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Showing posts from March 18, 2012

Job Interview Questions & Answers: Know What to Expect and What to Say

Job Interview Questions & Answers: Know What to Expect and What to Say http://www .best-inte rview-stra /questions .html Although many candidates dread them, job interview questions are wonderful things! They are your greatest opportunit y to prove to the interviewe r that you are the best person for the job! The key is to give better answers than anyone else. To do this, you must: (1) Anticipate likely questions; (2) Develop excellent answers; (3) Practice! Be enthusiast ic and confident when responding to questions. Don't rush your answers, but don't ramble on and on, either.Try to, um, avoid, like, using unnecessar y words, right? And um, repeating yourself or, like, annoying phrases, you know? A good technique is to write out your answers to the questions you anticipate , then edit them to make them more concise. Then practice your polished answers out loud, over and over. If you can have someone help you do a "mock interview, ...

Interview Checklist

So, you have your resume ready and you’ve prepared for possible interview questions you may be asked. There are a few more things to keep in mind during the interview process. BE PREPARED. * Research the prospectiv e company through newspapers , annual reports and websites. * Demonstrat e you’re motivated, hard working and proactive by being thoroughly prepared and showing an interest in the company. * Practice for the interview as if you were giving major presentati on to a large audience. ANSWER KEY QUESTIONS WITH CONFIDENCE . * Rehearse responses to likely questions (link to Interview Questions) . * Show confidence and competence with well thought-ou t answers. * Interject your own relevant ideas or insights…s uccessful interviews are a two-way conversati on. ASK GOOD QUESTIONS. * Prepare two or three strategic questions from the research you’ve conducted to demonstrat e your intelligen ce, analytical skills, and interest in the company and the position. S...

Interview Questions

―――――――――― ―――――――――― ―――――――――― ――――― Interview Questions With 60 years of experience , on both sides of the interviewi ng desk, you could say we have a few interviewi ng pointers to share. Here’s a list of commonly asked questions— and effective responses— to help get you through the interview with ease. Go in prepared and come out on top. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? * Spend about two minutes answering this question. * Begin wherever you feel comfortabl e: high school, college, a prior position. * Speak logically and clearly about yourself—s hare particular attributes or accomplish ments that demonstrat e your value as a prospectiv e employee. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BIGGEST ACCOMPLISH MENT. * Develop an excellent response to this critical question. * Focus on hard work, commitment , long hours or ability under pressure. * Describe a recent challenge and your involvemen t in the solution (overtime, leadership , innovative thinking, etc.) * Present an accomplish m...

Common Job Interview Questions

Handling an interview with confidence takes planning and lots of practice. Prepare yourself for success with Lab Support's guide to commonly asked interview questions. We’ll take you step by step through each question and give tips on how to craft a winning response. Learn from the experts at Lab Support how to master the art of the interview and land the job you want. How Would You Describe Yourself? Keep your answer mostly related to work and career. This is your chance to highlight your qualificat ions, good work habits, attributes , and achievemen ts that make you a valuable employee. What Was Your Greatest Accomplish ment and How Did You Achieve It? Briefly describe one to three work projects that made you proud or earned you pats on the back, promotions , pay raises, or other commendati ons. Focus more on achievemen t than reward. What Is Your Biggest Weakness? Everybody has weaknesses , but keep your answer work related. Try to point out a couple of weaknes...

Ten Tough Interview Questions and Ten Great Answers

Ten Tough Interview Questions and Ten Great Answers http://www .collegegr search/Mas tering-the -Interview /Ten-Tough -Interview -Questions -and-Ten-G reat-Answe rs/ Mental fear of the unknown is often what produces the physical symptoms of nervousnes s. In addition to preparing yourself physically , you need to prepare yourself mentally. The best way to prepare mentally is to know what may be coming. Fear of the unknown can only exist when there is an unknown. Take the time to understand some of the standards when it comes to interviewi ng questions. The following are some of the most difficult questions you will face in the course of your job interviews . Some questions may seem rather simple on the surfacesuc h as Tell me about yourselfbu t these questions can have a variety of answers. The more open ended the question, the wider the variation in the answers. Once you have become practiced in your interviewi ng skills, you will find that you can use almost an...

Postdoc in Israel for Chinese or Indian Citizens

Postdoc in Israel for Chinese or Indian Citizens Tel Aviv U. - Postdoc Field of Interest: nucl-ex Deadline: 2012-04-18 Region: Middle East Job description: The Israeli council of higher education has a new postdoc fellowship program for outstanding Indian and Chinese nationals. Complete applications are due 18 April 2012 In relation to this fellowship we are seeking postdoc candidates with Chinese or Indian nationality to work with the experimental nuclear physics group at Tel Aviv or Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The candidate is expected to take central role in the group activity that include: 1. analysis of an experiment to measure the proton form factor ratio at very low momentum transfer at JLab (E08-007). 2. analysis of Hall B data (data mining project). 3. analysis of SRC experiment at JLab (E07-006). 4. design and prototyping of a neutron polarimeter for the A1 experimental hall at the MAMI accelerator at Mainz. 5. construction of A Large Accepta...

Fwd: [CSSAMSU] statistic job avaliable on campus

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Yue Cui < > Date: Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:06 AM Subject: [CSSAMSU] statistic job avaliable on campus To: We are seeking either a graduate student or undergrad that has knowledge and practical experience relating to statistical analysis of various types of research data (e.g., survey data, geographic and economic information). Candidates for this position should have demonstrated practical experience performing statistical analysis using various statistical software packages preferably SPSS.   They should also have the ability (and practical experience) to develop and manage databases using ACCESS, Excel or other database programs.   Experience with GIS would also be desirable but is not required. The person who is hired will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of different research projects and will gain important practical research experiences working in a diverse multi-discip...

10 Killer Job Interview questions and Answers

http://www /2007/08/2 4/10-kille r-job-inte rview-ques tions-and- answers/ Behind every interview question there is a concern or another question. Your job is to process the question thinking about what the interviewe r’s concern might be. In other words, why is the interviewe r asking you this question? Q#1 – How long have you been looking for a job? (Concern – is there something wrong with you that other employers have picked up?) A#1 – “After I was laid off from my last job, I took the opportunit y to take some time out to examine my career goals and where I was going with my life. I have just begun my search in the last few weeks. I have a definite goal in mind and have been selective about the positions I consider. Your company and this position are of great interest to me.” Q#2 – How did you prepare for this interview? (Concern – are you interested enough to do some research, or are you going to “wing it”?) A#2 – “When I found this position posted on...

教孩子 最要紧的人生课题是啥

我和我太太同时考进音乐系后,相较于班上同学,已有两年交往基础的我们显得有目标 多了。 那时台湾的中产家庭正在兴起,有点余力的家长都希望让孩子学音乐,而全国只有四个 音乐系,因此师资很缺乏,我们才大一,就有学姐忙不过来,把学生转介给我们。因为 有结婚的共识,我和太太经常会针对接触到的学生和家长,讨论什么样的教育方式对孩 子才是好的,平常谈天的话题就是在为未来做准备,谈的都是价值观。 整个大学阶段不断探讨下来,对于应该怎么生活、怎么教育孩子,我们的观念都已经很 清楚、很接近,对于孩子的教育观也有了共识。 虽然我们大学一毕业就结婚,却不急着有小孩。我从念国中开始就想当爸爸了,只要是 跟养育孩子相关的每一个环节,我当然都不愿意错过,因此,当我确定考上研究所,确 定除了念书之外,我可以把所有的时间用来带小孩时,我们才怀第一个孩子。 婚后,我们继续音乐教学的工作,除了收家教学生,也担任国小、国中音乐班老师。这 么多年来,我发现,很多家长送孩子去学音乐,但是对于音乐本身、对于学音乐的目的 ,常有严重的错误认知与偏差。因为父母本身的无知,让孩子也跟着懵懵懂懂的忽视了 一件根本的事:人生,是自己的。 我从念高中、大学一路走来,接触到很多父母,包括我的亲友和学生家长,他们普遍存 在一个问题:没让孩子明了“人生是自己的”。父母总说,只要好好读书,现在什么都 不要多想,将来什么都有。久而久之,孩子也不认为人生是他的,觉得只有考上好学校 、找到好工作、爬到好位阶,在音乐上有杰出的成就,生命才有价值。这些都是非常严 重的扭曲,剥夺了孩子与生俱来的喜悦,光是这种观念就已经贬抑了生命应有的尊贵。 另外,从教改体系培育出来的孩子,也存在着不同的危机,有些孩子觉得自己太好、太 重要了,无法客观的自我评量,甚至丧失跟社会衔接的机会。 孩子的能力、体格、经验、知识都在累进,却不知道要拥有自己的人生,甚至以为父母 的期望等同他的人生;不能感受到自己才是人生真正的主人,对于存在于世界上没有自 得自在的喜悦,到了一个年纪之后,几乎错过了对于生命的自主感。 我认为,比较理想的教育是让人一直到成年都保有天真的喜悦,而且对世界的适应力没 有残缺,如果选择要过宗教般的灵修生活,或到社会比较边缘的地方寻找自己的乐趣, 必须是在他真正能够选择的情况下做决...


中国近代教育是彻底失败的,这是共识。为什么失败?好像人人都又说不清楚,这个人 人有感受人人又说不清道不明的现象的本身就是教育失败的明确见证。为什么过去的几 千年中国是世界公认的“文明礼仪之邦”和人类的典范?这就是古代中国教育的结果, 中国古代的教育无疑是成功的。近代中国教育为什么失败的那么彻底?这个问题其实很 简单,我们只要对比一下近代教育和古代教育的基点和社会效益,就能弄明白了。 仁义道德教育贯穿了的5000年的中国文明史,“文以载道”是中国文字的意义和教育的 目地。中国古代的教育的识文断字,是以明理和明德为目地,贯穿于对仁心与义理的理 解和实践的整个人生的过程。千年以来,中国人受教育的起点是从儿童时期的《三字经 》开始,识字的过程就是明白做人的常识与常理的过程,配合家庭的清扫和礼仪而知進 退之道。在儿童早期的教育中,就打下了启发人良知和理性及人与人之间基本礼仪的文 明和教养的基础。在这以后的经典学习中,强调的背诵和实践之中的领悟,以背诵为基 础,以社会实践为目地,形成了以圣贤的正理正道奠定的正邪、善恶与大是大非而识人 之兴衰、人事更替之根本大理的诚意、正心而修身,進而齐家、平天下的整套完整的书 本理论和社会实践相结合的教育体系。形成了人人通情达理,个个礼貌文明的整体社会 风貌,加上特殊的二元社会的宗族和乡绅为社会日常的自治管理结构,这样的社会人人 自觉的抵制不良习气,道德败坏的人无立足之地,这是过去中国的教育结果,文明礼仪 之邦的根本原因。 这是“文化”的根本意义和这个名词的本意:文以载道,以道化人! 反观中国的近代教育,从现代的语文课本看,都是为了识字而编造的无任何内涵的文章 。教育部门的教育脱离了“文以载道”的基本功能,学生读书脱离了明理和明德及对仁 心与义理的理解和实践,而语文及道德教育的文章,不是西学渐進以后形成的宣扬个人 的情绪和无病呻吟感性之作,就是编造历史鼓吹“斗争哲学”的内容,这样反仁心与理 性及文明礼仪教育的结果就是误人子弟,把学生变成了“识字不明理”的自绝与中西传 统文化和现代文明的反人性和理性的新一代文盲!这也是 50年代以后教育的成果,从 那以后,没有基本的是非概念、没有基本正邪与善恶分辨能力的反人性道德的识字文盲 和流氓成了中国知识分子的主流。 现代书生“文盲”多,表面看识字率...

The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation

Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment in China (0121584)

Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment in China (0121584) Virginia Tech. - Postdoc Field of Interest: hep-ex Experiment: DAYA-BAY , LBNE Deadline: 2012-05-31 Region: North America Job description: Postdoctoral Researcher Position on Daya Bay at Virginia Tech The Center for Neutrino Physics at Virginia Tech invites applications for one postdoctoral associate position. The Virginia Tech group is involved in the study of neutrino oscillations. The successful candidate will work primarily on the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment in China. Specific duties will include data analysis and maintenance of the muon calibration and RPC high voltage systems. Duties may also include supervising and coordinating the work of other researchers and personnel, especially graduate and undergraduate students, and development of future efforts such as LBNE. The successful applicant must hold a Ph.D. in experimental particle or nuclear physics. Experience with hardware and data ...

Linear regression

In statistics , linear regression is an approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar variable y and one or more explanatory variables denoted X . The case of one explanatory variable is called simple regression . More than one explanatory variable is multiple regression . In linear regression, data are modeled using linear functions , and unknown model parameters are estimated from the data. Such models are called linear models . Most commonly, linear regression refers to a model in which the conditional mean of y given the value of X is an affine function of X . Less commonly, linear regression could refer to a model in which the median , or some other quantile of the conditional distribution of y given X is expressed as a linear function of X . Like all forms of regression analysis , linear regression focuses on the conditional probability distribution of y given X , rather than on the joint probability distribution of y and X , which is the domain of mult...