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发信人: guofeng (中国风), 信区: Military
标  题: CNBC: 谷歌对华为终止部分服务
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 19 15:24:51 2019, 美东)

Alphabet’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the
transfer of hardware and software products except those covered by open
source licenses, a source close to the matter told Reuters on Sunday, in a
blow to the Chinese technology company that the U.S. government has sought
to blacklist around the world.

Huawei Technologies will immediately lose access to updates to the Android
operating system, and the next version of its smartphones outside of China
will also lose access to popular applications and services including the
Google Play Store and Gmail app.

Details of the specific services were still being discussed internally at
Google, according to the source. Huawei attorneys are also studying the
impact of the U.S. Commerce Department’s actions, a Huawei spokesman said
on Friday. Huawei was not immediately reachable for further comment.

Representatives of the U.S. Commerce Department did not immediately have

Huawei will continue to have access to the version of the Android operating
system available through the open source license that is freely open to
anyone who wishes to use it.

But Google will stop providing any technical support and collaboration for
Android and Google services to Huawei going forward, the source said.

On Thursday the Trump administration officially added Huawei to a trade
blacklist, immediately enacting restrictions that will make it extremely
difficult for the technology giant to do business with U.S. companies.


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