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Showing posts from 2009

interesting ubuntu command

$ cal      十月 2009     一 二 三 四 五 六 日           1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31                     $ calendar 10月 22     Franz Liszt born, 1811 10月 22     N'oubliez pas les Élodie ! 10月 22     Bonne fête aux Nunillon ! 10月 22     Aujourd'hui, c'est la St(e) Salomé. 10月 22     Franz Liszt geboren, 1811 10月 23     Battle of Leyte Gulf begins, 1944 10月 23     Day of the 1956 revolution in Hungary 10月 23     Earth created at 6:30 AM, 4004BC. 10月 23     Swallows leave Capistrano 10月 23     Chulalongkron's Day in Thailand 10月 23     UEO...

how to set ssh server on ubuntu

1. Install OpenSSH server sudo apt-get install openssh-server  2. Configure sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config uncomment: #GSSAPIAuthentication yes #GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys restart ssh server: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart 3. generate putty key.  ssh-keygen ssh-keygen will generate two keys:private and public. We need to change the name of the public: cd ~/.ssh mv authorized_keys and copy private key id_isa to client machine, and delete the one on server machine. 4.  log on PuTTyGen --> Load, select id_rsa --> passphrase --> Save PrivateKey PuTTy, Session: input server machine IP. Connection->SSH->Auth->Browse choose the private key you just saved

muon out of sync error codes

import sys #sys.path.append('../') #sys.path.append('/online/products/l3ms_util_clients/v00-04-11/Linux/bin') #sys.path.append('.\widgets') #from Tkinter import * from types import * from guimaker import * from L2dfCanvas import * from MonitorClient import * from StripChart import * from simpletextbrowser import * #from l2logparse import * #import sys import getopt #import checkrefcounts from SEClient import * from SE_Message import * import d0online_names import SETestPorts from  L2df2 import * from tkMessageBox import showinfo from time import sleep class L2MisInputs(Monitor_Client):     def __init__(self,parent=None,opts=None):         Monitor_Client.__init__(self,parent,opts)         #GUIMaker.__init__(self,parent)     #L2dfGUI.__init__(self)     self.missing_inputs={'muc':[],'muf':[], 'muc_slic':[],'muf_slic':[]}    ...

merge job outputs in order to have ONE root file per sample

cd /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd vi /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ change reco=p17 nohup /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd QCD MU > & merge_mu.log & nohup /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd QCD CC > & merge_cc.log & vi /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ change reco=p20 nohup /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd QCD MU > & merge_mu.log & nohup /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009/top_cafe/macros/singletop/ /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd QCD CC > & merge_cc.log & ** these jobs are run...

Check SAM Outputs for MU.

10:48 top_cafe/macros/singletop/ -r p17 -a MU -s QCD -d VJets_MUinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIa_v1_singletop_02052009 /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd 10:49 top_cafe/macros/singletop/ -r p20 -a MU -s QCD -d VJets_MUinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009 /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd Both are OK. So now we have finished for small QCD.

Snapshots for QCD

VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIa_v1_singletop_02052009 VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_ RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009 VJets_MUinclusive_Moriond09_ RunIIa_v1_singletop_02052009 VJets_MUinclusive_Moriond09_ RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009

Submit the jobs for MU

landshark-clued0:/work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009> top_cafe/configs/singletop/ p20 MU qcd zero /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd Input parameters: p20 MU qcd zero /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd/jobtarball_10-Feb-2009.tar.gz cabsrv1 Create/update the tarball /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd/jobtarball_10-Feb-2009.tar.gz using everything under /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009 ? [y/n] ## press n. Submitting QCD... Sample QCD # - Submitting job 1 -- p20_MU_QCD_PreTag runcafe -no-outdir-check -dest=cabsrv1 -outdir=/prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd -name=p20_MU_QCD_PreTag -def=VJets_MUinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2 -jobs=80 -- top_cafe/configs/singletop/mujets_p21/SingleTopMuJets_Reverse_RunIIb_recaf.config VJets.TempTree: TMBTree VJets.Analysis: MU VJets.SampleCode: p20_MU_QCD_PreTag Created subm...

Recovering failed SAM jobs

> cd /d0mino/weigang landshark-clued0:/d0mino/weigang> grep "VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009" p20_CC_QCD_PreTag.o* p20_CC_QCD_PreTag.o3847237:Dataset definition name: VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009 ID: 1607119 landshark-clued0:/d0mino/weigang> vi p20_CC_QCD_PreTag.o3847237 search "project" (/project). Stopping the project weigang_32402_20090205222821 Project 'weigang_32402_20090205222821' on station 'fnal-cabsrv1' has been stopped Project Name: weigang_32402_20090205222821 ID: 3387333 No of files in snapshot: 6640 Snapshot ID: 2191551 Dataset definition name: VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009 ID: 1607119 Station Name: fnal-cabsrv1 ID: 406 Username: weigang ID: 1253 Work Group Name: dzero ID: 37 cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/Morion2009 setup sam sam get project summary --project=weigang_32402_20090205222821 sam generate strict recovery project --projec...

Check SAM Job Outputs

use script top_cafe/macros/singletop/ to check if the processed number of events is the same with total number of events in the data set. ## check p17 top_cafe/macros/singletop/ -r p17 -a CC -s QCD -d VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIa_v1_singletop_02052009 /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd # everything is good. ## check p20 top_cafe/macros/singletop/ -r p20 -a CC -s QCD -d VJets_EMinclusive_Moriond09_RunIIb_v2_singletop_02052009 /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd # need resubmit failed jobs.

Connecting to FNAL machine under windows.

Here's how to connect under Ubuntu Linux. A patched version of PuTTY which supports Kerberos/gssapi authentication can be found at Download the zip file to your desktop and unzip it. You will also need to download and install MIT Kerberos for Windows. The Kerberos for Windows installer can be found at The MIT Kerberos download page. To get your Kerberos ticket : Select Start ->All Programs->Kerberos for Windows->Network Identity Manager Enter your Kerberos principal, password and FNAL.GOV for the realm and click Login. Launch putty and click on the Auth configuration category. * Make sure that the Attempt Kerberos 5 GSSAPI/SSPI auth (SSH2) checkbox is checked. * Make sure that the Allow Kerberos 5 ticket forwarding in GSSAPI/SSPI checkbox is checked. To connect to the FNA...


########################################### # # Single top e+jets signal selection, data # ########################################### cafe.Include: top_cafe/configs/singletop/ejets_p21/SingleTopEJets_Base_p21_recaf.config cafe.Input: /rooms/roadhouse3/top_write/aguiloe/vjets_recaffed_skim/test_em/p17/vjets-recaffed-ejets-fall2008_CAF-CSGv1-CSskim-EMinclusive-20060315-085934-2192417_p17.09.03_143348_p18.13.00.root cafe.Progress: 5000 VJets.SampleName: p17_CC_QCD_Test cafe.Output: %{VJets.SampleName}_Topo.root VJets.RecoVer: p17 VJets.DataSet: EMinclusive_Moriond2009 VJets.Triggers: EM_MegaOR VJets.EMInput_Branch: EMscone ########################################### QCDElectronHook.Run: Group(QCDElectron) qcd_electron.Quality: Loose qcd_electron.Version: 12 VJets.VetoEM_Quality: %{qcd_electron.Quality} VJets.VetoEM_Version: %{qcd_electron.Version} VJets.VetoEM_Nmax: 1 VJets.LooseEM_Qua...

Submit jobs using the submission script for Small QCD.

0. setups cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop source setenv.csh 1. Copy Victor's script. cp /work/polk-clued0/baites/Moriond2009/top_cafe/configs/singletop/ top_cafe/configs/singletop 2. Find a large output directory. In this case we used some UIC disks. cd /rooms/bulls mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd 3. Run the script. cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop top_cafe/configs/singletop/ p17 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd top_cafe/configs/singletop/ p20 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd # Tips: If you just run top_cafe/configs/singletop/, it will give you the options to choose. Very useful. # Later when I have the authority to /prj_root, the command would be something like: top_cafe/configs/singletop/ p17 CC qcd zero /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/RunIIa/qcd The above script act...

Configuring kerberos on Ubuntu Linux

1/ Install kinit sudo apt-get install krb5-user 2/ Configure your krb5.conf 1. wget [* A copy is saved here, in case the above link does not work.] 2. sudo mv /etc/krb5.conf /etc/ 3. sudo mv krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf 3/ Log on to Fermilab cluster. kinit -f -n weigang@FNAL.GOV ssh 4/ Reference

First single top setup make.log

Executing codegen script Installing script make_processor. Installing script WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! Executing codegen script Executing codegen script Executing codegen script WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! WARNING: LIBRARIES file is obsolete and will be ignored! Installing script make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode. Generating rootcint dictionary Jet2DPlotter_dict. Generating rootcint dictionary Jet2DTRFPlotter_dict. Generating rootcint dictionary JetMuonSubPlotter_dict...