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5月13日B2面签 超多问题,基本啥也没看

x 今天上午面签了,排了很久的队。签证出来还挺高兴的说时间不长,但没想到邮局那队都不怎么前进。。。总计3小时,还是袋鼠国好,不用面签,嘿嘿

本想着10 1去玩,刚好表妹毕业礼在米国,想借这个签吧,结果约到没几天就她毕业礼的时间,算啦算啦,就不提她了,就完全旅游吧

北京,B2,自助游,我和父母,白人MM超nice. 问题超多,但只看了房产本这一样东东,连工作证明都没看,枉费我准备那么多东西,哼!


  --I was studying in UK for one year for my master degree.
When did u finish that?
Well, What's ur major?
What did u do after that?
  --Have been working in BJ.
What's ur job?
How long have u been working here?
  --This company? 5 years.
What's ur salary?
  --per month?

Do you know anyone in US?
  --Yes, one of my roomate in college is working in Boston.
Will u meet her?


r u married?
Do u own house?
  --Yes, 拿房产证,解释下咋回事。






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