Please note that the offers displayed on this page may differ from offers you may have received from Wells Fargo. Please refer to your offer specific disclosures for more details. Credit card subject to credit qualification. Generally, we will apply your minimum payment first to lower APR balances (such as Purchases) before balances with higher APRs (such as Cash Advances). You must be a citizen or a permanent resident alien of the U.S. to qualify for this credit card. Nonresident aliens may want to consider applying for a secured credit card by visiting 1. To qualify for the $200 Cash Rewards Bonus, a total of at least $1,000 in net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits) must post to your account within 3 months from the date your account is opened. The bonus cash rewards will show as redeemable within 1-2 billing periods following the end of the 3 month offer period. Cash advances and balance transfers do not apply for pu...