Gina Trapani Feature 9/23/05 5:33pm 826,10236 Geek to Live: How to access a home server behind a router/firewall
Recent Lifehacker features have covered how to run a personal web server, how to control your home computer from anywhere, and how to set up a personal wiki.
For users on a home network with a router installed, home servers are
not accessible from the Internet because of many modern routers'
built-in firewall.
Today we'll cover how to open up specific ports on your router to allow access to a home server behind a firewall.
note: this tutorial is for advanced users. Your router's firewall is
there to protect you from evildoers who try to control your computer
over the Internet. Make sure that any service you expose to the Internet
is secured with a strong password.
outside access to an internal computer on a home network requires that
you set up NAT - "network address translation," or port forwarding.
Forwarding sends requests for ports on the outside of your firewall to
the right computer on the inside.
instance, someone on the outside requests a page from a web server at
your router's IP address. With port forwarding set up, your router knows
to forward requests for port 80 (a web server's default port) to the
computer with the web server running only - and none of the others on
your network.
forwarding is only necessary when you want to expose a service to
computers on the Internet outside your firewall. Some servers you'd want
to do that with:
- a home web server
- a personal wiki
- a BitTorrent client uploading as well as downloading
- a VNC server
- a home FTP server
While all routers vary slightly, port forwarding is fairly simple. Here's how to get it set up:
Step 1. Determine your server's internal IP address.
All the
computers on your internal network have an IP address which looks
something like 192.168.0.XXX. Get on the computer with the server
running and open a command window. Then type
to determine the machine's internal address, like so:C:\Gina>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
In this case, as you can see, the server's internal IP address is
Step 2. Configure your router.
routers have an web-based administrative interface that's located at (This address does depend on your model. Consult
your router user guide for more info.)
Once you've
gone to the router administration, entered the password (if one is set
up), there should be an area called "Port forwarding." There, you'll set
the port number that requests from the Internet will come in, and the
internal computer that should fulfill those requests. Here's a
screenshot of my Netgear router set up to port forward 5900 to my VNC
server, which is at (see above). Click on the image to see a
larger version.
Here's a table of common services and their default port numbers.
Service | Port number |
Web server | 80 |
VNC (remote control) | 5900 |
Instiki wiki | 2500 |
FTP | 21 |
BitTorrent | 6881-6990 |
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