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标  题: 请问接受offer之前,如何与HR拖延时间

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FatWallet Coupons and Deals发信人: ttxs2010 (ttxs2010), 信区: EE
标  题: 请问接受offer之前,如何与HR拖延时间
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 23 18:07:49 2016, 美东)


next week。 所以目前我寄希望于下周面的公司立刻就能发offer。


周考虑”或者实话实说 “我还在等其他公司,所以不用着急给我offer或者给我一些时


a week is normally too long. recruiters usually have backup candidates. If 
you are not coming, they will switch to plan B. Asking for a week directly 
is pretty an obvious sign that your interest level is not high.

I would ask how much time you have to think about. I think they will give 
you 2-3 days, unless it is a senior leadership position (meaning that it is 
very hard to find the right candidate).

It's a free market. Everyone is trying to get the best deal for himself. You

are. They are, too.


  1. Thank you for the read. Honestly you covered the topic and broadly examined all
    areas. If i was to write this i would have done a few things differently myself but you have definitely inspired me to get into the world of blogging. Thanks heaps for the post i really appreciate it. Have a good day and keep blogging


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