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Showing posts from April 8, 2012

Fwd: Volunteering to help with GRE study group.

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Scott Pratt < > Date: Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 5:45 PM Subject: Volunteering to help with GRE study group. To: Generic Mailing List < > Dear Grad Students, Dr. Bauer recently sent out a letter requesting volunteers to help the undergrads study for the GRE, and I thought this would be a good time to encourage you as a group to volunteer with outreach activities. In the next few years, you will be applying for jobs, as postdocs, in industry, or teaching for small colleges. Many of you will also be considered for special fellowships or awards. In each of these instances you will be sending out CVs, and strangers will be forming an opinion and judging you by a piece of paper. As a person who has read many CVs, I can tell you that one aspect of a person's personality and character one would like to understand is whether a person is outgoing, interactive, personable and positive. A few outreach activi...

Big Data Analyst

Big Data Analyst Seeking a creative, highly quantitative Data Analyst with 2-4 years of experience, working with large data sets to create large-scale analytical solutions to client driven business problems; leading to substantial business impact. Requirements Background -          BS/MS in a highly analytical discipline (Computer Science/Physics/Mathematics ) -          Must possess a solid understanding of concepts in statistics;  strong background in vector/matrix arithmetic preferred -          2-5 years of professional, relevant experience -          At least 1 year of experience working on customer-facing application; knowledge of data warehouse applications is a plus   Technology -          Experience working with databases, manipulating...

Amazon Phone Interview (Amazon 电话 面经)

发信人: dingzj (Jason), 信区: JobHunting 标  题: Amazon Phone Interview (Amazon 电话 面经) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 20 00:24:36 2010, 美东) 简单介绍下背景:HR不知道从哪里找到我的简历(貌似在monster上),就给我这个机 会interview。本人是一般学校(排名100外)的CS Ph.D,今年底能毕业吧。有过工业界的 internship经验。因为Ph.D一直在搞research,所以编程,算法和技巧大部分都是从这 个版里面学的,经常潜水。以前课堂上也学到一些,但只是个基础。 本周四面的,面试官应该是一个美国人,说话有点不清楚还快,幸亏没到周杰伦的地步 。因为简历里面貌似research的东西很多,所以面试官上来就说,我们这个是纯编程+ 一点点research方面的东西,问我是不是我想要的。我连忙说,都行,扯了一堆生怕马 上挂掉. 此外,也被问了很多基础问题,考察我的技术。HR通知的是一个小时的面试, 结果打了1个小时40分钟.期间,他在不停地找题目,我也在不停地扯,防止冷场。不知 道为什么,面试前紧张的要命,面试时反而更能说。刚开始问了我喜欢用Java还是用C 回答问题,我选了Java.尽管java很不熟,只写过几个程序,但是有OO的概念,而且C++ 的东西貌似更难回答.闲话少说,上题目。 -----------Interviewed Questions----------- 0. Describe one of your recent projects in school. 1. What does Abstract class do? Why? 2. How does Java Garbage Collection work? 3. Java keywords meaning and differences: Final, finally, finalize 4. In an array, all numbers show even times except one number shows odd times. Find it. 5. BST operation times. Wors...