlling the Raspberry Pi using Panic Inc's SSH application Prompt was kind of fun! As you might guess from past blog posts, I was trying (several) Microsoft Live Vision USB webcams , with the aim of using them via the RPi and a long ethernet cable to monitor my bird nesting box cameras . My plan (outlined back on this post ) is to use power-over-ethernet (POE) to supply 5V to the Raspberry Pi , which will be down the garden within USB range of the birdbox or birdboxes. But first, to get this working indoors - which meant initially a long wait before my RPi was delivered. Meanwhile, other people were also experimenting with using the RPi as an IP-web...

CentOS intall motion

Install Howto Download the latest atrpms-repo rpm from Install atrpms-repo rpm: # rpm -Uvh atrpms-repo*rpm Install motion rpm package: # yum install motion Files /etc/motion/ /etc/motion/motion.conf /etc/rc.d/init.d/motion /usr/bin/motion /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/ /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/CHANGELOG /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/CODE_STANDARD /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/COPYING /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/CREDITS /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/FAQ /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/INSTALL /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/README /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/motion-dist.conf /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/motion_guide.html /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/thread1.conf /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/thread2.conf /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/thread3.conf /usr/share/doc/motion-3.2.12/thread4.conf /usr/share/man/man1/motion.1.gz /var/www/html/cam1/

Unknown media type in type Fix

Problem Do you see the following every time you go to emerge a package or run update-mime-database? Unknown media type in type 'all/all' Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst' Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu' Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm' Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt' Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu' Unknown media type in type 'fonts/package' Unknown media type in type 'interface/x-winamp-skin' Want it to go away? Here's how. Solution Open up /usr/share/mime/packages/kde.xml or wherever it's located for you. You just need to delete the areas that are messing up. To be honest, I don't know what these sections are actually used for. In fact, I have absolutely no idea what this might do to your system, so keep a backup copy of this file just in case. The file is...


马来西亚航空370号班机事故 ( 代码共享 : 中国南方航空 CZ748号班机 [3] )是指2014年3月8日一班从 马来西亚 吉隆坡 前往 中国 北京 的航机的失踪事件。 MST ( UTC+08:00 ))凌晨0:41,该班机离开 吉隆坡国际机场 M号航站楼,原定计划于 CST ( UTC+08:00 )6:30抵达 北京首都国际机场 ,惟于起飞后不足一小时即从 雷达 上消失,并且与马来西亚梳邦空管中心失去联络;此班机失踪前的最后位置位于马来西亚与 越南 海域的交界处、 土珠岛 (部分媒体误译为“苴洲岛”)以南约140海里及 哥打巴鲁 东北东约90海里,至今下落不明。 该班机由一架 波音777-200ER 航机(注册编号:9M-MRO)执飞。马来西亚代交通部长 希山慕丁·侯赛因 表示,尚未发现飞机残骸,并且否认越南官方媒体指飞机已在越南某小岛南处坠毁的说法。 [4] 香港民航处 证实,2014年3月10日下午3时许,收到有到 国泰航空 的报告,指在越南海域见到有大型碎片,香港民航处已经通知越南、吉隆坡及中国海南的有关部门。越南搜救指挥所收到 香港民航处 的正式消息,指一架香港民航飞机在越南头顿东南方约60公里的海域,距离马航客机失踪地点约500多公里,发现大量不明碎片。越南正调查确认。 [5] [6] 目录 1 经过 2 事件起因 2.1 恐怖袭击 2.2 越版百慕大事件 3 失联班机 4 调查 5 目击者 6 乘员资料 6.1 乘客家属 7 搜救行动 8 各方反应 8.1 相关企业 8.1.1 马来西亚航空公司 8.1.2 中国南方航空公司 8.1.3 波音公司 8.1.4 相关机场 8.2 中国(内地) 8.3   香港 8.4 中华民国(台湾) 8.5   马来西亚 8.6   新加坡 8.7   越南 8.8   美国 8.9   菲律宾 8.10   印尼 8.11   澳大利亚 8.12   泰国 8.13   法国 9 赔偿 10 参考资料 11 外部链接 12 参见...