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Why is 'ls' suddenly wrapping items with spaces in single quotes?

I just noticed that on one of my machines (running Debian Sid) whenever I type ls any file name with spaces has single quotes surrounding it.
I immediately checked my aliases, only to find them intact.
wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls
'test 1.txt'  test1.txt
wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ alias
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias wget='wget --content-disposition'
Another test, with files containing single quotes in their names (also answering a request by jimmij):
wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls
'test 1.txt'  test1.txt  'thishasasinglequotehere'\''.txt'
wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ touch "'test 1.txt'"
wyatt@debian630:~/testdir$ ls
''\''test 1.txt'\'''  test1.txt
'test 1.txt'          'thishasasinglequotehere'\''.txt'
update with new coreutils-8.26 output (which is admittedly much less confusing, but still irritating to have by default). Thanks to Pádraig Brady for this printout:
$ ls
"'test 1.txt'"   test1.txt
'test 1.txt'    "thishasasinglequotehere'.txt"

$ ls -N
'test 1.txt'  test1.txt
test 1.txt    thishasasinglequotehere'.txt
Why is this happening? How do I stop it properly?
to clarify, I myself set ls to automatically color output. It never put quotes around things before.
I'm running bash and coreutils 8.25.
EDIT: Appears the coreutils developers thought (link) it would be a good idea to make that a global default despite breaking the principle of least astonishment as well as 46+ years of UNIX tradition.
Any way to fix this without a recompile?

UPDATE - October 2017 - Debian Sid has re-enabled the shell escape quoting by default. This is just getting ridiculous.
And at the bottom of the reply chain to the previous bug report, "the change was intentional and will remain."
I thought this was settled. Apparently not.
UPDATE: April 2019: Just found a supurious bug report in PHP that was caused by this change to ls. When you're confusing developers and generating false bug reports, it's time to re-think your changes.
Update: Android toybox ls is now doing something similar to this but with backslashes instead of quotes. Using the -q option makes spaces render as 'question mark characters' (I have not checked what they are, since they're obviously not spaces), so the only fix I have found so far without rooting the device in question is to add this to a script and source it when launching a shell. This function makes ls use columns if in a terminal and otherwise print one-per-line, while tricking ls into printing spaces verbatim because it's running through a pipe.
ls() {
    # only way I can stop ls from escaping with backslashes
    if [ -t 1 ]; then
        /system/bin/ls -C "$@" |cat
        /system/bin/ls "$@" |cat


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