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Showing posts from March 18, 2018

Leetcode : 322. Coin Change 讲解

Cascading failure

A cascading failure is a process in a system of interconnected parts in which the failure of one or few parts can trigger the failure of other parts. Such a failure may happen in many types of systems, including power transmission, computer networking, finance, human body systems, and bridges. Cascading failures may occur when one part of the system fails. When this happens, other parts must then compensate for the failed component. This in turn overloads these nodes, causing them to fail as well, prompting additional nodes to fail one after another. Contents 1 Cascading failure in power transmission 1.1 Examples 2 Cascading failure in computer networks 2.1 Symptoms 2.2 History 2.3 Example 3 Cascading structural failure 4 Other examples of cascading failure 4.1 Biology 4.2 Electronics 4.3 Finance 5 Interdependent cascading failures 6 Model for overload cascading failures 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 Extern...

标 题: Re: 阿里,华为在美国招马工, 都是找一些干血汗的拼体力的低级活

发信人: a00001 (), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: Re: 阿里,华为在美国招马工, 都是找一些干血汗的拼体力的低级活 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 21 12:17:01 2018, 美东) 那是因为你的peer都在国内。国内都是卖命的。 你不卖命,混不下去。 适合什么人去: (1)精力旺盛 (2)职场已经碰到天花板,而你新的机会可以突破这个天花板。 (3)牛人,并且他们给你很多资源。你不是作为IC跟国内拼,你有或者可以组建团队。 一般人并且作为一个IC入职,没有卖命的打算,我觉得还是找个美国公司。 国内一线的公司都很卖命,你优哉游哉混不下去。 【 在 centralla (central LA) 的大作中提到: 】 : 发信人: centralla (central LA), 信区: Military : 标  题: 阿里,华为在美国招马工, 都是找一些干血汗的拼体力的低级活 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 20 14:27:39 2018, 美东) : 是不是还有不少贱农去应聘?

10 Important Career Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life

If you want to achieve success, you will have to make big sacrifices. I find that many people ardently heed this advice — and make sacrifices on a permanent basis and then learn too late that there’s more to life than just chasing after success. Yes, you must make sacrifices but it should be for the short term. You should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. 10 Important Career Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life: 1. Don't stay in a job you hate. You spend half of your life at work. Life is too short to put up with a job you hate or a boss who treats you poorly. Many people convince themselves that they can stay in a job that makes them unhappy because they need the income or because they don’t believe they can find another job. But the truth is spending too much of it in a bad situation will make you miserable and it can affect your health. If you’re in this situation, try taking small steps to where you want to be. You deserve so much better! 2....

Leetcode : 93. Restore IP Addresses 讲解

标 题: 报几个offer,包括f和box

发信人: jvm (放轻松), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: 报几个offer,包括f和box 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 10 00:03:30 2013, 美东) 马甲,主旨造福本版。认出来的拜托别出声,谢谢! 本人绝对的烂校master,7年经验,6年都是在打杂放屁,实在不是牛人。后面会介绍复 习强度。 按顺序面了polyvore,houzz,box,f,g。除了g还没面完houzz跪了,别的都拿了 offer。 box: base 160, 15koptions。 f:base140,红包2万5,19万worth of rsu4分4年给。 polyvore早给巨了,package也差不多。 3月初开始复习,cc150看了2.5遍,边看边在白纸上写code那种。leetcode刷了1遍又 random刷了23题(后期onsite阶段练手),有几道最后都没能过oj,惭愧。版上面筋、 讨论有很仔细地看,收获良多。onsite之前会去glassdoor上把该公司6个月内的题都看 过默念过,没有写code但大体有个数。careerup网站我不推荐,答案大多是错的,重题 也很多。 houzz面筋: Q1: print out prime factors. e.g., 20=2x2x5, 90=2x3x3x5 How to get a list of prime numbers Q2: LRU. How to implement linkedHashtable Q3: draw architectural picture for a typical web stack. Q4: implement thread pool Polyvore面筋: read-out number up to 1 million。cc150原题 char[][] matrix, find word. Can only go straight lines, no turns。leetcode原 题,典型的backtrack 一个脑筋急转弯,拿话说不清楚 reverse words in a string,各种拓展 box...

Leetcode 152 Maximum Product Subarray 讲解

Leetcode 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 讲解

Deep Learning PDF 链接

Learning Deep Architectures for AI Neural Networks and Learning Machines Neural Network Design Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective