0. setups
cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop
source setenv.csh
1. Copy Victor's script.
cp /work/polk-clued0/baites/Moriond2009/top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh top_cafe/configs/singletop
2. Find a large output directory. In this case we used some UIC disks.
cd /rooms/bulls
mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd
mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd
3. Run the script.
cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p17 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p20 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd
# Tips: If you just run top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh, it will give you the options to choose. Very useful.
# Later when I have the authority to /prj_root, the command would be something like:
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p17 CC qcd zero /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/RunIIa/qcd
The above script actually creates the submission script.
Before running, check if everything is correct:
vi submit_p17_CC_qcd.sh
vi submit_p20_CC_qcd.sh
Next we just run the submission script:
4. Finally check status.
Check the running status:
qstat @d0cabsrv1 -u weigang
After running, check the output directory: to see if everything looks fine. For example,
cd p17_CC_QCD_PreTag_20090130154623-3788665.d0cabsrv1.fnal.gov/
vi cafe.out
there are two extra jobs. The deliverer and closer. No problem.
data flow is like RECO --skim--> CAF Dataset(on SAM) --skim2--> preTagged Samples (before b-tagging).
cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop
source setenv.csh
1. Copy Victor's script.
cp /work/polk-clued0/baites/Moriond2009/top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh top_cafe/configs/singletop
2. Find a large output directory. In this case we used some UIC disks.
cd /rooms/bulls
mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd
mkdir -p Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd
3. Run the script.
cd /work/landshark-clued0/weigang/p2112_singletop
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p17 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIa/qcd
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p20 CC qcd zero /rooms/flames/weigang/Moriond2009/RunIIb/qcd
# Tips: If you just run top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh, it will give you the options to choose. Very useful.
# Later when I have the authority to /prj_root, the command would be something like:
top_cafe/configs/singletop/submit_p21_recaf.sh p17 CC qcd zero /prj_root/2671/top_write/weigang/RunIIa/qcd
The above script actually creates the submission script.
Before running, check if everything is correct:
vi submit_p17_CC_qcd.sh
vi submit_p20_CC_qcd.sh
Next we just run the submission script:
4. Finally check status.
Check the running status:
qstat @d0cabsrv1 -u weigang
After running, check the output directory: to see if everything looks fine. For example,
cd p17_CC_QCD_PreTag_20090130154623-3788665.d0cabsrv1.fnal.gov/
vi cafe.out
there are two extra jobs. The deliverer and closer. No problem.
data flow is like RECO --skim--> CAF Dataset(on SAM) --skim2--> preTagged Samples (before b-tagging).
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