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Showing posts from December 3, 2017

Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse

Here are the keyboard/mouse I used. Keyboard - $99: The lifter - $36: Vertical Mouse - $91: In total comes to $226. I think keyboard and the lifter is most helpful. The total is $135 for keyboard + lifter. Another one: Microsoft - Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Wireless USB Keyboard and Mouse


不能光看贼吃肉,不看贼挨打。作为业内人士,给买房的泼点凉水,尤其是人在中国想 买美国房产的人泼点凉水。 1)。 美国的房子持有成本很高。 不像国内买完房子之后就没有什么太大的费用,美 国的房子每年要交很高的房产税。加州房产税比较低,大概1.3%-1.8% (各个城市不一 样)。意味着每年100万的房子要交1.3-1.8万的房产税,以后逐年还会增加。房产税高 的州/城市可能是3%以上。 所以买房前先要确定买房的持有成本。 2)。买卖房屋的成本比较高。 一般房屋买卖要付给中介5-6%的佣金。 虽然是卖家付 ,但是房屋有过买和卖才能完成一个循环,外加过户的费用,保险以及政府的费用等等 , 房屋买卖一次成本应该是房价的6-8%。 也就是房价涨了10%,屋主基本没挣到钱。 3)。房屋出租有风险/费用。 人在本地自己管理还好,人在外地,让物业公司管理, 物业公司管理费用是每年的8-10%,外加空房期,所以实际收入要远低于纸面上的收入 。 其实收入低点倒是小事,如果不小心遇到“租霸”可能就是血本无归”。 美国的法 律对房客的保护远远多于房东,尤其在比较左的州,离共产主义越来越近, 对地主的 仇视和穷人(房客)的保护超出你的想象。 综合以上几点,不是所有的国内人都适合买房。 我的客户中: 1)非常有钱,不在乎 盈利/回报, 但是分配一些美元资产,降低货币风险;2)已经移民或打算移民,这样 有自住的需要也可以就近管理。 至于不够富豪还打算买投资房盈利的国内买家,建议三思而后行, 我个人觉得是操卖 白粉的心去挣卖白菜的钱,不值得。 再说最近5-6年美国房价涨的猛(比国内差远了)是因为2007/2008年价格被腰斩一次, 到2011-2012年才开始从谷底出来。 美国的房地产市场很成熟,长线看是价格涨幅也就 能跟上通货膨胀而已。 是风险低但回报也不高的投资方式。

Ways You Can Identify A Phishing Mail

1   HOVER TO DISCOVER Bad guys like to hide malicious links in legitimate-sounding emails. Hover your mouse over the link in question. If the address looks weird or you’re uncertain, don’t click it. 2   WHEN IN DOUBT CALL IT OUT If you're unsure about an email or its content, send it as an attachment to "Email Abuse" and delete the original. 3   LOOK CLOSELY AT THE DETAILS Legitimate messages seldom have major spelling mistakes or poor grammar. Read email carefully and use caution with suspicious items. 4   ALARM MAY CAUSE HARM A common phishing tactic is to play on readers emotions by placing urgent or threatening language in a subject line. Beware of email that appeals to your sense of urgency. Emails urging you to take immediate action are often a red flag. Don't lose your cool... slow down and think before you act. 5   TRUST BUT VERIFY Things like email addresses and sender names are easy to fake. If you're not sure a...

鸿观 第149期 人工智能能否统治人类 每周三来优酷抢先看

Where does entrepreneurial mindset fit?

Where does entrepreneurial mindset fit? Entrepreneurial opportunities require the discovery of new relationships and interactions in the marketplace. Entrepreneurial mindset is vital to the discovery of new relationships and interactions in the marketplace that are uncertain and dynamic. Strong entrepreneurial mindset dramatically improves entrepreneurial success. By exploring entrepreneurial mindset, you can understand why less than 5% of society become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs tend to be independent individuals, intensely committed to persevering in starting and growing a venture. They are typically optimists who strive for success in their for-profit, non-profit, or social venture. They often burn with the competitive desire to excel, and use failure not as a referendum, but as a learning tool. To help build your entrepreneurial mindset, I’d like to share the one attribute present in all successful new ventures… What is needed to successfully start a new business? Most...
